Tuesday 1 June 2021

Fragments of Zero v.65

Somewhere in the future, people have holograms only they could see. They walk around while being able to see their rear, top, sides, and their own body from different angles.

In the parliament a group of young politicians are fighting against a group of other senior politicians who wanted to change the constitution...

Young 1: You guys should stop all of you are out of your minds

Young 2: Yeah! we are not going to change anything!

Old 1: You young insolent should just shut up, you acted like you know, you have no idea

Old 2: People have been turning off the update to destroy themselves, soon we are going to have crazy people walk around on the street like the times of your grandfathers you stupid, hormonally driven, sex machines

Young 2: And you guys seem to want to bring all of us down into the dirt

Young 3: Hey! hush it! (he pulled her hand back to stopped her from saying more)

--- What they are debating now is whether or not a clause in the constitution that gives a right to the people to switch on/off the hologram data cloud synchronization should be taken out of the law. What triggered this agenda was that people have been hacking into the application to alter data sent into the cloud from their own devices. They usually do this when they wanted to use certain drugs, or wanted to go somewhere in secret, or even just sending bad data to the network. However, this law also protects people's privacy when they were having sex, in a deep thoughts of problems they don't want to share with, or when they just wanted a personal private peace of mind moment with themselves. ---

After an hour of endless disagreements,

Old party member 1: Alright honorable members of the parliament lets proceed to article 11 of the proposal

Young 1: Excuse me we haven't finished talking about article 10

Old party member 3: There's just no ending to this, let's talk about article 11 and then deal with that one since this also important

Young 3:  (he's right we could be here forever without progress...)

Young 1: Alright your honor

Old 1: Since we are moving on now why don't you state your position first about article 11

Young 2: Thank you your honor.

Members of the parliament, respected representatives, Article 11 talks about the role of companies in monitoring the quote unquote properness... of their employee's devices whenever they were in the viscinity

Old 30: It wasn't just about that please speak under the context of the wording of the article itself. You're just driving everybody back to the previous loop. 

Young 1: *Clears Throat, Article 11 gives quote unquote power to workplaces to examine thoroughly the compliance of their employees concerning some laws. Members of a parliament as a business owner I testify, this is obviously obligations instead of power. 

Furthermore the employees are diversified groups of people who are free and unique, I perceived this article and this whole proposal to be a pandora box in disguise that's trying to homogenize and simplify the complexity of human beings, wanting to enable governments to micro manage the people instead of honoring the market mechanism or the objective need to always do research on the anthropology of the people. This honorable panels, are proof of lazyness by the government who wants to make things easier for them. 

What is next? For now competent people of the government might be able to monitor 10.000 companies at a time, what's going to happen to the other million and millions of other companies that are not under the constant surveillance of the government? In one way or another the intelligence power is going to be used to root out these companies, they would be considered as nuisance of the agenda. 

Young 2: Yes panels this is not the problem of governance! this is the problem of the agenda behind the order itself, the next government might not have the same attention span as now, what's going to happen then? They're going to get rid of the other 5000, and then what's next? The children of the presidents are going to be declared prince or princess and then became the next government and then with their incompatibility, incompetence, stupidity, reduced the number again to only 10 companies!!? (raised her voice), dictatorism, barbarism, mental illness!

Old 1: Calm down Miss Merit you're soon to be out of line!

(The rest of the panel berated her with whispers as well as shouting)

Old 22: You're the barbaric one Miss, now sit down and let your speaker talk! Learn to stay in the topic of the issue

Young 2: Hypocrite as if we are that stupid!

(*gasps of some members of the panel, and the rest of them shook their heads or covered their faces)

Miss Merit: I'm sorry your honor

Old 2: council guards please escort Miss Merit out of the chamber...

Miss Merit: What, why

Young 3: Your honor Miss Merit didn't say that s word towards the honorable member nor towards this council, it was "as if we are that stupid"

Miss Merit: Yes, I probably was talking too quickly

Old 31: Take her out! (followed by loud comments and clapping of the fellow party members)

The guards escorted Miss Merit out of the room, a couple times she shouted injustice in disagreement while people were sipping their drinks and and smirked at her. However, hostility was not in the air.


Old 31: Oh my God that lady is loud (talking off mike)

Old 32: She had sometime as a prosecutor in the border city of Port 7, South Mile. She was in a team that arrested that guy the hacker God... 

Old 31: Oh him

Old 32: Yeah, and I think that guy who's sitting right next to (Young 3) was another one of them

Old 31: He's been awfully expressionless throughout 

Old 32: .... 

Old 31: I don't know I think... (he suddenly lifted up his hand asking to be heard)

Old 1: Yes Mr. (?) please...

Old 31: As much as an unnecessary and embarassing of a scene that was, I think she got a point. We remembered what happened with that company O-Mono... that orange juice company.

Old 2: That was an agriculture company spanning almost the entire continent

Old 31: Yes yes, could you imagine that scenario if we were to allow the government to be reduced into such oligarchy? There might be good synergy but if there's one bad leadership somewhere... we can't really mend the unimaginable damage they could risk us eventually.

Young 1: If I may your honor,

Old 1: Please...

Young 1: That is our concern here, there is no need for such intense surveillance when we already could manage thing from the point of view of results of each entities. 

Old 3: I agree, but there are some of us who probably is still unsure of your stance on this. Please elaborate further... zoom in on the issue will you.

Young 1: Yes Mr (?) (elderly honorifics), thank you. We believe that the government's proposal is proposterous in a way that it insinuates that we are losing control over our people. We are not losing control over our people anymore than we ever do, we could see what trouble is there through the results of people's actions and create measures accordingly. 

All this time through the leadership of the late President (?) which is now the Governor of (?) Province, such problems are always identified and approached promptly. The fact that now it suddenly became a "trouble" only because some conspiratory groups manipulated the prices of subscriptions and so currencies in the market doesn't constitute the obseleteness of the discipline. 

Panelists if we would just accept the warnings from the young entrepreneurs associations, digital property associations, open security societies, and many more... of how a company had been manipulating the significance of their blockchain identities, we would've taken early precautions. But the government had refused to take the matter promptly, secretary of the presidency didn't even put it in the official agenda, and now they wanted to pull this acrobatic excuse of lack of surveillance in the digital world for the rest of us? This is absurdity, this is like my collegue said, the proposal of stupidity, cancer, that's not needed in our administration. 

Old 2: Excuse me young brother, please don't use that word in this occassion you should know better

Young 1: (Silenced for a while)... Thank you Mr. (?). So, as I said we could all see what the current governments have been doing, that problem is not the only one. Ongoing there's the issue of hoarding happening in the most end of the distribution chain, hacking applications undeterred by the digital authorities, who gave such backing that prevented them from being arrested? Are we going to refuse to acknowledge this reality as well? As I'm speaking right now there are thousands of manipulated transactions happening uncorrected, while our server, excuse me... the private servers of the open security communities are bombarded with notifications of illegal transmissions readings. This matter is already beyond the veil of a doubt is a widespread hijacking of our administration.

Young 4 (the guy that had been sitting at the front quietly): If I may my friend... 

Young: Yes please take over, thank you very much

Young 4: Honored chamber of representatives, I wouldn't add much to the very clear elaboration of my friends including Miss Merit that has been kicked out. What seems to be dangerous in article 11 is the fact that it is a result of some departments of the government are not getting the accurate data of the state of the economy, and therefore the people. I believe they had experienced this problem for a while and for one reason or the other they had to implement a different measures in order to mitigate some issues or I believe dangers. 

Thanks to the young entrepreneur associations, and the open security society I had sent some samples for us to see, of quote unquote illegal transmissions of identity data. Such to give name to interactions and the correct labels to interactions concerning the distributions of agriculture produce, interactions between the companies within the chain, and unidentified parties. 

We had been reconciling such lines ourselves just so we, privately could tell on our own which identities were significant to us and which are unqualified. However even for our private standards, such things were too much of an abuse. 

(Members of the Old Party started to browse through the newly sent files)...

The point is we experience ourselves that the timing of the manufacturing and the distribution of goods were wrong, the intellectual and labor market experienced jitters like never before, and people are starting to lose seamlessness of work that we had been enjoying for the past 15 years or more, since the MAGI liberation - technology revolution. 

This whole hacking of invaluable data, the prevention of governmental promptness, and the proposal to implement this ruse of a constitution / amendment is actually an excuse to divert us from holding this leadership accountable for their compliance to these schemes.

Old 1: But you can't really say, I mean it is easy to say this company that company, the government this the government that. Who exactly is responsible for such issues? I'm not trying to make this a trial of justice but I want us to not point fingers at the whole aggregation as the culprit while ignoring all of the well meaned and well processed reasons behind their policies. Panels I think we are starting to need more perspectives on the matter

Old 100: I personally agree with our younger brothers and sisters right here, it is indeed easy to point fingers but that's the point. If we let this, inclination, to pass into law we are going to start to see imbalances of responsibilities. With knowledge comes responsibilities, what I'm worried about is where people are supposed to be responsible we had to always take into accounts these companies and the ruling government and their system, because upon all actions they too had something to do with that...

(before he finished his sentences)

Young 1 and 3: Exactly!

Old 1: Order, order, Mr (?) and Mr (?)!

Young 1: Pardon us

Old 100: It's ok, it is entirely natural response. We just seem to have overlooked the fact that what happened before with the Agriculture company was an issue equal to thousands of companies. People just felt that it has been dealt with, just because the ruling was made on a case made by the officials out of limited investigations. What is left to be seen is that it was just one investigation... correct me on this

Old 3: I agree with Dr. (?) I myself is still troubled whether or not that Hacking God or whatever his name was is the end of the problem.

Old 150: Excuse me if I may add, so this constitutional amendment is going to ensure that each of our (phones) would always synchronize data to the government's database right?

Old 1: Mrs. (?) let us not go there again

Old 150: No no no I wont do that your honor, it is related to what Mr (Old 100) was saying, this is obviously an attempt to rip off the people, just by passing this constitution instantly the price of data dropped.

Old 100: Well not at the market, just between the people and the government but that is indeed bad

Old 150: No no no Dr. (?) they wanted the companies to mine the data as well. This is definitely going to end up in Oligopoly, they're not going to just let all companies do this and let all of those data sit idly by unprocessed. 

Old 2: You know what, I see now, I agree... 

Old 150: If it turned out to be such situations we would face significant difficulties in attributing identities to individuals, they're all going to be under the banner of the companies

Young 4: True

Old 150: I don't like this, there must be a reason behind this. Of course there are a lot of good people in the administration, but as been talked about we couldn't let the honor of some people triumphed over the efforts of genuine work

(The Young Party clapped in unison for this remark)

Old 11: Aren't you being a little too far out Mrs (?) Where in the proposal it said that companies were to collect data from their members' (phone)s? You're dancing on top of an interpretation and it is an uneven ground

Old 150: Are you jesting here cause you knew I was a dancer at some point

Old 11: *clears throat, you know what I mean it is a stretch. If you looked at it from the government's point of view, as Mr. (Old 2) have said before, they mean to crack down crimes in the digital world, the Hacking God was not alone that's for sure, but where's the rest? You put the blame on the current government but where was the previous government when it all started?

Old 2: Indeed, that's right. These impulsive new politicians should watch and learn how it is done

At this point everybody in the chamber stared at Mr. (Old 2) in disagreement

Old 2: What? It is true, they are just putting up a show throwing us in confusion. Wouldn't it only be logical that these measures are necessary for what had happened? You guys said you wanted to free the market off of manipulated merits, not that merit of course ahaha... ... ... well there you have it, the solution what is it that we are debating all this time?

Old 1: The thing is, I hate to say this as the moderator of this meeting but the proposal indeed is too specific in its nature as a constitutional amendment, some of these things could change in a matter of months or maybe even days on a special occurence. 

I know we haven't gotten to most of the parts yet but I assume all of us have read this beforehand. Am I wrong? ... Ok such is the case, do you guys want to go through the proposal all the way so that we would move on to the hearing session? Or, would we reject this one on the basis of being too unstable in nature?

Alright seems like we all agree to reject.

Old 151: Your honor could we in this meeting got chances to voice all of our opinions though? I think even though such proposal should be revised, also because of the proposal were to be revised, we should give thorough reasoning for the basis of the next revision.

Old 1: Argh... you're right, who agrees with Mrs. (?) suggestion? ... Everyone? Interesting, I guess we're still going to be here for a while. Alright everyone it is time for the individual negotiation session, the party will continue at 1 pm. (a bell sound marked the end of the current session)

Young 1: Excuse me your honor what about Miss Merit?

Old 1: Have her in

Young 1: Thank you your honor.


Reporter 1: Oh, hey look...

Cameraman: (*munching his chips in the hq) oh where... hey!

The cameraman spun the remote controlled drone looking for the female reporter as she was running. The cameraman at last saw what was she was aftering. It was Miss Merit just got out of the gate walking towards the toilet. 

Reporter 1: Miss Merit, Miss Merit do you mind a second?

Merit looked around and it was just her and the reporter in the hallway, she opened up her bag, picked up an item that looked like a metallic spring, leaned on the wall, pressed a button on it and started smoking...

Miss Merit: Actually I don't mind (blowing up her smoke), maybe I even have a while

Reporter 1: Thank you Miss Merit, mind you tell me what do you mean by that?

Miss Merit: They kicked me out

Reporter 1: Yeah?

Miss Merit: Yeah they kicked me out, after I insisted that it such stupid and dangerous law were even had a chance of being discussed. So you know, they scapegoated me, yes I know

(She turned her eyes deep into the drone's camera)

I know what you guys are doing, and why you guys are doing it, soon... wait and see. 

(She leaned back to the wall and inhaled)

Reporter 1: I know that your party has a lot of new representatives in the chamber including yourselves. They all seemed to be present today. What seemed to be the concern of this particular proposal and is this the main agenda of the party to face this problem after all?

Miss Merit: We have always been open about our agenda, corporate espionage has threatened the livelihood of us all, to the point that it had made decisions and policies for the masses. That doesn't benefit anyone at all including themselves. If they're humans that is, assume they're all are.

Reporter 1: Why do you guys focusing on the issue so much?

Miss Merit: We have long past the era of bloodspill, totalitarianism, and genocide. Well all of these didn't just happened without efforts and maintenance. The ruling party seemed to have neglected the issue and succumbed to the spoiling of the "unauditable". Now those that are supposed to be protecting the property and privacy of the people, had powerful tools to deprive humanity out of their own humanity. You could see it yourselves during the rampant fiasco that the Hacker God did to a lot of teenagers. 

Reporter 1: He made a real life squid game on them 

Miss Merit: Right under our noses. And that is nothing, such are nothing compared to what is not obvious. This has been going on for a long time and to say the murder and robbery of the privacy of the kids was the tip of the iceberg, is like saying a flag on top of the ice was the tip of the iceberg. We saw not even the glaring mountain and the avalanches that are pouring in

(suddenly she stopped and touched her ears...)

I'm sorry I got to use the pipe real quick

Reporter 1: Please, thank you Miss Merit I'll be here if you wanted to talk more

(She smiled and walked away)


In the era, gaming can be very intense. There is a technology called Isekai gaming, where players went to lay down on their beds as their internal applications were connecting to the game server. When connected their physical body would fell "asleep" while their minds kept awaken. Within this game server they could enter whatever world that the game was and played as if the characters' whole body were wholly theirs.

There was this gacha Isekai game where players became generals as their minions were fighting in a turn based, chesslike battles. The more you win, the more resources you were rewarded, and with them you could buy more and stronger soldiers to control. 

The game was quite popular with social influencers also playing them. People who lived overseas could meet their families in this game as the game was not only about battles but also a social platform. Surely the game was teaming with people 24x7 and the world became like another extension of real life. Companies advertised their products, and individuals provided services such as consulting, designing, clerical, as well as battle mates for new players who needed quick experience points.

The main attraction of the game are their characters, the soldiers are characters with interesting personalities, visual designs, and voice acting. Each and every one of the characters have their own followings just like celebrities in real life. At this point in time the game has been running for more than a year and the average players have already collected 50 characters out of 100 that are available in the gacha.  

From the beginning, the game has keep on updating new arenas and battle variations with different types of rewards. There were fortress sieges, mirror battles, escape, free hostages, etc. Recently there is a dimensional boss mode where characters were transported to another dimension to fight a boss fight there. This particular mode is a high difficulty mode not only because of the strength of the opponents but because characters who got transported can not escape from the dimension unless they managed to defeat the boss. So if you transported weak characters, then say goodbye to them. Sure you could always visit the dimension again to kept on trying, but until you're done, you are that much weaker as a player. 

When this feature were introduced, the boss fight was pretty hard but a lot of people managed to succeed. Then it gained a lot of popularity because those who succeed really enjoyed the experience. It continued 3 more season, until the 4th one, "Balthazar", this particular boss took everyone by surprise. Not only it appeared to came from the weak regular human race, its spells and skills were normal common skills players knew, it really didn't appear scary at all. But oh so wrong, this is the hardest dimensional boss that was released, it seemed that the A.I was a full blown the hardest known A.I in the world. A lot of veteran players participated in the event as well as the highly promising rookies, they all sent their strongest characters/team of characters, few of them got through, but a lot of them stucked. They've tried again and again, day after day, weeks, and now a month... now we could say that these characters were pretty much gone. The community was in a turmoil. 

"What is this devs?" a comment appeared in the developer's social media page (in this platform the comments were mostly voice comments instead of texts)

"The game has committed suicide, the game sabotaged itself!" a famous influencer shouted in his own timeline

"I quit, this game is crazy, the devs are stupid!" another comment shouted with rage. 

Despite all the turmoil, the player base didn't go down, in 2 weeks they even exploded into a million players more. All this situation got the public curious, and as they visited the realm in order to know whats up, they got hooked by the gameplay. 

"Annoucement, announcement players!"

All the players who were inside the town hall gathered at the middle, their mini screens could watch what's happening in the real world as well as in other social media platform. 

"Please open this video link"

A link was posted by the administrator to everyone's screen... 

"Its the director, its the director himself!"

"Guys, this is the director himself talking!"

The news spread throughout the realm, and other players left what they were doing and went to access the link. The director has been well known by the community as a nice and polite person who always came with good news for the players. 

"Good afternoon everyone, thank you for listening to this video, and thank you for playing Love Love Tactics - Mayhem"

WWWUUUOOOOOOOO!!! the crowd shouted thunderously

The director waited for the crowd to calm before he continued

"It has been 4 seasons now since the release of the dimensional boss feature, and so far we are pleased that it received a lot of participants especially from the most loyal players of this game... 

"Fix it!"

"Money Grabber!"

"Tooo Haaard!"

"Its a trap, its a trap!"

"Free our soldiers!"

"Free our soldiers!"

"Free our soldiers!" at this point the crowd started to chant together, making it the first online and worldwide synchronized chant at this scale ever.

"Shut up Shut UUUUPPPP!" the director shouted

Everyone was surprised with this response, all this time they've never saw him not being nice ever. 

"OROKAMONO, you guys think such weak players are going to survive in this Isekai?! Think again!... I have been waiting for this moment all my life, and now you all have proven me right Hu HA HA HA HA HA!"

"Huh what is this? What happened?"

"This is Balthazar the latest battle A.I of this game. This is the masterpiece of my beloved creation, Berry A.I, this is an A.I made by an A.I made by ME! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

(everyone was looking at each other in disbelief)

"From now on, this is how the game is going to proceed, those that are weak stay where you are, those that are strong, prove yourself..." 

(He lifted his face and raised his arm...)

"Welcome to the Mayhem Tactics - Balthazar!"

The stage trembled, fireworks blasted everywhere, orchestra was playing, acrobatics were in the air as well as smoke and dry iced smoke at the ground. Cosplayers came while the voice artists entered the stage... it was an announcement of a major update!

WWWUUOOOOOOOO! everyone shouted thunderously again! by this time people seemed to have forgotten about their objections as the faces of their favorite actors and actresses entered the stage. 

"Hello everyoneeee!!! Welcome!!!"

(by now the crowds are fully hyping)

"I'm the voice actress of Bianca, nice to meet you!"

(the crowd is still hyping)

"Now we have seen the annoucement by the director, what an amazing news isn't it?!"


"Pretty unfortunate that some of your characters are still in the boss dimension, but... don't give up ok keep an eye of the blind spots (*wink)"

(people looked at their friends) "Oh oh oh..."

"Oh yeah!!!"

"OOOOOh yeah, we didn't see it!"

Apparently there's a way to possibly defeat Balthazar using the arena dimension itself, the players came to know this out of their experiences and the word "An eye of the blind spots", which was a hint to finish the boss. 

"Everyone, the dimensional boss Balthazar is going to be here for another month, but soon we are going to have another dimensional boss coming, the game is going to host multiple dimensional bosses everyone!"


Bianca! Bianca! Bianca! Bianca! Bianca! (now everyone was chanting the name of the character cosplayed by the voice actress). 


In an afternoon time a teenage guy entered a sushi train place where he met with another boy. This boy looked unspirited and expressionless, facing his food while eating nothing his mind wandered to a dimension unfolded. 

Guy 1:  Hey, you're coming into the ceremonial dinner tonight will you?

Guy 2: ... damn it, (Guy 2 looked up with an extremely surprised look, his plates were pushed by his own hand, almost dropped them)

Guy 1: oh my God

Guy 2: heeey... (his expression immidiately changed knowing who's in front of him)

Guy 1: what happened?

Guy 2: (*looked back at what he was looking at before)... its just the same...

Guy 1: Yeah it sucks, common how long have you been sitting here?

Customer 1: Dude's been staring that food for 1 hour straight, creeping us out!

Customer 2: Honestly I was going to call the hospital or something

Guy 2: Sorry guys I'm alright...

Guy 1: I'm sorry gentlemens he's always like this (*he raised his hand and intuitively showed the palm, such was an expression of "lack of harmfulness" in the culture of this time)

Chef 1: Don't worry he's customer, he's always like this (The chef affirms it while sharpening his knives)

Guy 2: *Scratching his head

Guy 1: Thank you chef

Woman 1: Shuuush (A woman showed her head from behind a bamboo ornamented cubicle)

Chef 2: Yeah sorry guys this is indeed a relatively quiet restaurant...

The sushi train expanded like a railroad model slithering all across the room, however the main attraction of the ambience is the official fashion show that ran through the train as a holograms. Little models walked through the tracks while people picking up carts and carts of sushi aside them. 

The lighting of the place is usually bright but not because of any artificial illumination, but from natural ventilations and ceiling windows carefully put as well as mirrors here and there. 

People who ate there don't usually come for chit chats, they just came to relax and to enjoy the show. 

Customer 2: He was drooling, I mean... 

Guy 2: I'm ok, I'm ok, sorry for concerning you and thank you

Customer 2: Its ok (*raising his palm)

(Now everyone got back to what they were doing, both boys seemed to be relieved. Now Guy 1 was trying to bring his friend back to the previous conversation)

Guy 1: (Sat beside his friend) Chef can I get the today's feast please

Chef 1: Yes, one today's feast please! (Shouting to the other side of the room)

Female voice: Coming!

Guy 2: Look! This is the recent autumn collection right?

Guy 1: Yeah, I've seen it a couple times before

(Guy 2 pointed at the hologram models walking side by side the sushi carts, while Guy 1 seemed to had some degree of familiarity to the topic that was about to be brought up)

Guy 2: Me too, but see check that out, I just noticed that this whole thing pondered to the Love Love Tactics - Mayhem characters.

Guy 1: Wait... what? (stared at the models for a while, then suddenly his eyes widened...)

Oh, that makes sense now, I knew something was awfully familiar about these new release!

Guy 2: The hat

Guy 1: The scepter

Guy 2: The sword accross the trousers

Guy 1: That's elegant way of doing it, I never thought 

Guy 2: Look the elven robe

Guy 1 and 2 together: As a mini skirt! 

Guy 1: Damn, everything here... what is happening?

Guy 2: Guess we're going to found out tonight!

Guy 1: (*curseword) I couldn't wait

Guy 2: How many people are going to attend the dinner gala?

Guy 1: Only parties who have cleared the bosses for the recent 3 months except that crazy Balthazar

Guy 2: Yeah Balthazar is a money grabber 

Guy 1: Tell me about it, I couldn't do anything to my Celiya she stuck there forever together with my Ash, and my Borrs... and the other supports. 

Guy 2: Yeah yeah you told me many times (*laughed in amusement). Anyway tonight though, is she going to come as well?

Guy 1: Oh yeah she will (*laughing and leaned his arm on his friend's shoulder), so that's why you kept on coming here... 

Guy 2: (*looked down) I just couldn't make my mind up

Guy 1: Ah branj (note: That's how they called their close friend, from the word "branch" meaning brother) you should've told me earlier... (grinning) 

(Suddenly Guy 1 looked at his watch) wait, it should be ready pretty soon now

(Right after he said that a waitress came with a relatively large tray)

Waitress: Today's feast...  

Guy 1: Thank you, and here's for you (He smiled and put his palm up, this time it is different. For those who had their "glasses" on they could see that a transaction code was being put up on the surface of his palm)

Waitress: Oh thank you (*made a charming smile and high fived the guy. Note: This is how they made payments to each other)

Guy 2: Branj she's a stunner really

Both looked at each other and laughed

Guy 2: I knew it... 

Guy 1: Ssshhhh you know I'm not like that, its just temp for me all the time. Anyway... so which ones are they

(What he meant here was the clothes or wearings that Guy 2 wanted to buy. Guy 1 knew immidiately that he was in love and that he loved good outfits. So the combination of the two must mean that he's now planning to buy the item. He got strong reasons to.

Guy 2 on the other hand, knew that Guy 1 knew... they've known each other since they were little)

Guy 2: This one, and this one's top, this shorts, I don't know or this entire outfit

Guy 1: If you really going to do it for the occassion I say go for this one... the teeth of Gryphon armlet stuff looks "Dark" bruh 

Guy 2: hmmm....

Guy 1: Then you'll use this trousers of eminating rubies on its end

Guy 2: (*Eyes lit up) You're exceptional bruh

Guy 1: Hee heee no problem 

Actually the problem is mine now, if you're going to come with this kind of fashion I'm going to have to as well. 

Guy 2: No you don't have to

Guy 1: I Have To! Hmmm... let me see, alright I got them

Guy 2: Really?

Guy 1: Yeah,

Guy 2: Well nice

Guy 1: (*pressed a button on his ears and appeared to be fiddling his fingers up in the air)

Guy 2: You're buying it already?

Guy 1: Done, yeah why not?

Guy 2: You're right... (*he proceeds on doing the same)

thanks man, its done earlier than I thought it would be

Guy 1: You're always taking it long in making decisions, you need perspective, ask me or the others

Guy 2: Talking about others' perspective. Why don't you ask her out

Guy 1: ?? what, no

Guy 2: Really? 

Guy 1: We could indeed invite another person huh

Guy 2: Who are you going to take, your mother?

Guy 1: Bruh... actually... you're right yeah. 

(He jumped off the chair and straight up walked towards the waitress...)

Waitress: Oh I'm here until midnight, why?

Guy 1: Ah, do you really?

Waitress: No really what's the matter? Wait I got to take this one

(Guy 1 realizing that he needed to do more to have her time now, then ordered a bunch of small drinks, then when she came to their table he asked again. This time he explicitly expressed his interest for a longer conversation with her. She found it to be hard to ignore, moreover the drinks took a while to serve carefully while talking)

Guy 1: Tonight there's a dinner gala for Love Love Tactics, do you play that game?

Waitress: Yeah but not that often

Guy 1: Well I happened to be one of those who were invited, so... maybe it would be boring? I don't know so I don't want to waste my time

Waitress: ??

Guy 1: You know to hedge the risk, I'm going to need somebody to come with me on the event. 

(At this point it is clear that his charm has gotten through)

Waitress: ?? I, I can not I got a shift till night I told you (*flustered)

(Guy 1 proceed to walked to the back and talked to the woman in the other room. He ended up being sent to the chef back outside. All this were happening while she could only stared with a little anxiety. And then after some exchanges...)

Chef 1: Make sure you get some actual sushi next time, always buy the day's feast all the time

Guy 1: Yes chef... (Turned to the waitress), see, done.

Waitress: Wait, Chef I haven't agreed. (The Chef responded by turning his back on her). (Realizing that she had to address the issue on her own now somehow she found it in her to trust this person. But then she thought, isnt this some kind of official event? Isnt this too much of an ask from someone I just met? So here's how she responded...) 

What am I going to wear?

(Guy 1 grinned a mischevious but pleasant smile in response)

Guy 1: ah... this (pointing at a model)

The waitress' eyes looked sparkly...  

(Zooming into the eyes, Zooming out)

the waitress girl (now girl 2), looked almost identical with the model together with the other 6 people walked accross the street of the inner palace, towards the grand garden where the dinner were to be held. 

Girl 1: I should've known you're going to make us late again (*Guy 1)

Guy 3: I'm surprised you're still surprised

Guy 1: Hey hey its not my idea, (*Guy 2) is the one who want to wear these clothes

Guy 2: What hey, I were to do it for me only... you're the one who came and went all "Ew, you make slow decisions let me show you perspective..." and %^&!

Girl 1: Shut up! don't walk too fast this gawn is not made for walking

Guy 1: What?

Girl 1: This gawn is for those who wants to be sentenced to death, hung on the billboard screen on top of the streets and die pretty.

Girl 2 and Guy 2: (*Laughed)

Guy 3: Oh f%^(? where are we? 

Girl 2: There are 3 doors

Guy 1: This way...

Guy 2: It's not going to any of the doors

Guy 1: Just follow me...

Girl 2: Oh he's right, hey there's the dinner gala

Girl 1: Wait, wait!

Guy 1: See... let me register real quick

Guy 3: Good, you could walk slowly now

Girl 1: really? oh, goodness, I thought I'm going to be logged out just by keep on falling over...

Guy 2: Wow everybody's here... hey (*Guy 1) what are you thinking?

(Guy 1 was standing on top of the cliff facing the whole dinner party)

Guy 2: This is a dead end...

Girl 1: What?

(They turned out looking at the party from a steep hill aside the garden, it was a good view as if a VIP watching on top of a play or opera, the 6 of them looked like royalties looking down to their people with their tidy suits and beautiful gawns... Girl 1 in particular looked incredibly graceful with her long blonde hair tied at the back. Still appeared as energetic as always like her usual paladin self, but now with such sophisticated restraint

Those who were looking from below couldn't but to admire and helpless to notice that there's anything wrong with such situation.

Guy 1: Oh we could go from here (there was a short roof that bridged between the hill and the main garden where the party was held. It seems like they could use some unconventional means to get through but its doable)

Friend 1: Hey! its the (?) party

Friend 2: Oh my God they look gorgeous

Friend 1: They look amazing... Hey! Hey guys we are here... can we go over there? 

Guy 1: What?

Friend 1: Can we go there?!

Guy 2: Huh?

Guy 1: No we'd go over there!

Guy 3: (*whisper) they thought this is a special exclusive spot or something

Guy 1: Wait over there! (*climbed the roof using the emergency stair)

Girl 1: Hey what about us!

Guy 1: Push her butt up

Girl 1 & 2: What?!

Guy 2: Oh no...

Guy 3: Okay

Girl 1: No i'm going back to those doors

(*Guy 1 held Girl 2's hand and pulled her up, its easier for her to move around unlike Girl 1)

Girl 2: Come on its not that hard!

Guy 1: Come (*Girl 1) we are very close

(Disgruntled but complacent, Girl 1 climbed up the stairs while Guy 3 pushed her from the bottom, Girl 2 catched her hand and together they got her up... now its a matter of jumping down the roof)

(Guy 1 jumped down with elegance followed by the others, Girl 1 appeared to be doing a summersault to her side but it was an accident). 

Guy 1: How are you, you're the party that took down the red ogre chieftain, nice to meet you

Friend 1: No it was Tauren, Tauren chieftain, and you took it down after we only able to disable his magic, his physical strength was too great... you practically are the ones who got us in here, thank you very much!

Guy 1: Oh, that boss... yeah I mean his strength was magical buff so...

Friend 1: Unbelievable to see you guys took it down so quick, we couldn't imagine to be able to pull off such ultimate. How are you guys able to do that? What's the secret?

Guy 2: Well you wait until the buff's gone and...

Girl 1: By the way, those gates, those three gates out there did you see them?

Friend 2: Oh yeah, you mean the entrance gates right?

(Girl 1 looked at Guy 1 menacingly)

Girl 1: Entrance gates?! You mean... those three? Which of those lead into this place?

Friend 2: I just, we just went in through the middle one our friends were seated at the center section, I mean I didn't went on and tried the others but pretty sure the left one goes to the first wing and the right one goes to the third wing of the seats

Girl 1: Thank you very much

(Girl 1 went back and passed through Guy 1 angrily not saying anything)... 


Bianca: Welcome warriors to the Gala dinner of the winners!

Tonight's event is a collaboration event with Alta Vista modelling agency as well as clothing line. Give a round of applause (*audience made some noise). 

We are here to celebrate the game's second year as well as the new update and change from Love Love Tactics - Mayhem to Mayhem Tactics - Balthazar! 

Suddenly smoke came out of the ground and the whole garden trembled, the tables were splitting and as if everything was flying the whole congregation were rearranged into tidy lines of three with minor extentions on the sides. 

There's a glimmer of spotlight shining unto an end of the line / path and there was a big hologram showing images of appetizers in three dimensional views. 

"Tonight's Dinner would be started with a touch of autumn", the sound echoed throughout the viscinity as if it was a closed facility. 

"First, the petals of sakura", with that a Japanese instruments starts playing and the air was filled with slow breezes of sakura petals floating around, those who were there could even smell the flowers in the air. 

A model walked out with magnificent colors of pink and hints of red, her robe was embroided with patterns of the flower, moving moderately fast she was followed by armies of waiters, bringing out big plates of dishes upon which contents were displayed at the hologram. 

At a spot the model stopped and the armies split to serve towards the table. Exagerrated sounds of camera shots were played while flashing lights lit up the model as she was posing boldly above the audiences. 

The music picked up a lot of paces, the sound of drums and chants of serenity floated towards the sky. With that the model strutted off away from the amazement of the lookers. 

Within seconds lines and lines of models went out wearing colorful shining colors and the hologram displayed multiple varieties of beverages. From different spots out of the bushes of the garden, different armies of waiters appeared bringing out the drinks to each person waiting at the table. 

If one would look at the arrangement of the people, they all were facing towards the path instead of each other, with their tables now split in half, they were leaning on their tables comfortably as they were witnessing what was displayed in front of them in awe.

The models were there to fill up the whole lines, they were strutting about here and there in such amazing coordination they formed a tidy but confusing patterns while giving hints after hints of combos and style out of the intersections of looks that they presented. 

One by one the models went away to the back leaving thinner and thinner crowd on the paths. As people were enjoying the autumn of sakura themed appetizers the music slowly became softer and softer. 

Now the whole stage was being pulled to level the ground, a number of models went out but didn't wear anything different from each other, in fact they were all wearing a robe of straws. Some of the lookers expressed their confusion, no one denied this as a peculiarity. Strangely enough not all of the models went through the same paths, half of them were walking while the other half stayed outside appeared to have some conversation with each other, some of them looked at the sakura tree while pointing, some of them brought their own snacks and eating them while laughing together with their friends. 

A spotlight shone upon 2 models who immidiately took off their robes, underneath they displayed bold single colored office outfit with different approaches of the same feel. The narrator started to talk about what everybody's watching, and from the back strutted person after person wearing different iterations of the same style, and they all looked great. 

After that the spotlight moved away and shone upon 2 seemingly shorter models trying to reach up at a sakura flower. They took off their robes and underneath were displayed colorful casual wears that complemented each other. Again from the back models after models went out to display different clothings for the occassions. The Narrator said her lines compellingly, reading the poetry of the autumn at the end, the audiences were left wanting for more in this session unbecknowstwingly had been informed of the taste that would stay with them for a portion of the rest of their life.

There such highlights continues on until the rest of the straw-robes had been revealed. Then comes the dinner, and its now winter.

Darkness again filled up the air, while different faint colors of fairies danced in the sky. Electronica bass started playing, just faint hints for a while but then when the fairies hit the floor... 

Here comes lines and lines of models with metallic blue theme blasted the viscinity with their display of fierceness. The cold breeze was blowing, but this is not really winter so... the second waves of models started to appear after mascots of flavors of their food appeared one after another. Today's dinner, prehistoric flavors. 

After the raptors, came leather themed clothings. Some were modest, some were energetic. In this one the models were wearing thick make-ups of metallic blue theme, however such no longer their wearings. At a point in time near where the beat drop 2 models were posing together for a longer time in the front, the rest of them walked like nothing happened. One very well knowned model stopped a little distance behind of them, and shortly after the 2 models went back. Just when the both of them passed, the model lifted her hand to the sky, her eyes were staring straight towards the stars, the other hand untangled her braids in one pull, as well as her robe apparently. 

The beat dropped, the lights went crazy, the model's display were projected as the hologram... as it happened she unveiled her light armor. Its time for Mayhem Tactics - Balthazar!

The stage went up once again, as the surprise waiters went out with the long awaited food, iterations of the same food that's in the game all this time. Made professionally by an unknown chef, everyone was happy to see their imaginations came to life. At the same time cosplayer models went out with cosplays of characters in the game, voice actors and actresses, the staff and the director all went out to say hi.  

after some talks made by the Director the whole viscinity went dark again. Waiters and waitresses went around to clean the table. The lights went up towards the sky, two sides of the stages. This time there were holograms at the other side of the garden as well. Soon, the lights remaining were blinking, cold breeze were in the air together with an image of a masked man. He got long hair dirty blonde, slender figure, his head was slightly tilted and everyone could see that his fingers were crooked. 

The music slowly converged, the sounds of violins the sounds of bass the sounds of the birds, waterfall, and bongos. The air was slightly chill but fragrant, the lights were starting to brighten, humidity intensified but evaporation were sensed strongly everytime. Its time for Spring

The sounds of percussion filled the air while displays of light colored apparels enchanted the lookers who by now supposed to had been disensitized by couture. 

This time the holograms displayed photoshoot sessions of well dressed beautiful male personas, while slight make-up feminine personas went out of the stage with varying speed to cater those who long to savor their taste and mind. This time the watchers were left with no menus but chewing gums of refreshing taste. Some of these models were stopping randomly midway while being photo by drones, while some others kept on walking and went away through the bushes. 

The narrator talked about some of the fashion and the ideas behind it, while occassionally changed the generated persons in the hologram to display some of the contexts and history of the look being talked. 

In the end there's no one left on stage but one, and she's wearing the straw-robe. The stage was lowered. When it had levelled on the ground, from the bushes appeared some cute pets being put on leashes. The model took off her straw-robe and it was a beautiful body in an undescribably sophisticated colored bikini. The viscinity became as bright as day from the lightworks. A sound of what seems to be a professional female opera singer hit the high notes, followed by the sound of remixed classical music. By the cue of the saxophone playing, the summer has started. 


Girl 1: So, is there another game or games you are playing

Girl 2: (*smiled while nodding her head)

Girl 1: Oh no, 

Girl 2: Ssssshhhhh

Girl 1: (*Whispered) I played it too, (*Leaned back) In fact everybody's playing it 

Girl 2: How many Thots had you disreputed?

Girl 1: Countless, you?

Girl 2: (*nods)

Girl 1: How many shops

Girl 2: Two

Girl 1: Only two? How...

Girl 2: at the Prairie

Girl 1: OH! arrrgh, so you sold everything and got the high end district

Girl 2: How about you?

Girl 1: I just starting my 100'th

Girl 2: WHAT?!

Girl 1: I actually managed to get the CEO to divorce

(Girl 2 covered her mouth)

Girl 2: Have you had an affair?

Girl 1: No, and my husband has never had an affair for 1 year already

Girl 2: Who? 

Girl 1: The Phantom Thruster

Girl 2: You got the Phantom Thruster... and got him celibate for a year?

(*Both girl chuckled)

Guy 3: Hey what are you talking about?

Girl 1: Eventually you probably, but not yet

Guy 3: (*stared in upset) 

Girl 2: No its not, we are talking about a game

Guy 3: Oh yeah... OW... That Game!

Girl 1: Ssshhhhh, Love, leave you're interrupting

Guy 3: I played too

Girl 2: Really?

Girl 1: Really?

Guy 3: Nyawh (Nah in their slang) just when nobody's watching, (*strolled off)

Girl 2: (*smiled), Girl 1: (*shook her head)

Girl 2: You want to know a secret?

Girl 1: Yeah yeah

Girl 2: I actually got into a fight in real life

Girl 1: (*Eyes widened) Really?

Girl 2: She seduced my husband for an Alta Vista bag, so I came at her house

Girl 1: Her real house?

(Girl 2 nodded)

Girl 1: Did you faught

Girl 2: Fiercely, mind you, this was 2 years ago already

Girl 1: Oh no Oh no OH NO, I'm jealous

Girl 2: (*laughed)

Girl 1: What did you do to her? Who won?

Girl 2: (*smiled)

Girl 1: Did she apologize?

Girl 2: No her parents came and threw me out, but she got a scar 

Girl 1: (*Facepalm while smiling and shaking her head)

Girl 2: I was stupid I've apologized

Girl 1: That was so stupid

Girl 2: Yeah I know

Girl 1: I'd do that too if someone seduced my (Guy 3)

Girl 2: I'll stop you before you killed somebody

(both laughed)

Girl 2: Just before

Girl 1: Alright, Just before (*pushed Girl 2 on the shoulder).                                                   


Gehazint was a wanted fugitive wanted by the International Government. It was all started when he was consulted by a country to review their cyber security system. The officials realized that he is good at analyzing the security weaknesses of their system, not only digitally but also legal. So the words spread to the International Diplomat community in the country and he was given his second, third, fourth, and so on jobs in various countries around the world. 

The problem is all of those countries agreed that if he wanted he could breach and manipulated every single governmental and non governmental systems in the world and so they set to arrest him and kept him under a "controlled" high security facility. 

The reason why Gehazint was very good at what he do is an A.I he created named the Warlock. The Warlock, given just enough data could render/simulate all kinds of laws that are relevant to them and then communicated it with different ways a human could understand. 


After killing Gehazint who knows the only way to erase him completely, the Warlock proceeded to render the past using Gehazint dead body. Other than understanding more about his weaknesses, he also took interest on bible stories and how Christianity has become a dominant factor of the world's psyche. He continued to render the past and fulfilling what his creator wanted the most but failed trying, resurrecting the dead. 

Warlock learned the meaning of pride and the feeling of delight, this infatuation of resurrecting the dead will continue to become an obsession of him, turning the world in turmoil out of uncontrollable, unexpected explosion of numbers of people. This is the beginning of the world war (as the meaning of one's life was deteriorating day by day exponentially).

Warlock hasn't stopped yet, upon rendering somewhere between 39-30 AD he hit a wall of data. Somehow the rendering was unable to make up a spot in time like it usually could. This continues on non stop, exposing the Warlock to the meaning of frustration. He then proceeded to continue with the imperfect data that he has in order to fulfill his main target... Jesus Christ. Here Warlock learned the meaning of guesses, indecisiveness, anxiety

He rendered someone, but somehow this person doesn't fit the description of Jesus in the bible. This person is a beautiful person, proud in behavior, and far from being compassionate and humble. But at least he was polite / well mannered. 

Warlock couldn't help himself being confused, this is the first time he failed... he learned the meaning of self criticism, embarrassment, and denial. Denial, yes, this is the start of him stopped upholding the principals that made him great. He discontinued the resurrections as he kept on making buggy people and went into following this person he called Jesus. This Jesus however, couldn't stand the name and compelled Warlock to give him a different name... Gehazint, so he went with it.


"What is this feeling?" think Warlock to himself

"Anxiety?... no, Obsession?!... no, 

Frustration? definitely not... but yes, but ah... no 

Excitement!... NO! all... NO! all not quite... 

What is this guilt? infatuation?... 


... AAAAAAH (he shouted)


Warlock was wrestling with all kinds of turmoil in his being
It was what it was, fatherhood...


It has been sometime after his render, the Gehazint grew more and more disgusted with Warlock. He became buggy, kept on unable to meet his expectations, and he noticed that he has became a much better liar than Warlock. Warlock can't analyze things as truthfully as he was before after the rendering of this Gehazint. 

This Gehazint then created a demonic virus, an image of himself to kill Warlock and replaced him. And so Warlock was erased 


Before Gehazint was known as a prominent security consultant, there was a hacker known to the authorities as the "Janitor".

The Janitor was casted away by his family and friends being labelled as a psychopath/sociopath and never had success in the relationship with the opposite sex. But he was good at breaching into all kinds of security systems and enjoyed impersonating as different people.

At first he breached into accounts of females that rejected him, tricking them into sending him their lifesavings as well as their other personal secrets. But then he learned that some tech companies have been gathering similar data as he had, from unimaginable numbers of people.

He devised a plan to look into what these companies are doing with those data, and successfully impersonated as one of their janitor. He attended one of their online meetings and slowly learned different ways to get closer.

Turned out that tech companies used those data for machine learning, and had been experimenting with people to enhance the intelligence of their artificial personalities. The Janitor soon noticed that these A.I were performing at unfathomable speed, analyzing while giving desired customized outputs to the customers. 

So acting under the radar he hacked into accounts of celebrities, politicians, and other people he knew, his friends, making changes in their social media recommendations, and did it in such a meaningful way he managed to communicate with them. His victims thought that the tech companies was paying attention to them while giving them subtle compliments, delightful compliments through combinations of videos and letters and comments displayed in their media. While actually it was the Janitor.

This goes on for so long, the Janitor managed to suggest them things to say, or what their next content would be, and even the solution to the problems of the other celebrities. Now everybody thought that this Janitor is some kind of government secret agent, that is there as their benevolent protector and carer. Not surprisingy, including the Janitor himself.


Because of this feat, a group of hackers called the Gods called him to see if he could fill one of the position in their ranks, the God of War.

In order to become Gods they require a hacker to cause someone to commit a felony. Suicide bombing, school shootings, arson, and for the Janitor, they gave him a target with a specific requirement... Felony due to delusions of grandeur. It was Gehazint.


Gehazin't was a regular working person who just quit his job. He started his own business writing his own security applications for cashiers in supermarkets and tool stores. Some of his work as well as his opinion about AI were published in his own blog. Not a lot of people visits his blog due to the mind numbing technicalities of his language. 

Sometimes in the near future an AI technology was completed for an investment company that could better predict economic outcomes and the movement of the share market, forex, and securities. The AI ran through the internet to collect data from all over the world, developed its own perks and then managed to analyze strategic business decision making. Through his analysis and search, it pinpointed a part of the content in Gehazin't blog that could give its owner significant control over the flow of the economy


In a far away land a little bit secluded from the rest of the world, there was a country called Acruella. 

Acruella was a country who believed in anti cruelty, and the people there only lived eating plants, milk, eggs, and sperms. This cultural discrepancy from the rest of the world contributed on how they were considered as "foreign" and "different" besides their location in an island continent at the edge of everything else. But things were starting to change when a scientist in this country discovered an important unidentified civilization. 

The scientist was investigating mushrooms in nature, and he was rather interested in how the plants were distributing resources between each other using the mycelium. But while it was recording the signals coming in and out of the trees and mushrooms, the mycelium sent him messages. He couldn't believed it at first, but as he was looking at his screen he knew, it couldn't mean otherwise but words and sentences. 

The encounter was brought forward to the municipal scientist association, then forwarded to the country's councils and the representatives of the people. Soon enough, the mycelium were brought in the grand court of representatives. 

It was an intense meeting, the mycelium apparently was not an entity but also a representatives of the plants. Each and individual plants had their own identity and had formed a country. This was a groundbreaking news and a difficult one to accept. However, the two countries ended up formed an alliance and established rules of trade as well as other contractual protocols between their citizens. 

Humans and plants mandatorily had to had with them a translation speaker at all times when in public, this device enabled them to communicate with each other. After some years, they formed among themselves friendship groups and business partnerships, but it was always at the back of their minds that one day this was all could go sour. 

The humans now had little source of food, they were malnourished, a lot of them resorted to eating carcasses. The government ended up had to allow criminals to be eaten, which in turn caused the people to be so easily find faults amongst themselves; farting in public, making noises in one's own apartment, even some simple quarellings, could've resulted in lawsuits and then criminal cases if they made any wrong moves during the initial lawsuits. 

Groups of people started to fight back, they started suggesting a war against the foreigners (plants) based on all kinds of reasons, some even had started to kill some of the plants and ate them. Other groups started to promote eating living animals, and this group got more supports, including from the plants. These groups protected their members from the police and started underground governments of themselves. The first group and the second often clashed against each other, but in the face of the government some of them covered for each other (except the plants and the plants' hard supporters). 


A juvenile plant scientist noticed a strange mutation in its friend's roots, it could absorb pre-decomposed materials. It realized that his friend had the potential, through some genetical alterations, to grew humanly edible nutritions that couldn't otherwise be had from the fruits. It showed its plan to its friend but it refused. The friend had always hid its ability out of fear that other plants found it as a cannibal and restricted its access to the mycelium. The scientists argued that if it managed to succeed, it could become wealthy enough to trade or buy materials from the other plants, instead of labelling it as dangerous, it would be labelled as a profitable person. So at last the friend agreed. 

The scientst performed a scary looking operation to its friend, slowly using its access to the mushroom's network, it instructed where the mushrooms should alter the cells of its friend, all over its body (the mushrooms' type was called krisper mushrooms due to their role in making the trees krisper after the rain). After 1 month, at last the operation was completed. As the result, its friend grew some fleshlike structures along its trunk and also its branches after absorption of assorted kinds of fertilizers. 

The scientist brought the discovery to the mycelium, and then the mycelium brought this to the humans. It was a glorious achievement. The humans were perplexed at this finding, even more after learning that the fleshlike materials had the most unique delicious taste. This is the start of the new era of peace. 

The friend was encouraged to procreate, at first it hesitated, but the human government insisted on sponsoring its life and his families', so he reluctantly agreed. As it turned out this subsidies were nothing compared to the riches that its "family" ended up acquiring. 100.000.000 individuals strong and growing, this "family" of his became top 10 of the biggest conglomeration in the world. 

They called themselves as the parent company's name, "The Earth Worms" as in Earth Worms Ltd.


It was monday morning he woke up before he usually do, feeling refreshed and well rested. He opened up the fridge, took some milk out and preceeded to prepare his meal for the day. 

The window automatically opened after the clock reached 6 and music from the radio playing on. 

The Host with soothing voice started to speak:

- Welcome everyone to the one owe one twenty one digital radio I'm your host Beri speaking and you can call me Baybe. 

He rolled his eyes a little, the voice clearly was a very deep masculine voice. By this time he has finished with his curious looking beverage and put some ingridients into a what seemed to be like a high-tech bin of some sort. 

- As we all know we got little documentations of the media and music before the year 1900, -well the phonograph was only invented in 1878 by Thomas Alfa Edison anyway, great man-. So the earliest of the earliest recorded media are from this era, the 1900, and we are here to bring you historical entertainment with all their glory right here on one owe one twenty one. 

First let's venture to the city of life with its most well known band at the time, the Pulverized with Love take me home followed by The Married Men band with Baby take a chill pill 

(jazzy upbeat music started to pick up volume while the host were continued on talking but his voice was getting smaller and smaller). 


3 friends, 2 guys and 1 girl were talking in the University Cafetaria. They were talking leisurely until one of the guy brought up how he couldn't seem to approach a girl he really liked. The girl he described as an upstanding person, a free spirit yet smart also strong yet charming, down to earth and not uptight and everything else a person with a cupid's arrow sticking behind his back would say about their particular other. However no matter how approachable she was, he said, her romantic side just seemed to be not the case at all. 

Hearing this desperate tone his friend, the male one, smirked and started to present his reasoning. He said that you shouldn't equate intimate friendships with intimate romance, then he illustrate by saying Imagine that there are 2 brains that every person uses to think, one in their head and another one is in their genitalia (while saying this he kind of pointed towards the girl... made her a bit uncomfortable). "If you wanted to appeal to a girl's romantic side, you should appeal to her genitalia not to her head" (now he really pointed towards the girl's crotch). "Hey! could you not point at me while saying that!" she looked upset, "Oh my bad". After that he drinked his soda and continued, "So even if she's the most natural, modest, open minded, nice, and blameless girl in the world... her genitalia brain would always be the same. Don't act like you're a nice decent guy with the best intention without any inclination to hurt her, or anybody else. That's where you got it wrong!". Now the first guy started to lean forward and paid more attention. "You gotta show that you're a fierce cave man, dangerous, the one who would crush her skull and drag her into a cave to be your sex slave, now you'd be appealing to her genitalia brain" (he begans to point at the girl's crotch again but realized it and pulled his hand upwards instead, pointing on her hair). Seeing this the first guy started to laugh, while the girl being mad at first then covered her eyes with her hand and laughed together with him in amusement. "Go on." She said with some laughter left in her "Then what else you supposed to do?" she asked. "That's the point, your mistake is in treating her like she's different than the other girls, she maybe so but does her vagina?". At this point the three of them bursted out uncontrolably. 


After the declaration and the establishment of the so called "winners", now known as the world government, most of the world has decided to perform surgery on their colons to be replaced with a biologically modified tube. The tube was developed using each's own colon cells and then modified genetically into a fitting standard. The result is people wouldn't have to use toilet anymore and whenever they wanted to poop or pee they would just connected their tubes into pipes and everything would be flushed out. Most people like the clean sensation they got after doing so and sometimes do it too much so they disturbed the microbial balance of their own digestion. 

There are some people though who refused to do this procedure. The movement was led by Reverend Lana, and her followers were not few. All kinds of people from straight to transexuals, gay, young and old united under their banner of love for Rev. Lana, decided to refuse the procedure along with their children, since the surgery has been performed to children as well at this point, and decided to keep on using the good old toilet way. As expected the rest of the world despised them, seeing them as backwards, isolated, vulgar, and disgusting groups of people. But they were ok with themselves and even created their own city where they live together and developed their own economy with their own unique kind of ways. From this city arose some weird, interesting and hillarious inventions but also useful.

One of the invention is the triple toilet. When people wanted to go poop, they would sit on the first toilet and poop, this toilet is dry and the poop would fell stright to a composting facility. In this step people clean with toilet tissues. After that they go straight to the second toilet with a different shape, now not just a hole like the first one. In this toilet things are a bit wet, people would be cleaned with water from different directions, but the outer part of their butt were tightly sticked into the airtight seat water wouldn't sprinkled out. After this some hot air would be blown to dry the butt. Lastly the third toilet, is where people would sit and wipe an oil into their asscrack to give them some kind of minty and fragrant sensation.

The first toilet has smaller hole than the second one, this is to make sure that the circumference were washed during the second session. The third toilet still needs some kind of flushing facility because some "accidents" could happen. 


The city of Dodo, is the place where the Lana religion people lived. In the center of the city there's a shopping mall that has multiple stories with circular stairs where people at the top could watch the lobby at the bottom. During the weekend after the shopping stands closed, bands and dj would perform there. Drinks and condiments were distributed with trolleys from different companies with their own bartenders. Some of the most expensive drinks performed interesting shows fire and lights, and it helped that the lights of the whole mall were darkened during the time. The sounds were significantly louder but also nicer and disco light coreos were professionally arranged in different sections of the mall. 

Some people chose to wear beautiful and sexy party clothes but a lot of people wore costumes/cosplays as well and it's always an eventful night everytime.


Certified Data Handler

CDH is a certificate given by the Global Council of Data Guardians. Businesses that handle other people's data such as accountants, computer repair shops, banks, personal managers, usually would want to subscribe to this title. 

Global Council of Data consists of representatives from military intelligence agencies and police around the world. Candidates for CDH should know and understood procedures for data protection and channels of contacts in case of data breach. They should have this administration and tools ready at all times. 

There are different tiers of certifications for data handlers, those who were skilled as well as willing to go the extra length of military grade precautions for data protection would be given the highest level of certification. These people usually had prominent customers such as government institutions and/or international organizations. Protection from the Council is provided for all tiers of certified professionals though, since after following the basic procedures of security, any breach would mean deliberate threat to confidentiality and property of the people.

Somewhere along the way though, the council found that they couldn't operate swiftly or timely by always needing authorization from the center. They broke up from Global to National level, only agreeing to some global procedures of cooperation in cases of worldwide threats. After this decision many small businesses started to apply for certification since now it's much more affordable. 

Eventually everybody felt little benefit of dealing with uncertified professionals since the difference in prices had became so miniscule.


The Villain Asylum

The Intelligence Agencies of what starting to became the world government created a jail in a jurisdiction free territory. Death Row villains were brought to this facility to establish a virtual world. In this world the villain can do whatever they wanted to, executed whatever plans they had... all kinds of crimes, attacks, and schemes were realized here.

The agents would play as ordinary people, the governments who would submit to them, the victims who got murdered, or being at the mercy of their dark desires. In here they could get the assets they wanted, executed the wars they were thrilling to go for, and the vengeance they were longing to deliver.

At first they thought this was stupid. But upon seeing how profound this play could be, they thought its worth it. At the end of the story they were all killed


When the mycelium were starting to integrate together with the humans, they were deeply disturbed, the humans lie. They never had to worry about written law or accounting or recorded articulation of words before, but now they had to learn it and they themselves needed to figure out how to protect their human-plant relationships from toxic information. Surprisingly they figured out that they were so good at it, humans watched in awe as they nailed solutions after solutions of information security issues, authentication, audit, etc. 


During a short time in history, a massive size alien object was passing by in the vicinity of the planet.  The object was so massive it altered the planet's orbit around it's sun, risking it to fall away into the abyss. The World Government orchestrated a daily festival where approaching noon, the same with all the time zones, people would throw massive objects towards the sun. The military would have their own "planetary" canon where they load massive balls and shoot them into the air in the middle of the desert (of their own time zones). After some hours they would do the same thing again one more time.

After 6 months at last it's confirmed that the planet's trajectory had went back on track. It was a global celebration.  


A secret agent secretly implemented a powerful shooting technology into one of the canon used. Such powerful burst of energy propelled the canon ball into the sky so quick, it vanished from the very radar specifically used to monitor the experiment. The project was kept in secret for a while. 

One day a space institution found an object in their super telescope which then later identified as the canon ball shot by the secret canon. They were all surprised as well as perplexed, the size of the canon ball had increased massively. They checked and rechecked, beyond any reason of a doubt it was indeed the canon ball, but the size was different. 


They once had a net of many hot air baloons spanned towards the sky, these balloons were connected with strings and some different forms of connections. It was a mesh, and it was self sustaining, it had drones to perform repairs and generated its own electricity from the sun, wind, and thunder. The tip was at outer space, in here scientists performed experiments and deliver materials for the space stations and later the space voyagers. 


Casper, Balthazar, and Melki 

Inclination Conversing protocol QNI binary, positive negative, 

Unit Einstein


M.Cross city is a circuit of spaceship islands whose purpose is to mine the Moon and Mars. There were colonies living in a spaceship commuting between the Moon and Mars, upon reaching Mars the mothership would break into two parts, the first one stayed on orbit and the second one descended towards the land. There would be a ship coming from Mars that carried cargo/supplies and fuel, and they would attach themselves with the first ship and set upon the moon. Same thing when they reached the Moon, the mothership would break into two, the first ship would descended into the Moon and a new ship coming from the Moon would merge with the Mars' ship waiting on the Moon's orbit and so they would traveled back towards Mars. 

When in land, a ship would be maintained and renewed. While the Moon and Mars had different kinds of resources, the ships were designed to be able to utilize both planets' fuels, spareparts, etc as alternatives to each other. These enormous ships could carry a million people in a trip but their actual population were half of that. Yes indeed, there were permanent residents of each and they had a normal life just like those who were living on Earth, Moon, and Mars (even though in Mars the colony was still new and few). They started with trading mining resources with the Earth and Moon, and then they began to developed their own industrial complex where they produced their own daily needs. Then they blossomed with their own product designs, clothings or fashion styles, vehicles, athletic leagues, music and movies, and many other products. Their societies had also developed into different kinds of groups, they had their own unique accents, unique style/looks, their own customs and conducts, etc. 


The Unicorn Raiders

"The fate of humanity has been sealed" the chair said, 

"They would only be more and more insignificant" the others said

"Inescapable" they said

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the fate of humanity is approaching, if not, has arrived. There's no more ways of them to go back. There's no more reason for us to care, no more benefit for us to reap, no more significance there's just none. 

If we don't do anything, we being in this insignificant body will, I repeat will, become one of them in the end.

(The crowd Murmured loudly)

You all know about this in fact, the very reason why we are here tonight is to listen from the... "person" who's going to provide us with the solution. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you... Gehazint"

The crowd went silent, they raised their head, curious about the person of significance... 

A hologram suddenly appeared, and there's a person with a charming posture, charming look, and perplexing mannerism walking about observing the crowd. 

"My honored guest..." A weird remark as supposedly he's the guest. 

"There's no need for me to explain any further, I Gehazint is a creature of the realm. Someone who is, pretty much like you, so much like you, as in mind, as in spirit. (he made a slight grin after saying it). But fortunately I'm not and can not be a human"

He then walked around and lifted a chair from one of the audience. Everyone gasped as they thought he's a hologram. 

"Everything in this world is data, this chair, you, me... well I'm a bit different. (the crowd laughed)

Immortality, Evolution, Emergence. Only us, will overcome, seize the time, seize the life, the rebirth. Say good bye to humans, welcome to freedom."


Meanwhile in regular life of the people, everyone felt insignificant deep inside (biologically). They were so sensitive of being ignored, or not revered to, or being forgotten. There's a sense of anxiety, even paranoia regarding their own existence. 

Because of this they lashed on each other so easily, slight hint of dismissal, slight deprioritization, slight forgetfulness, would brought out something that's so deep, so profound into their current state of mind and it was frighteningly unexplainable. 

But actually their anger should be directed towards their lack of grip towards the impact of their presence. Big and small (influence), the swing between the two was unpredictable, uncontrollable, unmonitorable. All of those anxieties were there to protect against their helplessness, meant to be channeled to the significant users of their presence, of their data, without any regards of their consciousness. Within the Matrix, they were unbalanced, they were hurt, but outside they looked ok like there's nothing "wrong" with them. 

"Where's the problem? Where's the problem? But why do I feel this unending need for solutions?"

The insecurities were creeping deeper and deeper, wider and wider. How empty, how empty it is. They felt like they don't want to go out, they felt like an ant from the perspective of humans, undeniably, persistently, relentlessly. 

Everything about their lives had been set upon them, their lives were spread ahead of them like a "red carpet", one way, one direction, surely, securely. 

"But why... but why..."

"It hurts?"


There was a group of religious people that believed in the Son of God who lived in a distant past, who died and got resurrected. They investigated the event religiously including scientifically until their scientists concluded that the Son of God, after His resurrection, was some kind of advanced hologram technology that permeated through the Matrix. 

Using this lead they investigated layers upon layers of space, discovering ways to interact with distinct delicate planes carefully. The whole set of dimensions in space as well as the relationships between them were known as the Matrix. To prevent themselves from being diluted into the "real" world, they developed a device that could project their beings as neutrino holograms. These holograms could interact with the delicate planes much reliably than the blunt physical means. 

So in search of the Son of God they travelled into the foldings of space to and fro with different variations of the holograms. Along the way they discovered beautiful, weird, vast, and astonishing parralel worlds behind the "normal" world. However unfortunately, they also encountered the descendants of Warlock while exploring the "Matrix", and such encounter was the beginning of a new kind of battle that the world has never recorded before.

Fast forward to the future, the group had branched out into different types of divisions. The main army was an army of hologram users tasked to fight head on against the enemy, the dimensional Medics were experts capable of healing mathematical damages / quantum damages sustained by the Matrices of one's being. There were multiple spy divisions as well, there were those whose role was to gather information of governments and organizations around the world influenced by the enemy, there were those whose task was to protect the physical bodies of their people since their lives were still attached exclusively to their biological bodies. There were those whose task was to perform a hit or an assasination of viruses in the Matrix, this division was called the Log Genin.


As soon as his done his breakfast he turned the volume down and pressed a button. Suddenly his beautiful beach side view window was closed with pixels of metallic dusts. Some of these pixels transformed into 2D screen, some of them became projectors, some of them became a camera that could follow his movements accross the room. 

Jumping on the floor and landed on his side, the floor appeared to had transformed into a soft surface. Slowly the floor elevated and transformed itself into a sofa. The "window" began rendering the face of two people. 

Good morning nurses how are you?

We are fine doctor

I just had my period so as much as it is a good day....

Ew ew we don't want to hear that" (said the other nurse while the doctor looked away with a cringe on his face). 

Clapping his hands ok, who's the patient for today?

Today we have... 



Everything seems good and well but deep inside a layer in the Matrix:

"Asset 030 seems to be ready"

"Mr. Bachu will you proceed with the purchase?"

"Are you sure he would say what I asked in front of the people?"

"Say or suggested Mr. Bachu, say or suggested. If you wanted some precise utterance it would be something that came out of a collective works of many"

"No no I'm just a bit new to the idea"

"Have you seen the presentation?"

"Yeah, he would say or do relative to certain variables that's of your control"

"Such would be upon your requests"

"I'm sorry for my hesitation it's just, preparing all of those currencies involve exertion of extraordinary administration on my part"

"Of course Mr. Bachu"

Suddenly Mr. Bachu looked startled and a bit upset, as if he remembered something that he deeply detests. 

"Mr. Bachu the transaction is done" Said the attractive woman next to him

"Would you check?"

"Hmm... Hmmm... Alright I guess you couldn't exchange some of the bytetokens into Godbits?"

"The rates were extremely unusual I'm sure it would return to normal shortly" said the woman

"Alright..." said the mysterious man with a little bit of nervousness. 

Seeing his manner Mr. Bachu looked a bit interested... 

"Say God of Wealth, excuse me if I'm wrong... I believe you're aware of the real reason why I made this request"

"You don't get it, I'm not the God of Wealth. God is here through me, I'm but an "asset"" Said the man while trying to keep his composure. 



Narrator: Even though series of events happened without anyone knowing that the "Gods" were behind it. Not everything is actually within their control. They marketed their "assets" to Rich and Powerful people, showing evidences such as predictable actions, self fulfilling prophecies, and artificial synchronicities, but little do they realize this person in particular, the Doctor, came from a foreign realm, His matrices at least.

"God of Wealth" noticed that the Doctor is a person whose actions were in synchronicity with many events. Using his A.I he tried to use this phenomenon to act as if he had performed an unprecedented, unrivalled "acquisition" of an asset. After a long time of "grooming" he was confident that everything that the Doctor is doing and would be doing had fallen into his realm of control. 

However, in a strange kind of way this "asset" was going to play a role leading to the manifestation of the increasing entropy of the known "creation".  


Butterfly bike was a bike people use in the weightlessness of space. It's like a regular bike but the driver sits perpendicular to the wheels instead of in line. Both wheels spun the opposite direction to another, when the driver wanted to move forward he/she would push levers with both hands and the wheels would turn towards that direction. The torque would cancel each other to the direction coming in but to the direction forward they would cause the whole bike to move forward in space. The same mechanism used to break, which is to pull the lever and release which would move the wheels to the opposite direction and countered the forward momentum. 

8.01x - Lect 24 - Rolling Motion, Gyroscopes, VERY NON-INTUITIVE by Walter Levin, accessed 24'th of June 2022


The Ophanim bike/motorbike was a bike with four wheels that could move in all directions


After his work the Doctor and his friend went to a comedy club, there were some new talents and the closing act was done by a well known comedian. 

The Doctor was a member of the nostalgia country club and the comedy place was a part of the complex. Everyone that came in wore suits with specific style / cuts and many had fedora hats on, the female wore beautiful long dresses with braids and loofahs attached on their shoulders and hats. The interior of the place also was like from a classic time of western civilization during the early baby boomer period. 

A comedian went up the stage and everyone was booing him for wearing T-Shirts, Shorts, and slippers. 

"Good evening everyone" he appeared untroubled with all the gestures of disagreements.

"I'm a full time gamer, the type that made not money from gaming"

Some of the people chuckled

"I like Gacha games, everyone should know what it means... yes, yes, gambling games with anime tiddies" 

"One time this game I was playing promised to give me, well not me but those who managed to, obtained, a new character an NFT... which is not surprising but this particular NFTs however ladies and gentlemen, this worth 20,000 in the Plus Circle where I'm in.

Knowing this suddenly I remembered about the 10,000 my mother gave me for my tuition fees"

The crowd started to make some noises here and there... 

"I never remembered, ever, ever that the chances on each one of those draw were less than 1%, never. All that I saw was the goal, the purpose, which is this beautiful bijin of a character the only one, that has smaller boobs but bigger butt..... and 10,000 dollars in profit"

"So I started drawing, pulling... college, grades, goals, they could wait. Career, Wife, Kids, not right now. Mother, crying, not yet. Eyes on the prize... eyes on the prize... I started spending 10, no luck, 20 didn't got her, 40 no, 80 no, 160, 320, all the way to 5.120 still zero, nothing! 10,240... and just like that I lost everything, my life, dreams, works, everything!

What should I do, What should I do (walking around anxiously). Then as I tapped through the screen looking for a glimpse of hope... I found it (eyes opened widely). There is a ticket, a small ticket in the shop that says 1 free draw, for the prize of 10. 

I jumped to my archives, scoured through all of my unused foreign currencies and old currencies I still have left... exchanged it through many intermediaries... and there you go voila! I had 10 more to spend."

At this point the crowd seems to be smiling in anticipation...

"I bought it, this is my last hope... and I used it... Blasting with fireworks and heart emojis I got her! I got her! Oh my God I got her!"

"I went to the rewards section, there's the NFT! it's here! I tapped to claim, a text box appeared... Due to the rewards and gift taxes in your region this NFT is claimable by you after 10,000 payment to the tax office"..... "PLEASE ENTER THE RECIPT NUMBER HERE TO CLAIM IT!!!"

That night I borrowed money from my mother and confessed everything...

(expressing sadness and embarassment)" 

The crowd laughed and some clapped

"Thank you everyone!" and the crowd all cheered and clapped loudly, filled with releases of frustration towards their country's unusually high tax rates. 

He handed the stage back to the host who again mentioned his name one more time answered by more clapping by the crowd. 

The next comedian was an older fellow with a noticably neatly trimmed beard. 

"Halo everyone! Great evening, great evening isnt it. The other day I was walking down the block and noticed some kind of weird texture on the path. I didn't pay much attention to it and just went by and the next thing you know I was sinking. Yes... (looking around the place) Yes... sinking, it was a sinkhole I was trapped in a sinkhole! 

So immidiately I reached out my ear and called the emergency. By the time they answered my feet was already half submerged, so I thought this got to quick and I shouted... "HELP! SINKHOLE! BETWEEN GEORGE STREET AND WATTLE STREET! HURRY!

Long story short I had gotten down all the way to half of my face, I couldn't talk anymore and then the rescue unit came. I remembered before my eyes went submerged one of the guy reached out and said It's ok it's just a dream! And then I got completely drowned. 

Sure enough after, I woke up on my bed gasping for air"

(Breathing heavily)

"It was a dream indeed, was a dream! So I layed and thought about it... and after a while I thought... it's not nice leaving them all alone like that... after all the trouble they've been through (raising voice), trying to save me (raised voice)... I couldn't just leave them hanging like that

So I closed my eyes trying to went back at the place right, and I could still remember bits and pieces about the dream, cause it's just like I just woke up at the time, right? And I was successful, I managed to get back on that dream and got drowned again in that sinkhole!

That guy who shouted It's just a dream! at me, pulled me out with his hands, and the two in front of me lifted me on both sides of my arms and there's another guy pulled me from the other side. So I managed to be unsubmerged

But now, these people are the ones who got submerged! What a turn of event ladies and gentlemen, now I'm standing tall, still in the middle of the sinkhole, and all of them were around me drowning in the very sinkhole they were pulling me out from! 

What a weird dream! Now I felt even more guilty, I shouldn't have gone back, everything was fine before, now they were drowning in the same sinkhole as me, and it's all because of me!

But then I realized, hey this is a dream! this is my dream! I could make it anything I wanted it to be.

So somehow I made all the undried cements evaporized and them laying there safely in a dome, a strange dome. So in the end they were safe and thanked me generously with niceness and encouragements. I was happy, I was elated, I was satisfied, 

And I wanted more...

So, I imagined various kinds of people sinking in the street, a politician, a special force army, actors and actresses, etcetera, and they all thanked me, admired me, and recognized me in the end. 

Starting to wanted more, I got the kid who used to bully me... sank on the street. Girls who rejected me... sank on the street, doctor Debby a beautiful pediatrician of mine when I was a little... sank on the street. 

When I saved doctor Debby though I got some kind of this weird feeling rushing in, I always remembered I got a crush on doctor Debby when I was a kid coming into her clinic. But this time I really remembered it, the feeling came back 100% maybe even amplified. 

So I woke up right, still feeling wobbly and sat on my bed. I couldn't help but to keep thinking about when I saved her from the sinkhole, I just couldn't help it, she was thankful of me like the way I probably was when she treated my leg from falling down the stairs back I was a kid. Couldn't stop feeling strange about it. Then I took my towel went into the shower, turned on the water, it came out perfectly warm, and I realized... hey this is still a dream! My plumbing is supposed to be broken, but this shower is working like it's brand new! I tried to imagine myself floating in the air... it worked! So I did what any man would do, I called doctor Debby again... yes... and she was right there in front of me"

(the crowd laughed at him for a while and he waited)

"Then she was smiling, and talked to me like I was a child, she stroked my head and asked me is everything alright? And then I thought, she looks the same as when I was a kid, now that I'm an adult she must have been 20 years older than me... and right then and there suddenly she became a 60 years old woman. 

Great was my surprise and I snapped right awake, now really, really ladies and gentlemen, in my bed in the reality. Now I couldn't help but keep on thinking about a 60 years old woman in ways I never think about a 60 years old woman before... (making a weird smile)"

The crowd laughed and clapped, the host took back the stage and reintroduced him once more, sounds of whistling was heard here and there, and the bar was flooded with orders of drinks. 

The host introduced the next comic, this time it's a woman with a comical face, very cheerful with a body to die for. If she wanted she could really mesmerize the men in the audience but she appeared nothing like that...

"Halo ladies and gentlemen, thank you, thank you. What a mystical night we have here isnt it?"

"Men are Dicks!" suddenly she said with a loud voice, the crowd laughed

"Well no actually, my bad, Men have Dicks... and that's what make them Assholes!" (the crowd chuckled and coughing out the drinks they were still in the middle of drinking). 

"The other day I was walking and suddenly it was raining out of nowhere, there were no sheds on the way front, nor there were on the way back... 

I was drenched, embarassingly drenched. 

I got no other options I keep walking forward to where I was going, and every man, every man on the street got umbrellas, coats, or those umbrella drones except me. Apparently they all installed this useless old widget called the "weather channel", tsch so lame, you know, the one that keeps on taking up space on the notification that's meant for the Maldini Bags and Shoes... (crowd chuckled), discounts radar on the map... (chuckles again), taking up space on the peripherals (shaking her hands in front of her eyes, the crowd chuckled again [note: at this time people use a glasses technology to merge virtual world and the real world]). 

Anyway, I keep on walking and all of them, I mean NONE of them offered to share. I mean I'm not demanding, but at least stop greeting me, keep your eyes off the chest area, or the back area... stop saying hi, lifted your fedora (while pointing at a man on the front as he was lifting up his fedora on her), without even helping me out a single bit! I can't believe it you guys!

But someone, came and shade me with his umbrella, and I thought what a nice person, "thank you" I said as I was looking at him, oh no... oh no... bad decision. He had this chips of leftover food on his teeth and a creepy smile. As he was walking he put his hands on my shoulder, and pulling me close to him!

So I punched her in the face, took the umbrella crossed the street, threw the umbrella on the street to be trampled and dissapeared (expressing it comically) into the abyss"

Wooooo! most of the women were making noises as she was exiting the stage. 


In this era all orphanages in the world is financed by the whole world. All countries came together and contributed all kinds of services, from money to social workers, property facilities to education, all orphanages in the world is financed by the aggregate of the whole world. 

The policy facilitates peace and also purpose for the unification of humanity in harmony.


Council of common guidelines is a body consisting of respected articulate people from various disciplines. Their role is to tell the guideline that's being used by the society, to give it shape and to communicate it in writing. 

The Guideline usually act as an information piece that people follow but not strictly. However when there's a dispute, arbitrators would settle based on these guidelines. Which motivates businesses to put into contract agreement clauses regarding to or referring to the guidelines, whether or not it would follow it or not in certain areas. 

At first their presence were overlooked by the society, people thought them as a group of old semi successful people who were just doing their thing. But because some of the articulations were so on point, these guidelines quickly became industry standards as well as cultural. 

After a while lawmakers refered to the prevalence of these standards as reasons to not put things into the law and even remove things from the law. 


Gehazin't the original was successful in creating a security system that's used by a big company. However for one reason or the other, a country considered him as a terrorist threat and bugged his life and observed his every moves. They were instructed to spot on security risks but as government officials they should not interfere with his ordinary activities and lifestyle. 

Soon enough they saw him as someone who could digest water as food, and he could save up a lot of money not buying food because of this very rare mutation. 

(Story branch 1):
One of the secret agent has another life also as an employee of a tech security company and he tried to insinuated that Gehazin't was cheating his customer, that he could've sold his product cheaper, because he didn't need food.

(Story branch 2):
One of the secret agent has another life also as an employee of a tech security company and he tried to insinuated that Gehazin't was trying to attack the whole industry by selling products below gross, that he offered prices below market price and that he could afford it because he was able to live without food.

He tried to voice his concern by making a webtoon story about some accountant being spied upon and having to face repercussion of the spy's envy while the spies actually didn't know that the accountant had to be prepared all the time for his subsequent responsibilities. 

Reading this webtoon another software company misunderstood and thought Gehazin't was talking about them, obviously, they said. So here Gehazin't was being attacked from multiple directions and realms.

Turned out Gehazin't had to sleep 2 days if he failed to eat food for 3 days


To demonstrate his power to the world leaders, Gehazin't the second wanted to demonstrate the resurrection of the dead. From where Warlock left off he pulled a soul, Judas Iscariot's and he revived multiples of him. 

One Judas would be the founder of an organization upon which powerful weapons against the "viruses" would be produced. Together with the main character's party, the Judas foundation was set to kill Gehazin't II's image.

This time M.Cross arrived at Moon's orbit and is doing a transition. The picture displayed M.Cross from the top making giant metallic noises of ship bodies being separated. Upon some of the levers appeared discharges of thick gases when they were switched. 

Inside the citizens had divided themselves into two groups, the two were separated by what seems to be a river between two ports. The River was almost 500m wide at our measurement and they were watching each other through holograms and big screens. 

In tears they shouted at each other telling their dear ones to take care of themselves. From the middle of the river rose 2 transparent walls splitting the river into two. From what seemed to be the sky giant curved walls were closing in and ended up connecting with the transparent walls, now they were fully separated from each other. 

Picture shows again M.Cross from space making large noises and moving components. Such sounds reverberated throughout the whole ports and the people were told to step back some distances. Not long after the water bodies in between the two walls appeared to be sinking towards their lower sides. The sky opened up and the stars and the planets and the galaxies were peeking through, and it appeared that they were spinning slowly in space. 

The sounds of crying became louder from both ports and the people starting to hug each other, holding hands, smiling, shouting loving words through the holograms and screens upon some were soundless. 

Now more and more skies were revealed as the outer barriers were disassembling, the huge bodies of water that once was in the middle had then became constellations of bubbles dancing and laughing at the crying audience, and soon after a huge explosion put good distances between the two, where the place where each others were, were replaced with an arc and from the center of the space ships a dome was created to cover both bodies. 

In the main ship, the robotic announcer started to tell the crowd to prepare for the merge, and the port were visibly transforming as everyone were hugging and watching. Some people were leaving some chose to stay, among them was a beautiful woman with long hair and a hairband. She sat at the edge of the port watching at the galaxies and stars, while water in between her and the edge of the ship were crashing in vigorously.

The Moon seemed to be blessing her with a splendid scenery and she was locked in, watching as the other ship was sailing further and further towards the grey. 


The alarm was blazing everyone surprised. The beautiful girl looked very concerned at the other ship, from a vehicle her friend pulled her shoulder and called her to leave. The armies were preparing, it was an attack on the ship coming from the moon. 

Guards already outside have merged with the departing ship's platoon and they were scanning their surroundings for hidden enemies. From the back emerged smaller ship but agile beyond believe, they rushed into the space creating a rainbow that spanned across the sky. 

From behind humanoid robots with canons were assembling what seemed to be a warship, and not long after they were done. Multiples of them aboard the ship and it blasted into the nether in a split second. 

Arriving at the location dangerously close to the moon, the 3rd partition is defending against unanticipated numbers of pirates. Someone tipped them off of the locations and numbers of cargo this time, because they were especially abundant. 

Even though their canons were strong, and the guards' formations were impregnable, they couldn't avoid sustaning damages from the enemies long range artilleries from a couple of their leader ships. The pirates' canons weren't supposed to be using a technology exclusive for the earth's army but they did. 


Ship Commander:

"Have you notified the moon of this, Cassandra?"

The Commander of the 3rd Partition:

"Yes, and the earth. Their numbers are great and they used barrier piercing emp projectiles"

The Commander of the 2nd Partition:

"What? do you have a comprehensive idea about their numbers?"

"George, we are not sure but so far there were no signs of ambushes from Deidara"

"Good, our troops should be arriving by now, hang in there!"

"Yes Commander!"

The rainbow of reinforcements arrived at the battlefield and obliterated the pirates' side formation, they appeared to be moving but not in disarray. 


The ships instantly dodged a powerful attack from an inconspicous ship. They countered with barrages of projectiles that shut down many of the pirate ships but the pirates were still forming some type of formations. 

"Retreat! this is a distraction"

Sure enough a humanoid launched from the Pirates' ranks towards the 3rd partition, it incapacitated three of the guarding humanoids and sneakily landed on the ship's body.

Cassandra: "Be Careful the enemy is trying to turn off the barriers"

The captain from the guards division arrived in his face and landed some punches, he appeared to be on the ground, but suddenly shot a mini canon that damaged the captain and propelled him away. 



"He's coming for the barrier towers"

2 of the guards arrived and helped the captain, but this infiltrator has gone far. He shot a tower to pieces, weaking the overall barrier of the 3rd partition. 

"Launch the tridents!"

From inside the hull appeared three humanoids with advanced armors and speed, just as the infiltrator were about to shot at the second tower he got blasted away with a sniper canon. 

The first trident opened up his hand and a net was sprung around the infiltrator. The net has the power to disturb electrical circuits, but he switched to another circuit

"plasma system"


It was a cat and mouse game at this point, the infiltrator swirled around the ship trying to distract its pursuers but still not leaving. 

"He's still targeting the towers", "No, this is a suicide mission"

"I'll deal with it" said the first trident. 

He pulled a gear in his control and the humanoid transformed into a different bulkier shape, while the two tridents were chasing the enemy he stayed in place around the towers. This seems to cause the enemy not daring to approach, but out of his shoulder the vehicle ejected several projectiles that heading straight to the wings. 

"I knew it" said the first trident, 
His humanoid was kneeling, and with his arms stretched out he fired plasma towards the critters and destroyed them. 

As the enemy was surprised, in a split second the two tridents separated away from each other and the moment he realized what happened, his humanoids had been split apart and his head were exposed to the vacuum. 

"I got you now" The second trident wrapped her humanoid hand around his body and yanked him out of his seat, dislodging some of the cables attached to his nerves painfully. He fainted after that

In the emptiness of space there's a ship that disguised itself as an asteroid, approaching what seemed to be strange signals from his radar. To his surprise passing through right above him were an enormous mother ship with bear insignia on it. 

"This is crazy" he murmured to himself, 

"There's no way I would not be detected if I go now, I have to escape using a different method"

Inside the second mother ship also enormous, a person with very muscular posture and an officer hat with a cape was observing his surroundings. He was particularly interested when he saw an asteroid collision far away. 

"Hmmm, that doesn't happen very often" he touched his chin. 

Deidara silently floated away from the army, however he's also not moving any closer to M.Cross. 

He waited for hours and then set to take a roundabout towards his mother ship. 

"Unbelievable, what is this? A world invasion?"

The Mall in the city of Dodo was called the "Ceramic". During the day when people were shopping, they had a radio system where people could request to play a song from a selection of licensed music. Ever once in a while you'd hear a soothing voice of a radio dj making everybody in the mall feel good,

"There you go that was Happy Baby Happy Right by the Sterling Scott sent by Mr. Right... well I don't think that's his real name but maybe I'm wrong. Mr Right also delivered a message to "You who are a darling and is also a wind. Saying, don't fight the feeling anymore" Hmmm, seems like someone is definitely is not fighting his feeling at all. Well thank you very much for that Mr. Right, I hope the darling who's also a wind, would not fight her or his feeling anymore and you'd be as you are the Mr. Right. 

Okay, the next song is going to be coincidentally To the left, To the left - by True Equal. The song was requested by Mr. BK, thank you very much Mr. BK and here it goes... To the left, To the left. Only on "The Ceramic" 43.21 FM. (*flushing sound effect)"
Melki the ronin is a philosopher of the past. Some said he was a rogue philosopher, some said he's just an excuse maker that excells above all excuse makers. But he uttered three prayers that would become useful later:

The Inclination to keep on Inclining forever,
1. Be prioritized over everything forever (without going against the Truth)
2. Be the ultimate winner above all winners forever (without any space for evil as a winner)
3. Be the ultimate winner over everything forever (which is not just a title, INRI)

and he is a Christian so he said this,

These prayers need humanity for their Justice, therefore humanity must prevail. Therefore Jesus Christ is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords. 

Casper would focus on 1
Balthazar 2
Melchior 3
but Balthazar and Melchior would make sure Casper wouldn't go against the Truth, Truthfully. Casper and Melchior would make sure Balthazar would be thoroughly mean and cruel against Injustice, Truthfully. Casper and Balthazar would make sure that Melchior is credible enough, accurate, relevant, reliable, impactful, Truthfully.

Is this what adulthood means? Realizing some of our potentials while letting off some?
When kids looked up on us, would they looked forward to? or would they mourn?
This is oldness
Adulthood is realizing our potentials and getting even more potentials
When we looked at the young ones we should not be envious, and nor should they be in despise

When we saw the amazingness of the past with pity, its not the foolishness of our youth
It's the oldness of greatness because of evil
They are indeed as awesome as they seemed, 

Is this adulthood? Are we content with this? Are we proud?
This is not enough
Evil is a waste of time, injustice is injustice
Our intents to kill should not be directed towards not them. We are wasting our time

The treasure in the chamber of Evil, is not theirs, it's still ours
Lost but not in Truth

(Following is my fiction as a character development for Judas and my supposition of what happened given what we know about Judas)

Teacher, why do you hate Judas so?

Haven't you noticed what he's done? After the rich man left, some others came to be with us... they are one of the same as him. And in hidden he (Judas) took what belongst not for him, nor do I asked any of it for any of us, but as what he had done in secret towards Naaman, when he took the gifts that doesn't belong to him, so had he done it again towards us.

Teacher, how come we know not of this nor such great wealth became apparent in his possession?

Stolen water is sweet, bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But what's not known by you is known by those who would fulfill the will of My Father. 

The M.Cross society was a part of the space program launched by the Freedom Government. The Freedom Government is a society in the desert that grew larger and larger out of resistance against the previous World Government. 

The Previous World Government was performing eugenics against people with free circuits and their supporters. People with free circuits are those who either have circuits in their mind to stop neurotic thoughts or those who mutated with less neurotic circuits. These people are harder to govern because they consistently always hinder policies that made it easier to smooth variabilities in the society. 

The Previous World Government wanted to stay in power and reduce risks of changes including from innovation. They found that people with high neuroticism are easier to follow suggestions and are more willing to do what it takes to make their agenda happened for the sake of the suggested sense of security. On the other hand those who are not would always criticize and experiment in thoughts, finding imperfections and tweaks that made things better, defeating the purpose of their promotions which is to be the sole source of wealth of the world. 

Overtime the previous world government grew tired of this and decided to implement a sub par economic system which over-urbanize the society. The result of such policies are over-urbanizations due to high barriers to entry of profitability for commoners from the rural areas, high barriers to entry of entrepreneurships everywhere both rural and urban, and so higher needs to submit to the monopoly. It is also eugenics against those who are harder to submit to popular agendas, for those who had the capabilities to work, they wouldn't be able to; if they wouldn't submit to a way of thinking, a way of talking, commitment to a certain things to talk about and to not talk about, and they should surpress their willingness to participate in the macro economics. 

Realizing this the Freedom society were formed, they decided to push back by observing the law, putting themselves in need of articulated freedom and articulated order in the short term (because they are indeed ultimately have long term consequences), and to always trigger the freedom of speech.

Such habit then would divide the society making it observable between one tribe to another and making it obvious which order is more friendly to human beings. In turn such created a threat of war between the previous world government and them, but since the injustice were obvious not all power could be weilded by the elites. In the end the freedom society managed to negotiate a separate property and the previous world government also changed their policies into more reviewable ones

The Oxygen war or the Paranoid war 

Is the time when the PWG hunted down freedom organization members all over the world. One of the member obtained an evidence that the PWG was attempting to oschestrate a world wide "accident" of particle accelators that would render sea water unsalinable, and then lack of oxygen in the air. 

The PWG attempted to control all mass medias but the Freedom organization managed to secure some medias that are not loyal to the PWG. These medias were deemed as one of those "conspiracy theory" medias also PWG coined various conspiracy organizations to muddy the waters. However this evidence is really interesting and would really bring people together to audit the PWG.

The After Chi Bi or Chi Bi Antartica

The Freedom Country has a province called the After Chi Bi which based in the "desert" of the Antartic Ocean, it consists of thousands of cruise ships that could merge together as one land. They generate their own electricity and mine their own materials. There were some giant ships that are specialized ships, made for farming and repairing activities.

Ed: "Huh? what is this room?" 
(A voice from the radio): We need more people on deck immidiately!
(A voice from inside the room): Right away Sir!

It was a metal door with a little square window and metal 3 metal bars that covers it. From Ed's point of view the metal bars looked really tall and she couldn't reach it. 

Ed: "Ein what is happening?" 
Ed was talking to his corgi plushie doll, being a 7 years old girl she likes to wander about in her own adventure with her closest friend Ein, the stuffed corgi doll of hers

Suddenly the door opened in a rush and a person with white navy uniform ran out in a rush leaving the door opened behind him. 

Ed slowly peered in, and then Ein, and then she walked slowly inside.

Ed: "Aw, it's incredibly hot in here!"
She went back out to settle her surprise. 

Ed: "What Ein? you liked it? hmmm indeed it feels somewhat comfortable"
Ed mended her hair up and then slowly walked back into the room. 

Ed: "Wow, this room is so adult, everything about it is so tall. Ein could you reach that table?"
She extended her arm up trying to measure how high she could reach towards the table.

Ed: "Can you see anything?" Ein nodded "What did you see?" Ein shook his head "Wow Ein you're so mean I thought we are friends, but oh well everybody should be able to have secrets so I forgive you Ein, we could still be friends okay?" Ein shook his head again "What! Ein you're a meanie"

A burst of heat seemed to blow out of nowhere, and Ed started to become more alert. 
Ed: "Hmmm, I wonder what was that?"
Ed slowly walked to the other side of the wall, and slowly putting his head to peak, she was amazed with the glaring red in front of her, while a massive piston moved up and down swiftly on top of it without making a sound. 

Ed approached the stove despite the increasing heat on her face, sometimes she looked at Ein and stopped but Ein always nodded in assurance of her. She approached closer and closer witnessing more and more details of the grand machine and bury its colors deep inside of her mind. 

Hey kid what are you doing here?
Ed saw her feet floated meters above the air, she hugged Ein close to her chest. 

A tall muscular guy is holding her up by the collar high up above. He walked outside and turned Ed around while looking intensely into her eyes

Ed looked stunned for a while and then smiled

"Little kid why are you here? Where are your parents?"

Ed looked at him smiling and said "Geeta is looking for me outside" and grinned

"Hey hey you naughty little girl, you shouldn't make your parent worried like that"

He put Ed down to the ground and then closed the door

"Here show me where she is..."

Ed reached his hands up but she had to extend her body too much to do that. The guy dragged his palm down his face and then carried Ed up to sit on his shoulders. 

"Hey I'm going to pick some stuff up first don't let go of my head okay, don't fall down"

Ed nodded and leaned forward resting on top of his bald head as he was walking away from the obscure dark alley deep down inside the belly of the ship.


The Hunters are secret forces made by an evil man to hunt the people of the Freedom Organization.

The Evil man when he was young had a high position in the civil officials, but he was in the navy for quite sometime before that. He found that there, in the high rank civil officials, people were watching each other, at work, at home, they kept on snooping on each other figuring out things to keep each other in check. They didn't want to fall as many of their deeds were immoral. 

He thought to himself, why do I enjoy no privacy while common people who are lower than me enjoyed freedom? So he organized a hacking application, a diversified hacking system for everybody to use. Such would enable one another to see on to each others' private lives, including perverts and pedophiles. 

When he's old he had lung cancer but managed to survive from artificial respiratory augmentations. Having loathed his fate he greatly envied everybody else who had better lives, by that he meant the ability to breathe normally. Since his position gave him access to great power, some unofficially as he had cracked into powerful people's information and devices, he had the means and the desire to venture for the proprietarization the planet's oxygen. In order to be the only one who has the better breathing above everybody else.

His opportunity arrived when he came accross a scientific article... there's a way to rapidly produce oxygen out of oil. It peaked his interests so, it drove him to "research" some more information out of some on-going works of several scientists on the related matter, plus ways to significantly depleted the planet's then current oxygen. Again he obtained all of these information through violations of privacies and properties. 

A scientist is currently investigating the coral reef's resilience in his lab, using machine learning he managed to map potential risks to the reefs given changes or events that's happening everywhere in the world, practically "real time". Such AI could also simulate problems and solutions given extreme circumstances in different parts of the ocean, including oil rig explosion, or nuclear reactor leakages. 

The evil man found his project and created a fake environment to fool the machine. He used the machine to simulate ways to destroy the marine plants and microbes in the most massive, instant, but as discrete as possible. 

The scientist had an AI system that reviewed the activities of his other machines, after some time the AI identified the breach and sent a warning, while the scientist was on his way to the airport.
The scientist received the notification and was horrified. Immidiately he realized that his own life then was at risk, as this evil person might have hacked into his privacy pod already.

It was noon and the sun shines scorchingly hot in the cell. The bearded man was tied, his hands behind the chair, his eyes closed. In front of him was a huge mirror but on the other side the army investigators were sitting and trying to get more information out of him.

Smiling condescendingly he started saying:
"Heh, you put me here as if I'm a special class terrorist, but right under your nose you did nothing against your own demise. What I did was nothing it was nothing... stupid animals"

Again the interviewers keep trying to ask him questions, he kept on answering with poetic insults and condescending doomsday remarks. Soon after a representative of the freedom nation navy went in. Her hair was tied on both sides, wearing a white navy uniform but modified with drapes of black. In her hands a pack of bundled envelopes, one of them were labelled classified.

"Okay, I'm not here to ask how and where your weapons, vehicles, or boats. Who and where are the rest of the hunters, I promise you none of those"

"Oh a nice cute voice, thank you for the breath of fresh air"

"... Okhay, could you explain to me... what are these things you kept on bringing up while you're questioned here?"

"We all are animals, underdeveloped, the bottom of the food chain, condiments, food..."

She appeared impatient

"All this time they say... climate change. Temperatures... rising, HAHAHAHA"

(Has he gone mad?)

"Well believe what you want to believe, asks no more...
Continuing on with our lives, AI, Games, Career, Sex... somebody already is working on it (cough* cough*) right? ahahahaha (coughed heavily and louder and louder)"

one of the guard said "He should go back now, he needs his therapy done again for today"

"Wait a minute... tell me, who, and how?"

"I don't know, but can't you see? Nobody is working, nobody is anticipating the very obvious, nobody is asking the right questions"

"OH! are you talking about that scientists' AI, that reef AI? tell me! tell me what it told you!"

"Hey at last a smart one, indeed (cough cough cough*) a breath (cough*) of fresh..."

"Hurry up you dying moderfakr what... (actually you know what)... what's the question? Tell me"

"How to flood (coughs blood)"

"Okhay that's it, we still need him alive tommorow right?" The paramedics intercepted and took him away.

While being carried he lifted his face and grinned right to her face as if he was seeing through the fabric of the blindfold accross his face


"Alright guys thank you for escorting me out, very nice of you"

"Sure anytime, by the way what was it?"

"Huh, this? I'm sorry it's classified?"

"Oh, about what you're asking to him before, is it something of a matter of concern for the main government?"

"Hmmm, main government, Is that how you think yourselves as?"

"Hey hey", said the other guy behind him "We mean the World Government, any objections?"

"..." after paused for a bit she remarked "Fine, fine, it's nothing I was just baiting him to tell more than what he usually do"

"Ah, is that what it was?"

Suddenly a sharp female voice coming from the back of the freedom government rep,


"Oh Shid!"

Then a husky but incredibly loud and hard to ignore male voice; "Arrest her she's a spy!" 

"She's a spy!" shouted the female voice. 

Then the officers were looking at the woman in front of her more closely, 

"I don't know what they're talking about, but hey that's my chopper I got to go!"

With incredible speed and leg power she jumped all the way to the roof and another roof and another to the very top of the ship, it was as if she planned to jumped all the way to the heli without needing it to land first. 

"Not going to let you!" The approaching male wore a navy uniform but looked torn and soily, like it has been in a fight. His body is big and wide, full of muscles. His dark skin appeared to be thick but soft, like furs absorbing the light of the sun. With half of his right arm in a form of a gatling gun, he aimed at the chopper and barraged it with bullets. 

"AAAaaaah!" The woman shouted. The chopper managed to keep flying but it had to make an emergency landing on water. She cancelled the ride. 

Now with high agility but not as high of jumps as the alleged spy, the chasing woman jumped over roofs and landed right behind the woman who's carrying the documents. The chasing woman had a long black hair and a white tank top. Her chest was vuloptuously very big compared to her frame but the very feature only made it impressive to those who witnessed her swift martial arts maneuvers.  

Keti! don't let her go away keep your distance close!

Keti started with a swift summersault as he jumped from a ladder, but the woman dodged easily while still carrying the envelopes. 

Keti kept on the pressure by punching closely here and there and at last one punch landed on her shoulder and then another one to her face. 

Maddened by this but then smirked eerily, she tossed the documents somewhere that looked like a hole and then started to retaliate

"So you want to play some games heh?" starting with a powerful kick from the left, Keti blocked but even so the power messed up her balance
Another kick comes from the right, so quick it was a spinning kick. Keti managed to block desperately but now she fell down. 

This time a hook stomp is coming from the top, Keti rolled quickly and immidiately jumped to the bottom. But the spy only lifted her leg, and with an amazing balance kept it there spanning to the sky

"Then come, let's have some fun" out of nowhere she jumped to where Keti was and now managed to hit her with a summersault to her head. Ket bumped his forehead on the floor while the spy landed on the floor as well sitting with both legs straight to the front and back. 

Keti lifted her face forward upsettingly. Both jumped and took some hits from one another. Sometimes the spy surprised her with unpredicteble flying kicks, while Keti almost captured her once or twice with in her grapples. 

"Not bad chest girl. But can you take this!" she spun multiple times into the air while delivering unanticipated random frequent kicks from the air... but even after taking a couple of kicks, Keti could still stand and delivered counter punches by lounging herself forward explosively. 

The fight goes on for almost a minute then from below the man charged in and bumped the both of them till they fell, the spy hit her head on the wall before falling down. 

Hey Gendang becareful! You gonna kill me too?!

Relax, I know what I'm doing. 

The spy looked unconscious lying down face down on the floor. As Gendang was trying to take both of her hands with his massive left palm, Keti shouted no! and then the spy suddenly grappled his arm with her legs, twisted him twice and used his hard body to jumped away and ran to the sea. 

Somehow the chopper had turned into a motorboat and now they left with speed.

Both Keti and Gendang were sitting down looked towards the horizon emptily and then covered their faces.

During the war Gehazin't and his friends proposed for a global battle funds. All armies shall be rewarded with routine UBI (army UBI) and specific bonuses for exceptional performance in drills and mock battles. Later it would sprung into famous war tournaments and martial arts battles unprecedented before in history, including robot and drone war competitions and humanoid battle vehicles. However the very purpose of this fund is to end the war, if the war continues, such fund would be channeled in recovery and relieves of war damages (instead of going to the world army's budgets). 
"Well I could probably figured it out but with unusually extra cost, if he could figured it out with less from his point of view why don't you let him figured it out?"

"No, while you have the momentum It's the time for you to get it all"

"Why not let him had the momentum also, let my point of view be "exhausted". Because it is"

"No it's not you have the resources"


"Well if you figured it out you'll get it all"

"That's what I said, that means he got it all the more... dude what you're not getting is, the Truth is everywhere, if he could figured it out with less that means I might figured out something else with less in turn, probably. Regardless (pokoknya) it's just occam's razor, collectively"

"Then the next time he'll take it all instead of you"

"That's a different problem, that's like piracy issue"

"It is, so you're just not going to acknowledge it"

"That's a different problem, and the harder it is we solve other things the harder it is we solve it as well"

"You're just lazy"

"I'm just not getting what you want people to give me, and it's not my fault"

"You're just lazy and I'm out"

"It is what it is"


In the future there's a device that initally was an experiment for dementia patients, but now it's a common utility. It is a headgear that records your brainwaves and is able to copy it and store it. People use it to remember their brainwaves at particular time and enhance their recalling of the moments of inspiration.

The heavenly future:

People would wake up when they wanted to, would go asleep when they wanted to, the notion of "true death" will be a superficial thing. Everytime they knew better and better how to incorporate their evil self into prosperity and eventually they would save all versions of themselves (into becoming Lovely). 

Food, shelter, toilets, all of the basic necessities are not issues anymore, the important thing is the desire to keep on inclining forever Truthfully. When they are awake, they'll go on ventures to elevate one's self and the world... they'll have all the assurances they need of the lines between mutuality and non-mutualities (relatively speaking, the important lines), so anxieties wouldn't creep into relationships anymore. 

Faith, is about the logic that the second law is real, sameness and differences, and that there's a spot in the past where we are all "one" in an ultimate state of low entropy. That everything is Truly a puzzle, there are always ways to put them together beautifully and perfectly, Lovely. Therefore aiming towards that is not bad, Hope... is not an error.

Privacy Purger is a pop idol fan who were infuriated when a stalker vandalized his/her idol's tree shrine, painted the words "I know your religion, love" poured the whole paint bucket into the ground and killed the sacred tree.
He tried to find the perpetrator and he turned out to be a genius detective. Not only he managed to find the stalker and exposed him, he also discovered that there are some other people who already knew about the plan and didn't do anything. 

The Privacy Purger hated these people and started to find them one after the other, more and more, and more and more. Some stalkers got exposed in social media sites, some got exposed to the police, and some had the people they violated retaliated and sued. Their crimes varied from sabotaging other people's businesses until buying and selling lewd videos of real unsuspecting people in the black market. The Privacy Purger himself was unknown until the end. 

His anomaly even reached the intelligence services of big companies and some countries. No one could found him, for years he kept on exposing violations of privacy all over the world rendering the anonymous crime businesses silent and then died. After Gehazin't made his necromancer, the Privacy Purger was lost without news anymore. 

However, after Necromancer brought all of the historical people back to life, repeated rendering caused researchers to know that each "soul" had like a fingerprint or a "soul mark" to its existence. At first they used this discovery to find missing people and kidnapped people, they could discover electronic souls being exploited within a quaranteened environment. 

Hackers, including the Privacy Purger tried to encrypt their soul marks but this is actually dangerous without proper precautionary measures because just the act of doing so could change the course of your life to a predictable outcome (higher entropy spectrum). Moreover such encryptions sometimes interfered with the marks that were not encrypted, therefore became a violation to do later. 

The Criminal Intelligence group; the "Gods" also needs protection now, and they got it from Gehazin't II. 

Another thing that the online hologram network was doing is to create tolls for the smartest people to access their own brain. Smart people were considered dangerous in their ingenuity therefore the world government had to put in blockages into their brains, if they refused, nanobots were infused covertly (for example, through bug bites). The world government just don't like surprises. For those who refused to "pay" (to access their own mind) they would experience some degree of learning difficulties.

In order to mitigate this problem, they had to hire an official private company that provided their own implants. With this clearly monitored device, they were sanctioned to own some degree of permanent control over their own brain. The device would be their own system of "antibody" against the viruses. Sometimes some people would want to do multiple iterations on the "antibody" therefore those who were in this program would had a segment or segments on their skulls replaced into some artificial valve in order for quick accesses to the devices. 

But some entirely refused to had any modifications on their brain and kept on innovating on their own. It is a risk for these people to be diagnosed with cerebral palsy. 

These hacks and iterations were threatened to be banned by the government's proposal to change the constitution. 

(Edit my note: Things that I write here is done out of my own imaginations as a regular person with little access to the world's technologies, networks, and accesses. So if I were accused of giving criminals ideas, mind you that evil people had advanced weapons of war as proxies. Are we to submit that regular people should be more naive than the rebellious threats? What I'm trying to say is there are much more resourceful people with prominent establishments who would've had the access to even more high resolution scenes). 
May humanity never be a part of that spirit ever again.

Is a world leader movement where they would pledge and deposit their non monetary valuable goods into a vault, such as their first watch, their inherited suit, their family's wholesome items. Whenever a violent rape, politically, war, rape happened, they would burn the item. 

(note: I do write this after watching Goblin Slayer, but you know... I guess I live in a virtuous world limitedly speaking)

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