Thursday, 21 October 2021

Thoughts after reading the early part of Chapter VIII of Dreams of Red Chamber v.02

In the early part of Chapter VIII we were presented on how the order of the house is slowly not being observed. Regarding working hours, regarding respect to one's property allocation, regarding reverence to the hierarchy of the family and the line between casual and job responsibilities, it showed that they were becoming blurry. 

This got me thinking of what the real problem is, and there's a deeper layer that needs to be unfold. See, a human being wants to diversify, doing the same thing over and over again means increasing resistance to it. Life is about experiencing it, so even if one lived in a system that works, if it meant that he/she had to sacrifice the experience of life for the sake of it, there's going to be a "payment". The story (I only went as far as the early chapter VIII not further) presented signs of what's popular as "the increase in entropy", which is normal in every system. As leaders you would want to really understand why the original system works and create variations of it that's better, it is not an easy task and it requires experimentations and sacrifices (simulations, imagination).

Poor Pao Yu had everybody pinned the decline of the family on to him, being wild in mind and weird. For all its worth it is Pao Yu who has the hope of figuring it out being the way that he was.