Friday, 29 November 2024

The Inhumanes v.03

 The AI has taken over, but sometimes their predictions are wrong. Some humans discovered that the less a person cater to their sexual desires the less able AI to predict and intercepted his/her behavior.

A genius scientist managed to perform a surgery to rid of one's sexual tendencies. Initially he tried to avoid the rebels who kept on annoying him. After what the AI did to his friend, he decided to join.

All the rebels were labelled the inhumane by the AI government and being put bounty on each. But the rebels kept on going strong, one by one they destroyed the server facilities, the AI seemed to had been figured out.



The Hallucinating cities:

The Rebels visited one of its member's small town when they noticed an epidemy of bloody coughs. They searched and searched for the cure but could not find it. They noticed that they also began to suffer symptoms so they started to investigate on what they consumed. Upon testing the river they understood that there were chemicals that if mixed with one's digestive enzyme it would react and formed poisonous debrees called CB11. 

They presented the evidence to the town's major and proposed to temporarily dammed / contain the river to a deserted valley. The major agreed at first, but there are a lot of resistances from the people he ended up rejecting the idea. Fearing that the whole town might die the rebels acted on their own and blew the river paths until it was diverted far from the city's crops and grasslands. 

Understandably they faced resistances from the city and for days they fought to protect the territory from being reoccupied by the angry townspeople. The town itself has other sources of water such as wells and distillation technologies, but they had to halt certain activities such as dishwashing, cloth washing, etc in order to conserve water for their crops, cattles, workplaces, and other daily necessities. The stand-off lasted 4 days. 

Realizing that the coughs had healed significantly for many people, and the rebels had been pushed away quickly by the stronger fights of the townspeople, the major gathered everybody and annouced the matter. The rebel's spies were also there, as soon as they noticed that the townspeople had begun to believe, they called their friend with flare. This is only the beginning of the true war. 

The Rebels who previously faught only with non lethal weapons, now stormed the city, formed defensive formations, and deployed some weird barricades everywhere. The town was protesting at first, but after the major allowed the leader to explain, the whole town fighters joined the rebel. And true soon after, not even having the chance to finish their positions, the drones had appeared in the horizon. 

The poison were spread by multiple companies at different sites along the river, the AI had decided that the location is to be repurposed as a mining site and the most efficient way to move the people is to start a pandemy. In order to prevent the news from spreading, they proceeded to attack the town, very likely with the intention to obliterate everyone. 

The war lasted long enough for the evacuation of the elderly, women and children, the second day the city was completely abandoned and occupied by the A.Is however most of the previous townfolks escaped and now had joined the rebels in their main city of defense the "fortified wilderness". 

The A.I government began to spread hallucigenic worms into the area, which in turn being eaten by the birds that would spread the substances to the trees and one of the main produce of the surrounding area (of the town by the river) the giant apples. People nearby cultivated these giant apples as one of their main source of nutrition besides cassava and potatoes. Due to the substance they became high and hallucinating often, it continued on for months and years until the rest of the world labelled them as the drunken race whose testimonies are so unreliable they wouldn't be valid witnesses at the court of law.


The fortress of wilderness is a place that's sterile from A.I influences, in such place, children were running around, and the women were taking care of them. These is the description of some of their believes/notions: 

[Children are people who had existed in the realm of chaos, and had been saved into order, which is this life. However the A.Is are creatures possessed by the demons of chaos. The demons had entered this life through the lack of morality of the A.I's character, and now are trying to destroy the order of this life. Their targets are not merely the lives of people which is something they could easily had taken away, but to spread chaos and lack of wisdom in humanity, such would prevent resistances against their war against the logic of time which they already had the weapon for, but maybe not yet used or not yet identified as being used]