Saturday, 10 October 2020

Proyek Cerita Fantasi v.056

Material Summoner:

A summoner who has specialized into summoning people instead of spirits. She could share her visions with the people. She would bound a contract first and then went to battle while contracted person stayed away from the field. She could summon the person in spirit form where he/she could perform his/her skill using the summoner’s mana. She could also summon the person physically which then with the help of a teleporter, could be sent back away from the battlefield.

But in the story, she most often not use the skill if not needed, instead she maneuver the battlefield using advices by the people she shared her visions with. Sometimes she paid a lot of money for their help, sometimes she substitutes for a sick person, sometimes they were just strategic advances of her team. 


Centaur the Immortal

Centaur the Immortal adalah pahlawan masa lalu yang tidak bisa mati. Dia sangat suka bertarung dan tak terkalahkan, bahkan oleh semua kekuatan tempur yang ada di dunia digabung menjadi satu. Setiap dia berhasil mendapatkan item yang menarik, dia akan memberikannya pada mereka yang dapat bertarung dengan dia dalam waktu yang lama. Dia makhluk yang menyenangkan dan ramah. Para pahlawan selalu menunggu kedatangannya untuk diajak bertarung. Walaupun dia sedang tidak memiliki item, tapi dia dapat memberi tips dan mengajari mereka bagaimana cara bertarung yang lebih baik.

Selama hidupnya dia sudah melakukan banyak hal, dari menjadi raja, sampai mengerjakan pekerjaan konstruksi. Tapi Hasrat bertarungnya sangat kuat, dan sekarang dia hanya berkeliling dunia mengajak para pahlawan bertarung.



Keberadaan Centaur the Immortal membawa kedamaian di dunia. Setiap kejahatan yang menggunakan force akan dilawan oleh Centaur the Immortal sampai mereka takluk. Namun Centaur the Immortal membiarkan portal-portal alam para demon tetap terbuka. Portal-portal ini dibangun di dalam benteng-benteng yang sangat kuat, yang tidak dapat ditembus oleh mereka. Jadi para demon tidak bisa keluar dari benteng-benteng tersebut. Para pahlawan datang ke sana untuk membunuh para demon, meningkatkan kekuatan mereka, dan mendapatkan item-item drop yang menarik.

Menurut Centaur the Immortal, makhluk dunia tidak boleh menjadi lemah, karena setiap saat bahaya sesungguhnya bisa menghancurkan kehidupan mereka. 



Di dunia ini, setiap kesalahan manusia, emosi negatif, segala potensi ketidakadilan, melahirkan demon di dimensi lain. Dimensi ini Namanya Gehenna. Pada jaman kejayaan para pahlawan masa lalu, para demon menemukan cara untuk membuka portal dari Gehenna ke dunia. Walaupun sudah ditumpas dan ditumpas lagi, demon yang baru terus bermunculan. Dengan kebijaksanaan Citra, pahlawan masa lalu seorang mage wanita, akhirnya diketahui bahwa demon lahir dari negativitas di dunia manusia, kejahatan, ketidak adilan, depresi, lebih tepatnya potensi misalokasi sumber daya.

Selama manusia belum menemukan cara untuk membuat perekonomian yang sempurna, yang tidak ada potensi misalokasi sumber dayanya, maka para demon akan terus ada.

Portal Gehenna jumlahnya tetap, kadang aktif, kadang tidak aktif. Pahlawan masa lalu menemukan bahwa kalau portal-portal tersebut ditutup maka portal yang baru akan bermunculan di tempat lain. Tetapi, kalau portal-portal tersebut tidak ditutup, jumlah portal baru yang bermunculan semakin sedikit dan semakin sedikit. Sampai pada jaman sekarang, hampir tidak ada portal baru bermunculan lagi. Sepertinya para demon harus menutup portal yang lama agar dapat membuat portal yang baru.

Para pahlawan dunia, terus berdatangan ke “dungeon” untuk melawan para demon, dan juga memastikan agar mereka tidak mendatangkan penyihir mereka, yang mampu menutup portal di tempat itu. Ketika keberadaan penyihir demon teridentifikasi, para pahlawan akan memberi signal ke kerajaan terdekat, dan para tantara akan didatangkan untuk memburu para penyihir ini.

Ritual penutupan gerbang memakan waktu dan memakan mana yang besar. Biasanya mereka yang mau menutup portal Gehenna harus menggabungkan kekuatan mereka dalam sebuah ritual dan kemudian melakukan ritual lanjutan untuk menutup gerbang tersebut. Kalau mereka diganggu maka ritual tersebut akan gagal. 


Dungeon Spatial Magic

Because the Gehenna gate was huge, there are enormous amounts of demon passed through it at a time. People must implement spatial magic inside the fortress in order to contain all of the demon. High level spatial magicians are taking turns to create new ones everyday in order to keep the demons lost in the maze. 

Adventurers were given the map by the magicians and would enter the dungeon to slay the demons. Demon horns and other parts of its body could be used for various purposes. From medicine to weapons to machines, these valuables have staple demands in the civilization of this world. 


Kerjasama Tentara dan Petualang. 

Spatial magician yang ganti shift pada hari itu sudah harus siap dengan perencanaan bentuk dungeonnya. Ketika akan berganti shift, spatial magician yang baru akan menerima peta yang lama dari spatial magician yang lama secara telepati. Kemudian dia melakukan perubahan pada dungeonnya saat itu juga. 

Spatial magician itu kemudian menginformasikan lokasi-lokasi di dalam dungeonnya dimana tingkat kepekatan para demon tinggi. Pada awalnya para tentara dan petualang-petualang terkuat akan masuk dan membasmi demon dalam jumlah yang besar. Kemudian ketika tingkat kepekatan berkurang, spatial magician bisa mengidentifikasi dimana saja demon level rendah dan demon level tinggi berada. 

Ketika tingkat kepekatan yang bisa mengidentifikasi telah tercapai, para petualang level lebih rendah dibiarkan masuk dan diarahkan sesuai dengan level mereka. Setiap ada perubahan signifikan karena wave baru dari gehenna gate muncul, maka semua tentara dan petualang yang ada di dalam dungeon akan mendengar info dari luar. Diharapkan agar setiap petualang bergerak sesuai dengan tingkat kesulitan yang dapat ditanggungnya. 

Ketika waktu pergantian shift spatial magician akan datang lagi, semua petualang level rendah diharuskan untuk keluar. Para tentara dan petualang level tinggi bisa tinggal di dalam, mereka suka menceritakan kepada orang bagaimana rasanya berada di dalam saat dungeon berubah bentuk. Ternyata proses itu adalah event yang sangat indah sekaligus menegangkan. 


Pahlawan - Pahlawan Masa Lalu

Gehenna adalah tempat yang sangat menyiksa. Tidak ada makhluk hidup termasuk para demon yang tidak tersiksa berada di Gehenna. Itu sebabnya ketika demon dilahirkan di Gehenna, mereka segera berusaha keluar. 

Ada beberapa pahlawan masa lalu yang berhasil mengalahkan demon-demon terkuat. Citra dan Centaur the Immortal diantaranya. Para pahlawan masa lalu ini bergantian masuk ke Gehenna untuk mencari demon - demon yang mampu bertahan lama di sana. Para demon ini bisa mengumpulkan kekuatan dan merusak keseimbangan di dunia ketika mereka memutuskan untuk keluar lewat portal Gehenna. 

Centaur the Immortal adalah pahlawan yang paling frustasi, karena dia tidak tahan berada di Gehenna sama sekali. Hanya dia pahlawan yang tidak bisa bertarung di Gehenna dan dia sangat frustasi akan hal itu. Tapi teman-temannya menenangkannya dan meyakinkannya bahwa tugas dia di dunia sangat penting. Dia berkelana ke seluruh penjuru untuk melihat potensi-potensi kejahatan yang terjadi dan berusaha meredamnya. Hal ini mencegah demon - demon Gehenna bertambah kuat. Dia juga berperan mencari dan melatih pahlawan-pahlawan baru yang mampu masuk dan bertarung di Gehenna. 


Eki sang penemu gila / Cult Leader

Eki adalah seorang yang suka mempelajari banyak hal, dan kadang-kadang dia membuat peralatan yang menarik. Dia mendirikan sebuah kultus yang ideologinya adalah "Jangan menggunakan alat-alat dari tubuh demon". Tapi anggota kultus itu hanya 1 yaitu dirinya sendiri. Dia beriman bahwa suatu saat para demon bisa sangat dikurangi dan peradaban yang terlalu bergantung pada peralatan yang berasal dari tubuh demon akan jatuh. 

Oleh sebab itu dia tidak mau pakai produk apapun yang mengandung komponen dari tubuh demon. Hal ini menjadi tampak ekstrim dan menjadi bahan tertawaan. 

Orang lain juga suka mengganggu dia, "Kalau seandainya peradaban jatuh, kan demon-demonnya bakal muncul lagi... hahahaha". 

Kadang-kadang dia berhasil membuat produk alternatif yang bisa digunakan, namun orang lain sudah terbiasa menggunakan produk-produk yang ada, penemuan-penemuannya tidak dianggap serius. 

Eki sangat mengagumi pahlawan - pahlawan masa lalu (fanboy), dia memiliki poster posternya dan juga baju bajunya dia buat bergambar mereka. Setiap kali Centaur the Immortal datang dia selalu fanboy sama dia sampai Centaur terganggu. Centaur kalau tahu ada dia langsung berusaha pergi/sembunyi.



Cyril adalah akuntan kerajaan teman Eki ketika mereka masih di akademi keuangan kerajaan. Pada suatu malam mereka berdua bertemu dan makan bersama di sebuah pub. Cyril bercerita bahwa dia menemukan penyelewengan keuangan kerajaan yang telah berlangsung lama, dan sebagian besar jalur pencucian uangnya telah dia petakan. 

Mendengar hal ini Eki mengemukakan bahwa pasti ada demon yang terlahir dari keadaan itu, sebuah demon yang besar (dalam hal ini Eki salah, bukan besar tapi kuat/high level). Cyril menggeleng-geleng kepala dan tertawa geli sedikit, karena Eki selalu pikirannya mengarah ke sana. Eki tidak perduli dan semakin semangat. Dia mengatakan kalau saja demon tersebut bisa ditangkap, dan ketika kasus itu diadili, dan uang-uang dikembalikan kepada mereka yang seharusnya berhak menerimanya, seharusnya demon tersebut mengalami perubahan yang berarti. 

Pada malam itu 2 orang pahlawan masa lalu sebenarnya ada di dalam pub juga menggunakan ilmu penyamaran. Eki mengeluarkan sebuah alat yang dibuatnya untuk stalking para pahlawan, "mari kita coba siapa tahu malam ini ada pahlawan masa lalu di sini", alat itu menemukan sinyal dari serangga yang selalu dibawa oleh seorang pahlawan, dan sinyal dari batu ruby yang ada pada tongkat milik Citra. 

Dengan mata berbinar binar Eki langsung mendatangi meja mereka. 

Singkat cerita setelah segala ketidak nyamanan dan hembusan nafas, akhirnya Citra dan seorang lainnya itu mendengarkan ide "gila" Eki. 

Citra mengiyakan bahwa hal itu mungkin saja, dan dia juga mengatakan bahwa demon yang terlahir dari masalah itu adalah jenis Mamon. Sambil saling menatap penuh tujuan, kedua pahlawan tersebut segera menghilang dari pub seperti asap. 

Cyril melihat mata Eki yang berbinar binar dan berusaha mengingatkannya akan kemungkinan yang cukup besar bahwa mereka pergi karena terganggu olehnya. 

Dan benar Mamon yang cukup kuat ada di Gehenna. Citra memanggil satu teman lagi, dan bertiga mereka berhasil menangkap demon itu hidup hidup dalam sebuah spatial prison. 

Citra teleport ke kota untuk bertemu dengan Cyril, dan memintanya agar segera membawa masalah ini ke pengadilan. Dan singkat cerita, hanya dalam setengah kompensasi diberikan, dan setengah uang dikembalikan, seluruh mamon tersebut sudah kering. Seorang petualang level tinggi kemudian melaporkan bahwa ada demon besar jenis Mamon yang muncul di dungeon, tiba tiba mengering seluruhnya. Dia sering mengamati demon mengering dan melemah sedikit, tapi tidak pernah melihat demon dengan level setinggi itu mengering sekaligus secepat itu. 

Mendengar hal itu mengertilah mereka bahwa dari 1 kasus lebih dari satu demon bisa terlahir. Sebuah teori yang tidak pernah diamati sebelumnya tapi kini telah terbukti. 


Cabang cerita 1:

Teori Citra mengatakan bahwa demon yang terlahir dari sebuah kejahatan bisa dibunuh, namun demon lain akan lahir menggantikan tempatnya. Satu-satunya cara menghentikan kelahiran demon tersebut adalah dengan menebus atau memperbaiki sampai potensi misalokasi kesejahteraan tersebut habis atau bersih.

Teori Eki mengatakan bahwa peralatan dari demon yang berhubungan dengan suatu kejahatan akan rusak begitu kejahatan tersebut ditebus. Tapi hal ini tidak terjadi, karena seharusnya banyak peralatan yang terbuat dari emas Mamon yang rusak sehubungan dengan pengadilan tadi, tapi hal ini tidak terjadi. 

Terhadap hal ini Eki berpikir keras akan sebabnya. Dia berhipotesa lagi bahwa selama di Gehenna para demon mengkonsumsi material dari sana, dan bagian tubuh yang diisi oleh nutrisi dari Gehenna itulah yang tertinggal ketika demon tersebut dibunuh. Hal itu menjelaskan kenapa ketika demon mati sebagian besar dari tubuhnya hilang kecuali bagian - bagian tertentu, bahkan untuk demon-demon yang kecil mereka lenyap seluruhnya. 

Eki kemudian berdasarkan hipotesanya yang belum terbukti itu menghibur diri sambil mengatakan bahwa, tetap saja ketika nanti demonnya habis, kita tidak punya cara untuk membuat ulang sumber daya sumber daya tersebut.

Cabang cerita 2:

Setelah kekeringan Mamon - Mamon tadi, banyak peralatan yang menggunakan komponen Mamon Gold tiba tiba rusak. Sebelumnya peralatan-peralatan yang terbuat dari demon remains memang bisa rusak, tapi tidak dalam waktu secepat itu. 

Teori Citra mengatakan bahwa demon yang terlahir dari sebuah kejahatan bisa dibunuh, namun demon lain akan lahir menggantikan tempatnya. Satu-satunya cara menghentikan kelahiran demon tersebut adalah dengan menebus atau memperbaiki sampai potensi misalokasi kesejahteraan tersebut habis atau bersih.

Pertanyaan yang diselidiki oleh para mage adalah terbuat dari apa sebenarnya item drop demon-demon tersebut? Teori yang kemudian diterima adalah, ketika demon dibunuh dan bagian tubuhnya diambil, demon baru yang menggantikan tempatnya seharusnya sedikit lebih kecil. Jadi semakin sering demon yang terasosiasi pada hal yang sama dibunuh, pada akhirnya demon itu akan menjadi kecil sekali. 

Tapi Eki kemudian khawatir bahwa hal ini berarti orang di dunia demi mendapatkan semakin banyak demon item drop akan memelihara pola-pola misalokasi kesejahteraan atau kejahatan. Kalau mereka melakukan hal ini, mereka bisa terus mendapatkan item dari demon-demon baru. 

Eki kemudian membuat kaca mata dari lensa mikroskop... lalu dia menemukan banyak demon yang lolos keluar dari dungeon karena badan mereka kecil sekali sampai tidak terlihat. Demon-demon ini masuk ke tubuh manusia dan menimbulkan penyakit. 

--- (Jadi untuk audience: Ukuran tubuh demon tidak menunjukkan tingkat levelnya)


The Truth Behind and Treachery

The ancient heroes eventually stumbled upon massively powerful demons in the Gehenna. They couldn't beat these demons, and so they went back to the world searching for knowledge even more ancient than them. Through a scroll a hero realized a legend:

There is another realm called the divine realm. "In the divine realm there is God and He is Good". That's what it says... and then "God is Good, if its not goodness then it is not God. It is by definition, and everything in the divine realm is talking by definition". "Other than God is not Good, and other than God is called Satan, Satan is not Good, and that's by definition". 

"And from that this is what I understood," the writer says... "God started existence and keeps it, Satan wants to stop it. For the things that are for God is the World and for the things that are for Satan is Gehenna". "God is so powerful Satan only lives in defeat, however God has His own problem. He chose to be in Love with the creatures of the world. Some of them doesn't want to keep on living, these creatures wanted to stop life. But He kept them around so that one day their depression could end, and be replaced with Love. Therefore God has burden Himself with shortcomings for the sake of Love."

Upon reading this the ancient heroes thought that what prevents these strong demons from entering the world is the power of God, or a divine order. So they seek to learn more about the divine realm. 

However an ancient hero who was overwhelmed by a strong demon got her heart caught in admiration of it. And soon pledged herself to it.  


Growth and Decay

Growth and Decay are 2 Titans of the Divine Realm. They are the pioneers of the known world, but actually Growth. When God coined Growth and Decay, Decay instantly decayed itself making space for Growth to grow, and that is the universe. As time goes on Decay became less and less potent in decaying Growth while Growth keeps on Growing.

There are parts of the universe where Decay is very dominant, the Gehenna realm for sure. There are parts where Growth is dominant, and we know them as the World. But their presence is not completely absent in both worlds

In the beginning of life in the World, Growth was deeply in favor of them. Having the Titan’s favor means they were immortal, and they kept on getting stronger and smarter and wiser. However, most of them focused too much on growing force and neglected wisdom. They went to torture each other inviting Satan over to the world at the time. Growth was disgusted, and he took away his favor of immortality from the livings of the World. The space Growth left alone is the space for Decay to occupy, and so life of the world experienced decays until their death.

In the early times of Satan in the World, he knew the consequences of injustice is the birth of demons in Gehenna. So he somehow directed the ancient people to poke holes to Gehenna. Lo and Behold, the holes were irreversible, and demons then would travel all the way to the World as fast as they were. Strong demons wreak havoc and devastated most of the things, but then there were other Titans.


Gaia and Sylph

Gaia is the Earth, she is a Titan where on top of her, people live their lives. Gaia herself is pleasant with the transformations they brought upon herself. But she is big. She likes to play with Sylph, her loyal assistant, the ruler of the wind, when they were playing around, they created storms and earthquakes and if the creatures of the world were not careful, they could be caught in the midst of those and got themselves injured or killed.

Gaia delight herself in consuming remains and excrements of the people, she’s too big to be able to care for each of them individually… most of the time. But when the demons came, the strong demons, she sensed eerie magical power that could disturbed her usual life. So she ate them. During the infestation of the demons, Gaia specifically targeted the strongest demons and swallowed them whole. Wherever she felt there was something, she ate, if it were in the air, she told Sylph to bring it down, and then she ate.

She came to enjoy these new meals, but some of them hid in between the people of the world. So she waited and observed, what is it that She’s waiting? She waited the moment a whole village or a whole city became so crooked and defiled, Growth lift off His protections. Then she ate all of them at once. Demons have become one of her favorite menu.



Nonama is an ancient hero who fell in love with Beelzebub. After she lost to him, he seduced her and she got captivated by him.

When she was young, she didn’t have any parents. She even had no name. An old lady took care of her when she was a baby but she died after she was only 2 years old. Then people put her in an orphanage. After she was 6 years old, a businessman adopted her, but it was not an adoption, it was a recruitment. She was told to work as a thief when they were putting on shows for the crowd.

In there she met a fellow child thief boy who loved her and took care of her. It was the first time she experienced such tender love and she loved him back. When they were a teenager, the boy was trained for combat. Sometimes he showed some of the moves to her, and surprisingly she picked it up quickly. Turned out she’s a genius for battle, she could pick up moves and spells other people would train for months and years in an instant, in a day or two.

So, the businessman made her a mercenary and a personal guard. He tried to touch her once, but she almost killed him because of it, so he never tried it again.

Soon after the demon infestation started, she and her lover were sent to the battlefield by the order of their kingdom at the time. Her boy got killed by a demon.

She grief her lover so much she developed a devastating magic. She went on a rampage and killed so many demons non-stop for three days until she passed out.

Centaur the Magnificent at the time took her to a hero healer, after she was healed, the three of them fought together and dealt massive damages to the demon ranks, capable of taking down even the strong ones (but not as strong as those in the Gehenna). The three of them then become ancient heroes. 

Centaur the Magnificient during one of his battle saved a lot of lives using his signature move combined with the healer's signature move. As result of this, Growth granted him the favor of immortality. He was so happy with this, and until the present time he is grateful, but because of his strong affinity with Growth, he couldn't stand being in Gehenna where Decay reigns.

The hero healer also has the power to rejuvinate, this power could be used upon himself and then he developed this power to be able to rejuvinate other heroes as well. That is why until now the other heroes are still alive. 

But Growth didn't bestow any blessings to Nonama


A material summoner is an original job invented by one of the main hero’s companions. She however caught the interest of Nonama who were at the time has not yet seduced by Beelzebub. After her relationship with Beelzebub, she asked the material summoner to teach her the art. She was refused.

Using cunning tricks she managed to caught the essence of the art and began to developed the skill herself. She missed some of the details but somehow, she made it work. She tied a contract with Beelzebub and both they sabotaged the army, the ancient heroes, and converted many people into zombies.

Due to the magnitude of people that had been converted to zombies, Gaia should've noticed and ate most of them. Turned out Gaia couldn’t tell apart zombies from real people (because these zombies weren't dead yet, their real personalities were just rendered unconscious). This detail was premeditated, knowing that Gaia didn't take any action, Beelzebub took this as his que to take over the whole body of Nonama. He wouldn't do it before in aware of Gaia's noticing, but now in the middle of all the confusion, the spike of power presented on the earth were camouflaged. 

Nonetheless it was a spike in power, so Sylph came and investigate… but that is for another story.


Seeing this, other strong demons equal to Beelzebub also wanted their own material summoners. A strong demon understood the science of cloning, and he cloned Nonama’s body, copied her memories, and put it in the clone. The plan was to have multiple Nonamas that were in love with Beelzebub, then they offered Beelzebub a deal he couldn’t refuse in exchange for bestowing his authority to them.

An ancient hero, the bug user, managed to sneak in some of his bugs to the cloner’s lab. In there he knew that there were a clone of Citra and a clone of Nonama, but they were in a form of a child each. These clones were the prototypes of the experiment, and they could only absorb memories of the original as much as their age.

The bug user infiltrated the lab and took them away.

He got chased, and the strong demons managed to took little Citra away. 


Now in order for strong demons to completely took over Nonama’s body, Nonama has to let go of her name and took over Citra’s name. That is why Citra is needed for the ritual. But Citra is still dangerous to them as a grown up, so they kept her clone as a little girl.

After the scheme became apparent, the ancient heroes, the main hero’s party, and other characters fought together until Beelzebub was knocked unconscious. Still inside Nonama’s body, Citra sealed Nonama’s thoughts and hacked the little Nonama’s mind into it. The little Nonama, knowing a secret of the material summoner art that the original Nonama didn’t know, purged away Beelzebub from the body, and transferred his real self into the world. Using massive teleportation, they took all the zombies and escaped far away from him. Perplexed Beelzebub realized that now his presence is clear to Gaia, immidiately he tried to rush into the closest dungeon. Sylph knew and she intercepted him, he faught but was not strong enough to defeat her quickly. This is horror for Beelzebub, in panic mode he transformed into a fly dragon, but this just attracts Gaia to him even more. Not long after he got swallowed.

That’s how they won the war.

Little girl Citra was dead because of the ritual

Citra then gave a name to the little Nonama, her name now is Nonamanis. 


Mirror of Honesty

Adalah jurus dimensi yang membuka ruang paralel yang bersifat simetris dengan dimensi dimana casternya berada. Mirror of Honesty biasa digunakan untuk memecahkan ilusi atau jurus-jurus puppeteer yang mengambil alih orang atau bagian tubuh orang lain. 

Dimensional Justice

Adalah jurus tembakan cahaya yang tidak bisa diblok karena bersifat dimensional, tapi juga tidak bisa digunakan untuk menangkis atau memblok serangan. Walaupun cahaya Dimensional Justice mengenai banyak orang, hanya target dan caster saja yang bisa terdampak. Dimensional Justice dapat dinetralkan dengan Mirror of Honesty sebelum mengenai tubuh seseorang.  

Dimensional Justice adalah jurus yang dibuat dengan mengkombinasikan Mirror of Honesty, dan Energy Blast. Tapi karena sifatnya 100% recoil, artinya serangan itu juga akan menyerang casternya dengan kekuatan 100%, jarang ada yang menggunakannya. Segelintir archwizard tahu rahasianya, bahwa Dimensional Justice selalu menyerang caster di sisi dimana target terkena, jadi ketika menggunakannya mereka selalu memastikan bahwa lawannya akan terkena langsung dari depan. Archwizard ini harus ahli untuk menarik kembali Mirror of Honesty yang telah dikombinasikan sebelumnya untuk menangkis recoil Dimensional Justice (dan mereka selalu mengkombinasikan Dimensional Justice dengan casting delay, lalu teleport sejauh jauhnya agar punya celah waktu untuk membentuk ulang Mirror of Honesty).


Collective Guit, Collective Shame, Herd Denial

Upon where useless blood were spilled from where dire waste sprung forth


Get Articulated!



Ciu Pek Tong

Beberapa dekade sebelum masa tokoh utama (hero) menjadi adventurer, ada sekelompok pendekar yang aktif ikut raid ke dalam dungeon. Mereka terkenal sangat kompak tapi juga sangat sering bertengkar, menyebabkan grup mereka sering terpecah pecah dan bergabung-gabung dilain kali dan dilain waktu. Salah satu fighter di salam group mereka adalah Ciu Pek Tong, kelas brawler assasin yang menggunakan sarung tangan cakar. Salah satu kelas yang jarang karena membutuhkan prasyarat tertentu agar dapat efektif. 

Pada suatu saat kelompok kecil pecahan group itu masuk jauh ke dalam dungeon gerbang gehenna dan diserbu dari segala arah. Demon-demon penyerbu ini adalah demon-demon yang memiliki skill invisible, sehingga walaupun jumlah mereka sangat banyak, yang terlihat hanya sebagian... sehingga sangat berbahaya bagi Ciu Pek Tong dan teman-temannya. 

Pada akhirnya salah satu dari teman mereka teleport keluar sendiri meninggalkan yang lainnya terluka parah. Ciu Pek Tong dan seorang fighter lainnya bekerja keras melawan dengan segala akal. 

Kelanjutan dari peristiwa itu tidak mereka ceritakan, dan tidak mau mereka bicarakan. Tapi seorang dari mereka tidak pernah terlihat lagi, dan 5 orang berhasil keluar hidup-hidup dengan luka-luka yang parah. 

Belasan tahun setelahnya Ciu Pek Tong dikabarkan hidup sendiri dan terus terobsesi mempelajari suatu skill yang tidak pernah berhasil dia kuasai. Orang-orang yang mengenalnya mengatakan bahwa dia sudah gila dan segala pengetahuannya dan keahliannya telah lenyap. 

Pada saat sang hero mulai aktif masuk ke dungeon, Ciu Pek Tong menjadi salah satu anggota partynya. Tapi Ciu Pek Tong yang sekarang tidak memiliki stat yang tinggi dan semua skill-skill lamanya tidak bisa dia lakukan lagi. Tapi anehnya dia tampak bersemangat dan ceria. Di dalam kelompok sang hero, dia berperan sebagai orang tua yang serba bisa, tapi tidak terlalu bisa. 


Pada masa pembentukan alam semesta,

Adalah Titan yang bernama Yin. Keberadaan Titan Yin adalah berkat dan kutukan dan segala emosi buat semua Titan yang lain. Semua perhatian para Titan tidak dialihkan ke yang lain hanya kepada Yin. Tapi itu adalah awalnya bukan setelah.

Suatu saat Yin memutuskan untuk memecahkan dirinya menjadi 12 Dewi. Pada saat itu, mulailah muncul yang namanya observasi dan identitas. Maka lahirlah identitas para Titan. Mereka semua adalah non Yin, atau Titan Yang.

Di kemudian hari seandainya para Dewi Bersatu Kembali, semua yang lain akan bersatu menjadi Titan Yang. Pada saat itu akan diputuskan, apakah Yin dan Yang akan menjadi satu atau tidak, pada saat mereka memutuskan untuk bersatu, maka itulah akhir dunia yang lama.

Tetapi pada saat mereka memutuskan untuk melahirkan dunia yang lain, ingatan akan dunia yang lama mungkin tetap ada dalam diri mereka. Kalaupun tidak, ingatan tersebut tidak hilang karena Kebenaran selalu ada dan Kebenaran tidak lupa.

12 Dewi menciptakan protokol, kapan mereka akan Bersatu Kembali. Mereka Bersama-sama membuat 12 crystal orbs. Mereka kemudian lahir di dalam jiwa 12 orang avatar yang akan hidup di dunia. Melalui avatar mereka, mereka akan menjalani hidup dan mengalami dunia yang ada.

Umumnya para avatar hidup dalam masa yang berbeda, dan mereka sulit diidentifikasi. Pada saat mereka diidentifikasi, mereka bisa dibawa untuk menyentuh salah satu orb, dan orb tersebut akan menyala dan memberkati negara tempat orb tersebut berada. Tiap Dewi memiliki blessing sendiri-sendiri.

Ketika avatar meninggal, maka cahaya orb tersebut akan mati, Ketika avatar menyentuh orb tersebut ke dua kalinya maka cahaya orb tersebut akan mati, ketiga kalinya akan menyala Kembali dan begitu seterusnya. Kalau 12 orb menyala pada saat yang bersamaan, maka para Dewi akan bangkit mengambil alih para avatar dan mereka akan bertemu di suatu tempat. Pada saat itu mereka akan betul betul berubah menjadi para Dewi dan hilang dari dunia. Lalu setelahnya segala yang ada akan mulai Bersatu menjadi Titan Yang, menghilangkan kesadaran segala makhluk hidup yang ada.

Ketika Titan Yang dan Titan Yin bertemu, mereka akan memutuskan apakah akan menyatu atau berpisah, menghancurkan dunia atau meneruskannya.

Inilah blessing para Dewi:

Dewi pertama: Jenius, Identifikasi, dan Excellence

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi ini akan pintar dalam segala hal yang mereka putuskan untuk dalami

Dewi kedua: Maternity, Kesuburan, dan Erotisme

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi ini akan diberkati dengan tanah yang subur, laut yang subur, penduduk yang banyak, cuaca yang bagus, dan segala kekayaan alam yang melimpah ruah.

Dewi ketiga: Pertemanan dan Humor

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi ini penduduknya selalu buntut buntutnya/ditakdirkan untuk bahagia, damai, dan bebas dari kebencian.

Dewi keempat: Pemikir dan Kompleksitas

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi ini maju di bidang Pendidikan dan Inovasi.

Dewi kelima: Pejuang, dan Keadilan

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi kelima, hidup dalam keadilan dan kemandirian. Umumnya penduduknya pandai bernegosiasi dan berbisnis, tapi kalau tidak, mereka seimbang dalam segala bidang. Tapi yang terutama mereka sensitif dan teliti terhadap hal-hal yang jahat sehingga cepat memitigasinya. Para kriminal menjauhi negara ini. Para bangsawan yang korup cenderung untuk memerangi negara ini, walaupun negara ini tidak mencampuri urusan mereka secara langsung.

Dewi keenam: Petualang, Kebebasan, dan Keberanian

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi keenam penduduknya senang berpetualang, berjiwa penasaran, dan berani menjelajah. Mereka pandai menciptakan hiburan dan petualangan, dan juga sangat menghargai seni dan hiburan dari negara-negara lain. Negara ini akan menjadi pusat kunjungan penduduk-penduduk negara lain dan juga sumber pengunjung negara-negara lain. Pusat produk produk hiburan dan seni yang maju.

Dewi ketujuh: Penasaran, dan Ambisius

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi ketujuh penduduknya akan memiliki ambisi yang besar. Mereka cenderung untuk menjadi kuat secara militer dan akan selalu penasaran akan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan politik baik secara langsung maupun tidak.

Dewi kedelapan: Pemimpi, Fitness, Disiplin, Sukses, Aktivator.

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi kedelapan akan mewujudkan utopia di dunia. Cenderung berhasil menerapkan kebijakan tanpa efek samping, sesuai dengan tujuan awalnya. Negara ini akan mewujudkan hal-hal yang secara teori mungkin tapi selalu sulit kalau mau dipraktekkan oleh negara lain.

Dewi kesembilan: Kecepatan, Kestabilan

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi kesembilan cenderung untuk stabil dalam hal politik. Penduduknya akan rajin bekerja, sehingga menjadi pusat manufaktur Dunia.

Dewi kesepuluh: Wit dan Strategi

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi kesepuluh ditakdirkan untuk dikuasai oleh para ahli strategi, baik di bidang perang, ekonomi, Pendidikan, dll. Negara ini tidak memiliki karakteristik tersendiri, sepanjang sejarah yang mendapatkannya berperilaku berbeda dibanding yang lain.

Dewi kesebelas: Kepercayaan diri, dan Kesetiaan

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi kesebelas penduduknya akan memiliki solidaritas yang tinggi, juga kepercayaan diri yang tinggi.

Dewi keduabelas: Kedamaian dan Keuletan

Negara yang mendapatkan blessing Dewi keduabelas pandai dalam meredam konflik. Penduduknya cenderung untuk ulet dan keras kepala, walaupun demikian dengan suatu cara atau yang lain, konflik antar mereka ataupun antar penduduk negara yang lain selalu terselesaikan dengan damai.

Boleh dibilang Negara ini akan menjadi Berserker yang pada akhirnya akan berhasil mendapatkan apapun yang mereka mau tanpa kekerasan.


Avatar Dewi ketujuh adalah avatar yang paling dikhawatirkan oleh kebanyakan bangsa. Umumnya setiap pemerintah akan berusaha menjauhkan wanita ini dari orb. Hal ini menjadi salah satu alasan dibentuknya gereja orb, The Church of the Orbs.

Gereja menyimpan orb di negara-negara yang berbeda. Gereja bertugas untuk mencari para avatar sekaligus memutuskan apakah mereka baik untuk dipertemukan dengan sebuah orb atau tidak. Gereja juga memiliki para monk yang pandai segala jenis ilmu bela diri dan bertarung, tujuannya adalah untuk melindungi para avatar dan orbs dari penguasa-penguasa yang tidak menghormati negosiasi antar negara.

Kebijakan para negara umumnya adalah, dimana kependudukan sang avatar, negara tersebutlah yang paling mungkin disetujui untuk menyimpan sebuah orb. Kalau ada 2 avatar dalam sebuah negara, maka salah satu dari mereka boleh memilih untuk tinggal di negara lain, atau tetap tidak mengaktifkan orbnya. Tapi umumnya para negara menolak untuk membiarkan satu negara mengaktifkan lebih dari satu pada saat yang bersamaan.

Untuk avatar Dewi ketujuh, dia cenderung untuk tidak diizinkan untuk mengaktifkan blessingnya. 


Pertarungan melawan Satan

Pada akhir rencana besar yang dibuat oleh 3 kerajaan, sang pendekar berhadapan dengan Satan. Ciu Pek Tong yang telah mewariskan ilmu terhebatnya kepada ksatria sudah lama hilang, banyak orang yang menganggapnya suka lari dari masalah yang dihadapi dunia. 

Sang pendekar bersama teman temannya bertarung, tapi mereka dilukai dengan parah. Sang pendekar mengaktifkan ilmu Matahari level 9, ilmu terhebat yang diajarkan Ciu Pek Tong. Sang Pendekar bersinar terang dan segala gerakannya mematikan untuk Satan. 

Satan lari dan menghindar, sang pendekar mengejar dan berusaha menetralisirnya secepat mungkin, karena dia baru saja mempelajari jurus ini dan belum bisa mempertahankannya. Satan mengetahui bahwa dia terburu buru dan mengulur ulur waktu. 

Bersamaan dengan itu, Ciu Pek Tong muncul dengan secepat kilat dengan cakar menyala di kedua tangannya. Satan tidak kuasa melawan mereka berdua dan harus jatuh dari ketinggian. Dengan jurusnya Ciu Pek Tong menteleportasi seorang teman pendekar yang bisa spatial magic. Sambil menggandengnya Ciu Pek Tong merapalkan Jurus Spatial Magic dan memindahkan mereka bertiga ke luar angkasa. 

Sang pendekar mengejar mereka, tapi sesampainya dia di sana Ciu Pek Tong tidak senang... sambil bertarung dia menjelaskan, bahwa sesuai dengan rencana semula, dia tidak akan membunuh Satan, tapi Satan terlalu sulit untuk dikurung, jadi dia akan membuat spatial magic disekitar mereka dan mereka akan bertarung selama-lamanya di dimensi lain. Terlepas Satan kalah atau menang, Ciu Pek Tong akan terus bertarung dengannya. 

Sang pendekar dan temannya terheran-heran, kemudian Ciu Pek Tong menunjukkan sebuah jurus yang hanya diketahui oleh sang pendekar, dia pun terkejut. Kemudian dia sadar bahwa Ciu Pek Tong sudah mengerti level sepuluh dari ilmu Matahari, dan takjub melihat bahwa level 10 itu adalah jurus legenda mempelai Yin dan Yang. Salah satu legenda tentang jurus itu adalah, memampukan penggunanya untuk menggunakan skill dan magic dari orang di sekitarnya termasuk lawannya, dan dapat menggunakannya lebih baik lagi tergantung dengan kemampuannya sendiri. 

Ciu Pek Tong membisikkan sesuatu secara telepati kepada sang pendekar... (dia sudah menikah)

Kemudian Ciu Pek Tong memberi pesannya yang terakhir sebelum mengirim mereka berdua pergi... satu-satunya cara menyelesaikan semua ini adalah, dengan menyelesaikan kejahatan di dunia secara permanen. Maka Satan akan benar-benar mati selama-lamanya. 

Begitulah sang pendekar menjadi pahlawan yang terkuat di dunia. 


Jurus Matahari hanya bisa dikuasai pria, Jurus Rembulan hanya bisa dikuasai wanita, tapi pada level 10 kedua jurus itu akan menjadi mempelai yin dan yang, dan hanya bisa digunakan oleh suami dan istri. Salah satu syarat untuk mencapai level 10 menurut kitabnya adalah dengan membuat orang lain menguasai level 9. 

Ciu Pek Tong membuat sang pahlawan menguasai level 9, tapi dia tidak beristri. Dia bisa mencapai level 10 karena dia menciptakan dunia tiruan di dalam pikirannya, dan menciptakan seorang perempuan, kemudian melatih perempuan itu jurus Rembulan sampai ke level 9. 

Kemudian selama dia menghilang itu, apakah dia melatih seorang wanita lain mencapai level 9? Atau dia menciptakan wanita lain dalam pikirannya? Sepertinya sudah terlalu sulit bahkan bagi Ciu Pek Tong untuk melakukan itu. Sang Pahlawan yakin bahwa ada seorang wanita sungguhan yang sudah mencapai level 9 oleh Ciu Pek Tong. 

Sang Pahlawan yang kini telah jadi Overseer atau penjaga atau perdana menteri salah satu kerajaan yang tidak punya orb, menugaskan kakaknya yang pandai menyamar untuk menemukan wanita itu.


The Heretic adalah seorang villain yang sangat membenci gereja, The Church of the Orbs, dia percaya bahwa dunia tidak butuh orbs dan orbs hanya membawa kecemburuan dan perang antar sesama. The Heretic berusaha membunuh para monk, dan juga menculik para avatar bersama dengan orbs yang dimiliki gereja. Orang yang paling dia benci adalah Church Leader. 

Namun setelah menimbulkan kekacauan di semua lokasi gereja, dan terakhir di pusat gereja dunia... dia membuka ruang tersembunyi di sana. Dia melihat semua artifact dan scrolls kuno yang ada di sana. Tidak berapa lama kemudian pengejar-pengejarnya berhasil menyusulnya ke sana, hanya mendapati dia sudah kacau pikirannya. Dia tertawa sendiri dan berteriak-teriak hal yang tidak dimengerti. 

Kemudian setelah mereka menyelidiki ancient scrolls yang ada di sana mereka mengerti, bahwa kalau sampai semua orbs mati, atau ada zaman dimana avatar tidak ditemukan untuk menyalakan sebuah orbs. Maka Titan Yang akan kehilangan motivasi untuk hidup dan berhenti beraktivitas, orang-orang akan kehilangan tujuan dalam bekerja, tidak ada motivasi, tidak ada prioritas, dan semuanya akan berhenti, dan tidak ada yang akan benar-benar perduli. Pada akhirnya banyak diantara mereka yang saling membunuh, hanya untuk menemukan suatu tujuan hidup.

Hal ini sudah diajarkan pada semua generasi Church Leader, tapi ruang rahasia tersebut juga menyimpan ancient scrolls dari dunia-dunia sebelumnya, ancient worlds... Hal yang mengejutkan adalah bahwa ketika Yin dan Yang bersatu dan memutuskan untuk tetap melanjutkan dunia, selalu dunia baru dimulai oleh satu atau dua orang saja, dan segala peradaban dan bangunan fisik yang ada juga segala makhluk hidup yang berbentuk akan rusak dan mati menjadi reruntuhan. Tidak ada dunia yang benar-benar dilanjutkan apa adanya.

Hal ini menjelaskan kenapa tidak ada yang tahu tentang sejarah dunia sebelum ini. 

Kemudian setelah kejadian ini, masyarakat berusaha keras untuk menjaga dan mengawasi gereja. Karena mereka sudah disegarkan kesadarannya, bahwa peran gereja atas keberadaan dunia sangatlah penting. Sangatlah berbahaya membiarkannya tidak tulus dalam menjalankan tugasnya


The Church of The Beast

The Beast adalah seorang pemimpin yang mengendalikan semua bawahannya seperti mesin. Dia bersama The Necromancer mendirikan sebuah gereja yang bertujuan untuk menyalakan semua orb di dunia. The Necromancer adalah penyihir yang menemukan cara "menghidupkan" mayat, dan dia mengumpulkan mayat dari avatar-avatar Dewi terdahulu. 

Doktrin dari gereja ini adalah, ketika Titan Yang bangkit ada satu orang yang akan dia ambil sebagai avatarnya dan orang itu diyakini adalah orang yang terkuat di dunia. The Beast merasa bahwa dirinya adalah orang yang ditakdirkan untuk menjadi avatar Titan Yang, tapi alih-alih menghancurkan dunia, The Beast akan menguasai pikiran Titan Yang dan melepaskan "kemanusiaan" dari segala kuasa para Dewa dan para Titan. 

Sekte ini sudah ada sejak lama tapi mereka tidak pernah berhasil menculik para avatar yang hidup pada zaman mereka, mereka hanya berhasil mencuri mayat-mayat avatar tersebut dari kuburannya. Tapi suatu saat mereka akhirnya punya rencana baru, dan kali itu mereka akan berhasil menculik semua avatar Dewi pada zaman itu dan mencuri semua Orbs dari The Church of the Orbs. 

The Heretic sendiri adalah anggota dari The Church of the Beast, hanya selama ini dia di bohongi untuk percaya bahwa tujuan mereka sama. The Heretic dimanfaatkan untuk membuat celah di pertahanan gereja yang kemudian dimanfaatkan untuk mencuri semua orbs dan beberapa informasi lain yang dirahasiakan. 

Dengan Ritualnya Necromancer membangkitkan zombie-zombie para avatar yang hilang pada zaman itu. Tapi dia kaget karena satu avatar tidak memiliki jiwa Dewi yang seharusnya. Dia marah menyadari bahwa informasi yang telah dia kumpulkan dari gereja orbs salah. Ada seorang Avatar Dewi yang hidup di zaman ini yang masih tidak diketahui keberadaannya oleh The Church of the Orbs. 


The extermination of the Red Scarf syndicate

One of the right hand of the Church Leader got addicted to same sex prostitution. The place where he go to satisfy his addiction is a hidden facility operated by the Red Scarf syndicate. One time, after having an intercourse, a prostitute took the sperm of the Church official and passed it to a female prostitute. She "inserted" it and got pregnant. 

This is the start of repeating extortion to the Church official, it became so bad until the church official stole from the church treasury. 

At this point the matter has become an object of internal investigation by the Church of the Orbs. Soon they found out and the Church Leader was infuriated. The head of the Monks asked to leave the matter at his hand, and the Church Leader understood what it meant. 

At night, hundreds of elite monks of the Church disguised themselves in black stormed at all the known red scarf facilities in the city and killed everybody. This then continues all over the country where all the known places owned by the syndicate got raided. Not only at the battlefield, during the council of the government, leaders of the Red Scarf syndicate were accused of embezzlements and corruptions, also criminal allegations such as human trafficking and trading of illegal goods and animals. 

After that point the Red Scarf syndicate's presence in the world were pretty much gone. 

During the biggest raid and the first raid of the monks, the pregnant prostitute escaped with a cart to another city. One monk followed her with a horse until near morning. Unfortunate for her she fell into a band of robber's trap. Her cart fell and got destroyed and the driver was wounded. 

The robbers came and soon they clashed with the pursuing monk, the monk killed one of them. At the same time the nearby village that had enough of the robbers had planned an ambush against the robbers, and they've arrived at the scene. A battle broke between the robbers and the villagers. 

The monk used this opportunity to kill the woman who was at her late pregnancy. Seeing this a villager thought that he was one of the robber and shoot an arrow. The monk ran away with the arrow wound, the battle between the robbers and the villagers were won by the villagers with most of the robbers were killed. 

The shooter came towards the pregnant woman and found her dead, but the head of the baby was half sticking out from her. The baby was a girl, they brought her to the village to be raised by a woman there. 

After some years it turned out that the girl was not really welcomed by the woman and her family. The woman was a widow with no kids, she got married again with one of the villager and had kids with him. The woman didn't love the girl for her preference to her own biological children. 

When the girl reached her teen, a married guy seduced her and his wife found out. His wife accused the girl to be promiscuous and the woman who raised her backed it up. So now the whole village drove her away out of the village. 

She strayed away looking for some place to hide and food to eat. She found that she could drink rainwater and she should hide during the day as the heat could deplete her body's liquid. Then she followed trails of carts coming to and fro the village knowing that sometimes they threw leftover food to the streets. 

Few times he witnessed robbers raided these carts and took everything, including the foods. So for a while she avoided the robbers while can't help but learning about their patterns and their traps. After a month, she reached an oasis and took a bath there... she saw a group of merchants came after and she quickly went away to hide. 

From their conversation she knew that they were heading towards the robbers' traps. She waited for a moment and then she called to one of the guys. She warned him and he took her to their leader. Turned out they are a newly established trading company and they didn't bring enough men to fend off the robbers. The leader decided to trust her and went back on the road, he asked her whether she wanted to work for him and she agreed. 

In the trading company she worked as a cleaner and also as a store attendant. During the night she has this strange habit of jumping around on the rooftops, without anyone knowing of course. One time she was at the rooftop of the pavilion where Nonama and the Material Summoner trained. She was amazed to see both of them using incredible magic. More and more she visisted that side of the city on the rooftops hoping to see more people training their magic. Then she saw Citra and the Insect Hero trained in another place and again she was deeply amazed. 

After her frequent peeping of the people training magic, she accidentally acquired some basic magical power. She found that her movements could be faster if she did some of the things she saw, and her vision became incredibly powerful if she did some others. Now she could observe people training from a very far spot in the middle of the night. 


Kini Gadis itu sudah berumur 22 tahun, perawakannya tinggi dan kuat. Rambutnya agak berombak dan panjang, cara berjalannya juga dengan langkah yang panjang dan optimis, serupa dengan cara berjalan seorang lelaki. Semua orang yang dikenalnya senang padanya, namun dia tak ragu ragu untuk berkonfrontasi dengan siapapun dari mereka.

Pada suatu hari disaat hari liburannya, dia berencana untuk pergi sendiri ke kota lain, karena semua teman temannya tidak mendapat liburan bersamanya. Selagi dalam perjalanan dia melihat seorang tua di bawah pohon. Ketika dia akan melewati orang tua tersebut, dia menyahut

"Gadis kecil, apa kau tertarik dengan magic?"

"Heeeh?" dia tampak tidak senang dengan sebutan itu. Tangan kanannya ditaruh di pinggang sambil berbalik ke orang tua itu. Ditatapnya orang tua itu dengan pandangan keberatan

"Kakek, ada apa panggil saya anak kecil?" sekarang dijulurkannya wajahnya lebih dekat ke arah kakek itu sambil mendelik menantang. 

"Oh ho ho ho..." si Kakek tertawa sambil meneguk araknya... 

Ehek ehek ehek... si Kakek itu tersedak dan batuk batuk

"A ha ha ha... kakek kau lucu sekali, mukamu waktu batuk itu a ha ha ha ha! Baiklah selamat tinggal Kakek..." lalu dia berbalik untuk melanjutkan perjalanannya

"Hei tunggu dulu!..."

"Heeeh?!" Kembali dia berbalik badan sambil satu tangannya menolak pinggang

"Apa kau tertarik dengan magic dik?" tanya Kakek itu kini sudah berdiri di depannya, Gadis itu cukup terkejut dengan kegesitan kakek itu

"Magic? apa itu magic?"

"Oh ho ho ho..." tawa kakek itu sambil meneguk araknya lagi. 

Tapi kali ini gadis itu langsung berbalik sambil berjalan pergi, dan si Kakek tidak menyangka reaksi ini langsung tersedak dan batuk-batuk lagi.... 

"A ha ha ha ha!... A ha ha ha ha! Kakek mukamu waktu batuk itu, mukamu itu... lucu sekali A ha ha ha ha!"

Wajah Kakek itu memerah, bibirnya digigit dengan kesal, lalu disematkannya botol araknya dan dirapalnya magic water bullet ke wajah gadis itu.

Sebuat bola air kecil tiba tiba menabrak wajah gadis itu dan membuat wajah dan sebagian rambutnya basah... 

"Eeeeh!" teriaknya marah, "Kakek gila! apa ini?!"

"Ho ho ho ho ho..." kini kakek itu tertawa lagi... "Anak kurang ajar, kau mau lagi?" dan sekali lagi kakek itu menembakkan water bullet ke wajahnya

"Awas kau Kakek gila!" kini gadis itu menerjang kakek itu berusaha menjatuhkannya, tapi tiba tiba kakek itu sudah tidak ada di sana lagi, melainkan hanya dia yang jatuh... 

"Ho ho ho ho... gadis kecil pantatmu juga lucu ketika jatuh"

"Kakek gila dan mesum" digenggamnya tanah dan kerikil di sampingnya dan dilemparkannya ke arah kakek itu... tapi sekali lagi kakek itu sudah tidak ada di sana, dia sudah ada di sebelahnya, menatap ke bawah sambil tertawa...

"Heh heh heh, gadis kecil, kau suka magic?..."

Gadis itu sempat tercengang sebentar, lalu dia berdiri... dia berkata dalam hatinya "Gawat ada orang gila nan kuat di sini, lebih baik pergi dulu" Dia perkuat kakinya dengan magic dan segera melompat kembali ke arah kota. 

Kakek dengan cepat segera muncul di tempatnya akan mendarat, dia menjulurkan kedua tangannya... 

"Eh tunggu dulu tunggu dulu!"

"Minggiiiir!" Gadis itu mendarat sambil menginjak Kakek itu di badannya, mereka berdua terjatuh...

"Aduh Kakek!, jangan berdiri di situ! Apa kakek mau mati?! Sebenarnya ada apa ini dengan Kakek, maunya apa dengan saya? Saya harus cepat pergi sekarang!"

Kakek itu berdiri kembali sambil membersihkan bajunya... 

"Eh adik, kau akan lewat sana berarti kau mau ke kota pelabuhan, jaraknya jauh dan di perjalanan kamu bisa dirampok"

"OOOOH! kenapa tidak bilang dari tadi Kek! tidak apa apa saya sering ketemu dengan perampok... eh maksudnya kakek tidak usah khawatir"

"Oh ho ho, luar biasa, tapi saya tahu rencana kamu adalah bersembunyi dari mereka, tapi bagaimana kalau kamu ditangkap, kamu kira mereka tidak akan menyadari keberadaanmu? Ini pertama kalinya kau lewat sini bukan?"

"Hmmm, iya, tapi tenang saja kakek, saya lain dari orang lain, kalau cuma perjalanan ini saja, saya bisa jaga diri Kek. Baik kek? saya pergi dulu, kalau kakek hentikan saya terus saya tidak akan sampai sampai lewat tengah malam."

Sambil berkata begitu dia melompat dengan cepat kembali ke arah kota yang ingin dikunjunginya. Sementara di belakang kakek tersebut menggelengkan kepalanya. 


Jalan menuju kota pelabuhan merupakan jalan yang ramai, tapi mendekati kota pelabuhan ada suatu sungai besar yang sangat deras. Di atas sungai tersebut ada 3 jembatan, satu untuk kendaraan dan penunggang binatang, 2 di sebelah kiri kanannya untuk pejalan kaki biasa. Jarak dari satu tepi ke tepi lainnya cukup jauh, anehnya ketiga jembatan tersebut menjauh satu sama lain dan di seberang sana ada hutan yang cukup gelap. Ada jalan yang menembus hutan tersebut, tetapi letaknya ditengah di tempat kereta dan penunggang, sementara kedua jembatan lain berujung di sisi hutan yang saling berjauhan. Dan melalui hutan tersebut hanya ada jalan setapak kecil di masing masing kiri dan kanan tersebut. 

"Eeeh?, aneh juga, jadi saya tidak boleh lewat di tengah dan harus lewat di kiri dan kanan?" Gadis itu berpikir. Dilihatnya sekelilingnya dan tampak di pintu ketiga jembatan dijaga oleh 3 orang berperawakan kekar. 

"Pejalan kaki lewat di kiri atau di kanan! yang di tengah hanya kereta atau penunggang binatang saja!" teriak seseorang dari mereka

Beberapa orang melayangkan protes tidak setuju, 
"Tolong tuan, katanya di sini banyak perampok, izinkan kami berjalan bersama" Ujar seorang lelaki yang tampak dipisahkan dengan rombongan kereta.

"Tidak bisa! jembatan ini tidak dirancang untuk orang banyak." Ujar penjaga itu tegas

Si gadis menggaruk kepalanya sambil berpikir
"Aduh, ujung ketiga jembatan ini ditutup oleh kabut, tapi jelas arah mereka saling menjauh... sepertinya ini berbahaya"

Diambilnya botol minumnya dan minum beberapa teguk air, lalu dicarinya akar tanaman yang panjang, diikatnya ke botolnya lalu diturunkannya ke sungai. Tampak bagi orang lain, dia sedang mengisi botolnya dengan air sungai, mereka tertawa dan mengaguminya, beberapa mencoba menirunya. 

"Hmmm, sungai ini memang deras, tapi tidak sampai tidak bisa dilawan oleh orang, hanya saja orang harus merangkak dengan hati hati, jalan ataupun berenang beresiko... batu batu yang licin dan tak terlihat mata, bisa menjatuhkan orang, dan derasnya air hanya akan melelahkan kalau berenang." 

"Kakek tadi khusus mengingatkan saya tentang perampok, kalau dilihat dari kehebatannya, kakek itu bisa saja bekas pendekar... ini bukan masalah biasa."

Gadis itu kemudian menyematkan kembali botol di sabuknya sambil berjalan menjauh. Beberapa orang di sekelilingnya memberi senyuman kepadanya, dan dia membalasnya dengan senyum yang lebar, seperti tertawa. 

Dia kembali ke arah jalan dimana dia datang, kadang dia merapikan rambut atau bajunya sekali sekali. Diujung matanya dia menyadari bahwa ketiga penjaga tadi memperhatikannya dengan serius. Tapi dia lanjut berjalan dengan ringan, lalu berbelok ke semak semak dan berjongkok. 

Ketiga penjaga jembatan tadi tampak tertawa kecil, lalu kembali mengawasi sekeliling mereka. 

"Hmmm... mereka ini, ini sangat tidak bagus, mereka sepertinya kawanan perampok, kawanan perampok yang licik!" Diperhatikannya ketiga orang tadi dibalik semak semak dengan seksama. 

"Hey kamu!" 

Terdengar suara yang keras dan berat dibelakangnya

"Baha!" Teriaknya terkejut sambil berbalik

"Ahaha, adik kecil ada apa kamu berjongkok di sini melongok longok? Celana kamu kenapa tidak dibuka, bukannya kamu berak?"

"Dasar kakek mesum!" Gadis itu lega sekaligus marah melihat siapa di belakangnya, dipukulnya tangan si Kakek dengan keras. 


"Kakek kenapa ada di sini? sembunyi sembunyi begini, pasti membuntuti saya ya? Hih kakek ini sudah lupa diri!"

"Oooho ho, sssst, perbaiki jongkokmu, mereka melihat lagi nanti!"

Gadis itu kembali berjongkok, dan si Kakek tengkurap tepat di belakang pantatnya

"Hiiih! Kakek mesum! apa yang kakek lakukan???!" dipukul pukulnya kepala kakek itu dan mendorongnya, sambil menjaga posisi seperti orang buang air besar... 

"Eh, nanti kelihatan ada dua orang disini adududuh..."

"Tapi kenapa disitu Kakek, jauh jauh sana kalau tidak mau dilihat Kakeeek!"

si Kakek kemudian berguling guling ke samping sambil melihat ke arah ketiga orang penjaga tadi. 

(Selama beberapa saat, mereka diam mengamati...)

"Menurutmu, kenapa mereka?"

Gadis itu melirik ke si Kakek dengan sinis

"Mereka siapa? kenapa apa?"

"Aduh, kamu ini masih saja berlagak tidak kenal, ya mereka itu, itu (katanya sambil menunjuk ketiga orang penjaga tersebut), kamu sekarang mau apa? apa iya kamu mau pulang?..." Ditatapnya Gadis itu dengan serius, tapi dia sedikit mencibir mendengar kata pulang...

"Hehehe, Sepertinya tidak... Jadi sekarang apa rencanamu?"

"Sssssh, Kakek! jangan ribut ya," kemudian Gadis itu berbisik di telinga si Kakek. Rencana gadis itu membuat Kakek itu spontan berteriak... "Heh!"

"Kha.. ehek Khek... ehek ehek. Diaaam* ujarnya berbisik keras keras sambil mendelik dan pura pura batuk"

"Oh, maaf" si Kakek kemudian menundukkan kepalanya kembali, masih sambil tengkurap di tanah.


"Heh lihat gadis itu pergi"

"Sudah kubilang dia mencurigakan"

"Apakah dia akan melaporkan kita?"

"Perlukah aku kembali untuk memberitahu bos?"

"Tunggu tunggu itu dia! Oh..."

"Oooh, ada kakeknya"

"Ooooh, dia menjemput kakeknya..."

si Kakek berjalan menggunakan tongkat sambil terbungkuk-bungkuk, disampingnya gadis itu memapahnya pelan-pelan. 

Lama kemudian akhirnya mereka sampai di depan ketiga penjaga jembatan... 

"Pak, tolong kakek saya, izinkan kami lewat di jalur tengah yang besar ini, siapa tahu ada yang mau mengangkut kami..."

Ketiga penjaga itu kemudian saling berpandangan...

"Maaf, ini hanya jalur kereta dan penunggang saja..."

"Tolonglah, bukankah jembatan ini yang paling dekat untuk menyeberang?" jawab si Gadis memelas

"Adik, lewatlah di jembatan kanan ini, jalur di tengah hanya untuk kereta dan penunggang saja..."

"Baiklah Tuan, terimakasih atas kebaikan tuan"

"Ya... sudah pergilah"

Mereka lalu berjalan pelan-pelan menuju jembatan kanan. 

"Bagaimana ini masak kita harus jalan pelan pelan terus seperti ini?"

"Aduh, Kakek iya juga ya, bagaimana ini?" jawab gadis itu sambil tertawa terpaksa, sadar bahwa ini semua adalah rencananya. 

"Sudah gendong saya..."




"Ayolah, kalau tidak kita tidak akan melewati jembatan ini sampai gelap"

"Tidak! Kakek gila, jalan saja dipercepat"

"Terlalu mencurigakan, ayolah ini semua adalah rencanamu"

Si Gadis menaruh tangannya di wajahnya, tampak dia agak menyesali pertimbangannya dan kesal akan saran Kakek itu. Tiba-tiba si kakek terjatuh dan merintih seperti kesakitan

"Aduuuh, Aduuh"

Semua orang termasuk ketiga penjaga itu melihat ke arah mereka

"Kakek!..." teriaknya sambil berbisik kesal... "Hentikan ini!"

"Aduuuh cucu, saya sudah tak mampu lagi, tinggalkan saja saya di sini... ini kesalahan kakek, kakek hanya bisa menyulitkanmu cu, tinggalkan saja kakek di sini..."

Orang-orang di sekitar mereka melihat dengan iba, malah ada yang bilang "Aduh cucu tak berbakti, kakeknya sakit mau ditinggal di jembatan ini..."

"Hey! Hey!... Kakek!" dengan wajah kesal dan terpaksa, akhirnya pelan pelan diangkatnya kakek itu, lalu digendongnya di pundaknya. Orang-orang kemudian bereaksi

"Waduh kasihan mereka, siapa tahu mereka harus berjalan sejauh ini untuk mendapatkan pengobatan..."

ada seorang ibu ibu kemudian datang dan berkata... 

"Bertahan ya, pelan-pelan saja, kamu cucu yang baik..." dan orang-orang di sekitarnya semua berkata

"Cucu yang baik" lalu berjalan pergi meninggalkan mereka di belakang. 


"Kakek mesum, jangan memelukku erat erat begitu!"

"Tenang saja, jangan cepat-cepat, nanti kamu bisa jatuh"

"Kakek! lebih baik kakek diam saja, nanti kakek saya turunkan setelah jauh dari pandangan mereka"

"Aduh-aduh padahal sangat nyaman digendong begini"

"Diam..." (teriaknya sambil berbisik)

"Kalau terlalu berat, akan kuringankan sedikit" Tak berapa lama badan Kakek itu jadi lebih ringan, sehingga seperti menggendong sebuah tas biasa. 


"Hey Hey! jangan berputar-putar begitu!" ujar kakek ketakutan karena Gadis itu berputar-putar panik

"Kakek-kakek, aduh, Kakek saya kira jatuh di sungai kakek!"

"Ya hampir saya jatuh di sungai gara-gara kamu tolol!"

"Apa, apa ini, kenapa kakek tiba-tiba jadi ringan?"

"Hehehe" tawa sang kakek bangga... "Ini magic, ilmu meringankan tubuh..."


"Magic" jawab kakek tersebut dengan bangga


"Betul sekali, dengan magic ini badan jadi ringan, bisa melompat lebih tinggi, dan berlari lebih cepat, kalau jatuhpun tidak sakit..."

"Bukan main Kakek, kakek hebat sekali" si Gadis dengan bersemangat berjalan dengan semakin cepat ke depan

"Tentu saja, dan kalau kamu mau menjadi... Aduh!... Hey! kenapa tiba tiba membantingku!"

"Ah ternyata betul ringan sekali, dibantingpun seperti memantul ke atas!"

"Aduh, aduh punggungku, hey bagaimanapun juga ini badanku berhati-hatilah sedikit!"

si Gadis melakukan hal ini sedemikian rupa di sudut pandang yang terhalang dari penyeberang lain yang jaraknya semakin jarang satu sama lain. 

"Kakek sekarang sudah bisa jalan kan?"

"Ya... Ya... aduh sadis sekali..."

Merekapun melanjutkan berjalan, tetapi ketika mereka melihat ke samping dan ke bawah, mereka terdiam dan tertegun...

Di sekitar mereka sekarang pemandangan yang sangat indah, angin yang sejuk, pegunungan dan sungai yang besar, deras dan segar tepat di bawah mereka, juga kabut tipis yang menambah nuansa seperti di dalam mimpi. Suara burung-burung seperti melodi yang harmonis diiringi dengan ritme air yang menyusuri bebatuan... 

"Pak-pak, kota pelabuhan setelah jembatan ini masih jauh Pak?" si Gadis bertanya kepada sesama penyeberang

"Oh, jalur ini adalah jalur yang paling jauh diantara ketiga jembatan tadi dik"

"Ooooh, aduh"

"Iya, setelah ini kita akan menyusuri jalan setapak kecil dan mungkin tengah malam baru sampai... dasar penjaga-penjaga kejam, tiba-tiba saja pemerintah membangun 2 jembatan lain dan melarang pejalan kaki melewati jembatan biasa"

"Oh, jembatan biasa? Maksudnya..."

"Ya jembatan yang di tengah itu, padahal selama ini tidak ada masalah, jembatan itu kuat, tidak seperti kayu reyot ini, setiap langkah rasanya saya akan jatuh!"

"Oh begitu sejak kapan seperti ini Pak?"

"Satu minggu yang lalu"

si Gadis menundukkan kepalanya sambil berpikir namun sambil terus berjalan... si Kakek lalu bertanya.

"Apa maksudmu tadi kita akan menyuap penjaga-penjaga itu, kenapa tidak jadi?"

"Oh tadi saya berencana menyuap mereka dengan menampilkan keadaan kita tadi, saya akan mencoba memberikan mereka uang sepeser perunggu ini sehingga kesannya kita sangat miskin. Tapi sepertinya tidak perlu..."

"Oh?" kakek itu sedikit tertegun

"Ya, kalau mereka menganggap kita tidak punya harta, mereka akan menyuruh kita lewat jalan yang aman. Kemungkinan di depan sana nanti mereka akan menyergap kita, terutama yang di tengah tadi. Tapi kalau kita berada di jalur yang mereka tunjukkan, berarti jalur kitalah yang paling aman"

"Oh benar juga pemikiranmu..."

"Heh heh, bagaimana kakek? baguskan hasilnya?"

"Eh, jangan terlalu cepat puas dulu sebelum kita selesaikan jalur ini..."

"Baiklah kek, ayo!"


Between you and me:

The 12 avatars all looked different from one another. If the necromancer somehow successful in gathering all the avatars and the zombies of the avatars, but if a couple of them are equal relative to the rest of the others, it would not work. 

But ssshhhhh, don't tell anybody. Any 12 girls that are different relative to one another, their skin color, their heights, the sizes of their buttocks and breasts, their weights, their personalities... as long as they are different enough, all the orbs would lit up if there were 12 of them. (Because the is a link between the souls, and the Goddesses could synchronize through those links, even when they resided not in the bodies (that touched the orbs)).  

This is a secret no one in the fantasy world knows, only I the writer knows about it... so shhhhhhh!!! don't tell it to them >:( . This means that any group of girls in this story that are fully diversed could potentially destroyed the world


Gehenna Battle prologue:

Setelah Beelzebub ditelan Gaia, Nonama tak sadarkan diri selama 3 bulan, tepat 3 bulan dia bangun dan mendapati dirinya di kediaman Citra. Kesadarannya mengejutkan pelayan yang membersihkan kamar itu kemudian memanggil Citra menggunakan alat komunikasi jarak jauh yang dibeli Citra khusus dari seorang engineer demon items (juga merupakan guru dari Eki). 

Kabar ini juga akhirnya diketahui oleh Ancient Heroes yang lain dan juga party dari main Character. Mereka kemudian mendatangi Nonama untuk menyambutnya. 

Namun Nonama penuh dengan rasa malu dan marah atas kekalahannya, dia tak menerima uluran persahabatan lebih lanjut dari Citra dan lainnya. Setelah ucapan perpisahan yang berat, dia memutuskan hubungan dengan mereka. 

Prajurit kerajaan meminta para heroes untuk menangkapnya, tapi mereka tidak mau. Nonama sendiri berada dalam pengaruh obat pelemah tubuh sehingga dia juga tidak mau bertarung. Malam-malam selanjutnya Nonama habiskan di sel penjara kerajaan.

Setelah beberapa waktu kemudian, Nonama berhenti mengambil obat pelemah tubuh dan mulai merapal ilmu komunikasi ke Gehenna. Salah seorang prince of Gehenna menangkap pesannya dan kemudian mulai berencana untuk membawanya pergi. 

Pada akhirnya Nonama berhasil menyusup keluar dan pergi ke Gehenna. 

Nonama berada di sana cukup lama.


Tanpa kehadiran Beelzebub di Gehenna, Nonama tidak tunduk pada siapapun, sehingga di sana mereka selalu bersitegang dan nyawanya terancam. Nonama melarikan diri dan kemudian pergi ke tempat yang sangat jauh. Sesaat sebelum nyawanya berakhir, datanglah Decay dalam fatamorgananya. Nonama kemudian menjadi Ratu gurun Abyss, tempat dimana Decay beristirahat dan tak ada seorangpun yang bisa menemuinya. Nonama mengendalikan petir, badai, dan kadang menjadi hantu yang mengeluarkan suara-suara yang eerie, sedih namun tawa, tawa namun tangis.

Tak ada sebuah makhlukpun di sana selain Nonama, julukan Ratu jelaslah merupakan hal yang tak berarti, tak ubahnya seorang manusia yang diikat rantai neraka hanya ada di sana untuk kekacauan dan disintegrasi, tapi tidak mati.  


Di dunia manusia, para Ancient Hero mempelajari bahwa Nonama ada di Gehenna (dari serangga yang bersembunyi di sana). Mereka merencanakan serbuan untuk mengambil dia kembali. 

Material Summoner dan Nonamanis mengajari sang tokoh utama material summoning, jurus yang dikembangkan secara independen oleh Nonama merupakan tambahan yang penting dalam pertempuran ini, jadi ada 2 cabang material summoning; 

1. Material summoning original yang memampukan summoner mengirim pengelihatan dan suara ke orang yang ter-link, dan berkomunikasi dengannya, dan pada akhirnya dapat memanggil orang tersebut keluar teleport langsung ke tempat summoner, dan...

2. Material summoning a la Nonama yang memampukan orang yang ter-link untuk merasuki tubuh summoner dan bertindak seakan itu dirinya. 

Dalam pertarungan ini tokoh utama berencana untuk mempelajari material summoning karena dia memiliki kompatibilitas yang baik dengan Centaur the Immortal sembari mampu bertahan di dalam Gehenna. Dengan menggunakan kedua cabang Material Summoning tersebut mereka berencana melibatkan Centaur the Immortal dalam misi tersebut. 

Pada akhirnya tokoh utama berhasil menguasai kedua jurus tersebut, tapi ternyata hasilnya Centaur the Immortal terlalu sangat kuat sekali, sehingga mereka hanya bisa menggunakan 10% dari kekuatannya. Tubuh tokoh utama tidak bisa tahan lebih dari itu. 

Material Summoner juga akan ikut bertarung dengan link ke Hero Ancient Healer, dia bisa sinkronisasi dengan 90% efektifitas dan itu sangatlah luar biasa. Walaupun Healer tersebut bisa bertahan di Gehenna, tapi keberadaannya sangat penting bagi keberlangsungan yang lainnya, sehingga mereka tidak mau menempatkannya pada posisi yang terlalu beresiko. 


Di dalam perut Gaia adalah sebuah dimensi yang terhubung dengan dimensi bumi. Kejadian yang terjadi di sana adalah kejadian yang terjadi di bumi tapi dalam bentuk yang berbeda. Di dalamnya adalah seorang Ksatria Legendaris bernama Tora, Knight of the Thunderous Titan. Pada akhir perang besar di masa lalu dia bersama dengan banyak Demon - Demon lainnya ditelan oleh Gaia. Gaia sengaja melakukan ini melihat kemampuannya menggunakan the Purist Hammer, senjata yang selalu dia gunakan. The Purist Hammer memiliki kekuatan elemen Holy di dunia bumi, namun di dimensi ini senjata itu bermanifestasi dengan cara yang berbeda. 

Ketika Beelzebub ditelan oleh Gaia, dia diikat antara langit-langit dan lantai. Kekuatannya yang besar menimbulkan gelora di tempat itu, tempat yang seperti gua-gua namun merah menyala oleh cahaya api dan lahar. Tora datang membawa Purist Hammer dan memukulnya, tubuhnya kemudian menyala menunjukkan semacam aliran-aliran sirkuit dan huruf-huruf. Kemudian Mata Tora bersama dengan Purist Hammer berubah menjadi terang dengan semacam huruf kuno yang mirip dengan huruf-huruf di tubuh Beelzebub. Beelzebub seakan sadar apa yang terjadi berteriak teriak panik seperti sesuatu yang sangat buruk telah menimpanya, dia juga mengeluarkan kata-kata kotor segala sumpah serapah. 

Huruf-huruf yang menyala itu adalah informasi yang kemudian dibaca oleh Gaia pada saat itu juga, itulah kekuatan Purist Hammer, membawa chaos ke dalam kata-kata suci. Apa yang terjadi selanjutnya adalah penemuan bahwa lalat-lalat membawa penyakit tertentu di bumi, kemudian para tenaga kesehatan menganjurkan dan menjaga makanan mereka dari lalat. Semakin sedikit orang yang sakit dan ini merupakan perubahan pola, dengan kata lain permanen, di dimensi perut Gaia hal ini berarti Beelzebub kehilangan sebagian daging dari organnya. 

Tora memukul Beelzebub berkali-kali dan terus menerus, semakin banyak penemuan baru tentang penyakit di bumi, dan semakin banyak obat dan alat kesehatan yang dibuat yang meningkatkan standar kesehatan, semakin berdarah - darah dan terpotong-potong Beelzebub di perut Gaia. 

Para Ksatria Legendaris lainnya dapat merasakan bahwa kekuatan Tora masih ada, tapi setelah ratusan tahun mencari dan tidak menemukannya, mereka hanya bisa menganggapnya hilang dan berhenti mencarinya. Dalam doa mereka, mereka tetap berharap suatu hari bisa bertemu dengan dia lagi, sang Profesor, begitulah julukan mereka terhadapnya. 


Priestesses of the Moon

During the times of draught and famine governments of the world usually stepped in to help those who were in need. After the difficult times were over, people of the area would allocate portions of their income to repay the aid. The contributions were distributed through special posts and churches. 

Every week during weekly ceremonies, the church would collect these contributions from the community while performing some rituals in the memory of the pain. The Church delegated the Avatar of the Goddess to choose some women to be the priestesses of the moon. Priestesses of the Moon were tasked to perform some dances, song, and instruments for the people weekly during the church ceremony in the what used to be the disaster stricken areas. They also became the delegated ear of the goddess who listened to people's confessions in the confession booths. 

Such rituals of paying back usually lasted 3-6 months, after that all the priestesses of the moon were retired. 

Ever once in a while the people loved the performance so much they asked the priestesses to teach their local women to do the same. After the priestesses left, interpretations of the ceremonies would continue for certain areas because people didn't want it to be over. If some of these local women performed really well, they would be nominated to be the next Priestesses of the Moon and got sent to the capital for the selection process. 


Mom: The Food is ready come on and eat!

Daughter 1 & 2: Hooraaaay!

Mom: Alright be careful now don't spill it to the table.

Daughter 2: Okay mom!

Daughter 1: Watching closely with her sharp eyes

Mom: How's your reading lesson darling?

Daughter 2: It's fine

Mom: What where you reading at Master Guru's school?

Daughter 2: I read about the animals, trees, and also the Titans

Mom: Wow that's so smart!

Daughter 2: And I could read all by myself when Master Guru tested me

Mom: Wow that's great darling

Daughter 2: thank you :)

Mom: And you what did you learn in the school?

Daughter 1: Some stuffs

Mom: Stuffs?

Daughter 2: History, Counting, Nature

Mom: ok... 

The proceeded to eat until they were done and then they clean. While cleaning,

Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up darling?

Daughter 2: I want to be Priestess of the Moon!!

Mom: Wow really?

Daughter 2: Yeah!

Mom: Why is that?

Daughter 2: Because they are so pretty, they could play music, dance, everything!

Mom: Ahahahaha, but you can't be a Priestess of the Moon forever

Daughter 2: Huuh? but why Mother?

Daughter 1: Yeah why Mom

Mom: Because they would be retired after their job was done, plus they don't get any salary

Daughter 2: But why Mother???

Mom: Well they are doing the Titan's work and such holy task should not be mixed with worldly affairs such as money making. 

Daughter 1: Huh strange, didn't the Priest get salaries from the church?

Mom: Well, true... 

Daughter 1: Then why is it different from the Priestesses of the Moon

Mom: Well dear honestly that I don't know too

Daughter 2: That's not fair!

Mom: Huuuuushhh darling, you shouldn't something like that about the church. The Titans might be angry at you

Daughter 2: (Started to became scared and wanting to cry)

Mom: Oh darling (immidiately hugs her), it's not a big deal darling you just don't know

Daughter 1: Nobody hears you

Daughter 2: Really?

Mom: Yeah darling, plus if they disliked you for saying the wrong things just call me. Don't you know that I was a Priestess of the Moon also?

Daughter 1 & 2: Really??? What?

Mom: Yes back when I was a little older than you dear

Daughter 1: You never told us that

Daughter 2: Wow wow wow this is so cool

Mom: Well do you want me to teach you how to play the tambourine darling?

Daughter 2: YES Mom!

Daughter 1: (staring her mom with a sharp look on her eyes)

Not long after that the Mom came back from inside of her room bringing a tambourine with her. It was a leather tambourine the size of a large plate with metal plates surrounding it. On the side there was strings of ribbons with various colors particular to those commonly used by the Priestesses of the Moon.

Daughter 1: Wow Mom you really were a Priestess of the Moon

Daughter 2: (Jumping with joy) Wow Mom teach me teach me!

Mom: Ok darling firstly you got to hold the tambourine like this, and hit the top and the bottom part interchangeably

Daughter 2: like this?

Mom: Wow yes darling you're very smart. Then move it up and down at the left side and then up and down at the right side. 

Daughter 1: Mom teach me too

Mom: Ok Ok let me have the tambourine and you guys follow me, ok. Like this cek kecek kecek kecek kecek kecek kecek. 1, 2, 3, 4. Repeat

Daughter 1 & 2 (immitating using only their hands): Cek kecek kecek kecek kecek kecek kecek

Mom: Very Good!

Brother: Hey guys what are you doing?

Mom: Oh you're back

Daughter 2: Brother brother, mom is actually a Priestess of the Moon!

Brother: Huh? Wait WHAT?

Mom: Oh it was a long time ago, seat down have some food

Daughter 2: Let's do it again!

Mom: ok (then they started to practice the moves for a couple of times)

Brother: Wow I want to try too

Daughter 2: go away brother, this is only for girls

Daughter 1: heh how annoying

Brother: Like this right, cek kecek kecek kecek kecek

Daughter 2: Wrooooooong!!

Daughter 1: Mom ignore him let's continue

Brother: Teach me too Mom

Mom: (Ignoring the brother), ok the second move would be... 


To train the Yin and Yang is training discipline and synergy. Discipline for Yang is required for high quality Yin. Surprisingly high quality Yin is the most volatile. 


Citra, Bug User, Main Character, Material Summoner, Silver Priestess, Dimensional fighter, and Bulky Gunner is waiting on the south facing the north.

At the north end of Gehenna there’s the castle of the Beelzebub.

Silver Priestess was kneeling and Praying, on top of her head appeared a holy circle that shoots a ray of light to the sky. Due to the intensity of the dirt in the air the ray of light got diminished in a short distance.

Something weird about the Main Character, the color of his mask, it’s glowing, his muscles were massive but didn’t seem too natural as if they were inflated a little.

The Material Summoner was at the very front and right behind her is Citra. The bug user was a distance behind them and he made some incantation with his hand, like a hand sign language. Soon an army, millions of bugs appeared from the ground. Citra channeled her magic to the Material Summoner who made a portal to their normal world and linked it to the Bug User’s spell.

The Dimensional fighter blinked around the vicinity trying to spot the enemy’s scout or openings or other important information regarding the enemy’s formation. When he saw a demonic snake or a demonic birdlike creature, he'd teleport the bulky gunner right in front of their faces and instantly put a hole on each.

Horde of demon infantries appeared from the horizon, alongside them batallions of mounted demons and carts appeared on the west. The mounts were big four-legged animals with a huge horn grew from the place where noses were supposed to be. Dust like clouds were flying all over the battlefield, their thickness permeated into the sky. Demonic birdlike mounts appeared emerging from the clouds behind them, quickly catching up to the frontline. Humanoid demons were mounting on the birds, their skins were dark green, very dark, their teeths big, protruding from their mouths as they laughed. They carried spears, bidents, and tridents, and it seemed like they also had the power to shoot exploding substances from their weapons… well actually not seemed like but obviously... obviously from the way they randomly shoot them to the sky as if they were celebrating something.

From the east came an army of giants wearing masks that resemble human skulls. Their mouths were conspicuous, their crooked and blackened teeth were clearly visible everytime they opened their mouth for breathing. Their march caused a huge intimidating beat, and their voices were loud competing with the sound of the drums that lead the rhythm of their movements.

Spikes on their arms, swords and axes on their hands, none of them carried any form of shield as if they had nothing to worry about defensively. It was apparent that this army was here just for a feast.

At the center, between these two armies, 3 individuals appeared and it seems like they were at the very top of the rank of the demons. Their horns were shining, their skins glistening, but the glistening colors even though sophisticated were still blatantly disgusting. 

Soon, the demon on the right transformed himself into a giant batlike creature with a very big mouth and sharp teeth. He started shouting something towards the army on the west and they started to picked up their speed. He then started a dark energy ball in front of his face, and shortly after it had a terrifying mass. The demon aimed the menace straight towards the Heroes’ party.

Feint – Outbreak (feat. MYLK)


The Silver Priestess opened her eyes, he looked straight at the big batlike creature and its huge deadly aura. The creature was arrogant and had a mocking look upon its face, it wasn’t even looking at their party at all, just towards their direction. His energy ball were destabilizing after growing into a certain size, and it started to gather dark energies from around it.

Citra started to cast a new magic and it gave the Silver Priestess 3 pairs of white wings.

With the biggest pair of wings, she flew to the sky, her magical ancient writings circle were growing and widening as she flew higher and higher.

Higher and Higher


She lifted her hands into the sky, both meet with each other at the beginning of the palms. With all of her fingers opened as if she was about the receive a rain of blessings, she started to say something in an ancient language (while closing her eyes again).

The pair of wings on the bottom started to cover each of her foot, and the pair on the top started cover above the top of her head like a floating hood.

The Circle of Light started to spun and divided itself into two pairs. The two started rotating in a synchronized manner while some white lightning or energy jolts were developing around them.

Out of nowhere two rays of light were dancing around her body forming what seemed to be a pair of courting stardust encircling her. 

From the very tips of this pair appeared spikes of white icy crystals quickly forming into one giant beaming blinding star flying quickly and far above her, towards the sky beyond the dusty dark clouds.


The Silver Priestess opened up her eyes and looked straight into the star. From the bottom, the star started to appear brighter and brighter bringing all the marching enemies into a halt while covering their eyes with their wings or hands.

Citra at the bottom casted a barrier spell and this time the material summoner was helping her.

Seeing what they did the one demon who was at the middle of the three started to show uneasiness. He casted his own barrier covering him and the royal demon who was at the left.

The star become bigger and bigger, brighter and brighter, and now emitting such intense holy aura the Giant Batlike Royal Demon couldn’t stay flying.

Perplexed was he and unrealizingly his body flew lower and lower onto the ground. Upon touching the ground he quickly snapped out of it.

Hastily he added more power to the energy ball and immidiately shoot (towards the Priestess in the sky). Such intense dark energy, but… 

the star only got brighter and brighter, brighter and brighter


From the star icicles of ice started pouring, 

Rays of holy light shone onto the battlefield, 

Roaring thunder, blasted on every locations

Beasts of mount made loud screams of pain

Flying mounts dropped down from the sky like rain

Captains of the ranks started to shout "Retreat!", and some of them even already running before anyone else.

The Royal Demon watched around them in shock as their army scattered, wounded, decapitated, and killed. (A huge dark barrier was started by the Royal Demon on the left, while the strongest barrier is still being maintained by the middle royal demon).

The Icicles and Holy Rays were beginning to slow

But the Star had came to life.

The Star started to move on its own no longer striking at random but chasing after its own plethora of targets.

The Royal Demons couldn't believe what happened as they looked around from inside the barrier.
Could've they been dumbfounded even more?


Suddenly flaming rocks were thrown at them at unbelievable speed,
The main character had begun his attacks

Citra casted ranged magic projectile attacks of all elements

The Dimension Fighter started to blink around and befell creatures to the ground

The Bulky Gunner shot magical attacks endlessly while ever once in a while being taken by the Dimensional fighter to different spots of the battlefield

Only the strongest of the strongest of the demons could survive the attack but it has not yet even beginning to stop.


The Silver Priestess shot a huge ray of light down from the sky.

Bird mounting warriors go bwooooosh…

The Star was moving on its own, still shooting down barrages of light elemental beams,

               The icicles on the ground turned alive and attacked the one targeted by the beams

The Silver Priestess continued to attack again with various light magic from the sky,

The Rays of light magic from the sky purged all the Dark magic on their paths and caused all the demonic shamans casting protection magic skinnier and skinnier.



The Royal Demons could not let this be, using their Dark Rituals the dead soldiers were brought back into zombies, the Giant batlike demon went straight to the sky with his own demonic barrier covering the sky with darkness, The Demon on the middle casted healing spells for the wounded captains.

There were still some bird riders left and now that the demonic barrier had covered all of the sky, they started to flew again.

With angry and desperate shoutings they began to throw their explosive magic towards the bugs on the bottom. This time the Captains were healed and with vengeance they lead their fearsome giants and infantries to slay through all the bugs with terrifying efficiencies. Their target is now the Hero's party on the south

The Royal Demon who was on the left now transformed himself into a giant strange looking monster and from his mouth he poured out debilitating magic into the ground and collapsed a huge area. As a result, Citra and the Main Character and the Material Summoner were put in a low elevation, surrounded from the top in every directions.

Citra couldn’t let this continue, she looked at the Main Character and signalled him a nod. The Material Summoner started to cast something on him, and then…


Suddenly the main character’s half lower body manifested a centaur shape for a few seconds. While in this form he emitted a roar that permeates through all of the members of the party wherever their locations were. 

While he was doing this the Demons jumped down and went for the kill

The Roar contained growth support magic that restores everyone's power and strength. Now Citra had enough magic to start a whirling tornado magic, and so she did, but it’s going to take a while to finish casting...

The Main Character ended the Centaur manifestation, and now because of that his whole body was wounded. The Material Summoner was there to heal him, however...


The ambushing demon infantries and giants were closing in and the mounted birds were also on top of them. As they were just about to be killed... 

The Bug User and the Dimensional Fighter teleported in and deflected all of the attacks.

The Dimensional Fighter teleported near Citra as if it were already planned. He casted a Dimensional Magic into the Tornado

2: 43

Swirling Wormholes!

Citra's massive Tornado taken off with a huge momentum teleported right in the middle of the battlefield, the zombies were wiped out 

The bulky gunner started to attack the batlike demon in the sky, while from the top the priestess started to cast holy magic debuff towards the demon’s direction

Attacks from the Dimensional Fighter intensified, and he teleported straight to both of the Royal Demons rendering them unable to help their friend.

The star started to move away from the bat demon’s reach and now appeared to be blinking some crazy even brighter lights every now and then

All the captains who were facing the Bug User, couldn’t bring him down at all.

3: 06

Simultaneously the ground were exploding like thousands of mines were detonated everywhere, bugs started to appear from inside the ground and ate the remains of the fallen demons/zombies, they grew bigger the more they ate.

The demons managed to kill more of them, but from each of their insides emerged hundreds of eggs, and they hatched into new bugs.

The Main Character and The Bug User were beating all of the Captains senseless

The Material Summoner were in the middle protected by both of them

She casted a clairvoyance magic… whoosh

She saw the dimensional fighter were fighting the Demonic Royals, he was hitting here and there but he was no match. The Demonic Royals were pressing on him strongly, he was forced to take the defensive.

One of the Royal Demon threw a magical claw and almost ripped his heart out, seeing this the Material Summoner immidiately “Summoned” him by her side. It was a fraction of a second, but he was saved

3: 28

By now the bugs' army, having been killed over and over again, have evolved into mega scorpions and higher warrior bees. As the Royal Demons emerged in pursuit of their prey, the Dimensional Fighter, they were answered with being swarmed!

... to be continued


It looked like a blueish iron gate that has been busted open with a heavy object. It has been repaired though, and it spanned across the entrance into a humble building made of rocks. 

The bug user appeared different, his long hair was tied into a pony tail and he wore a bandana. His long jeans and camouflage vest seems smoothly fitting his tall and slim body. He opened the gate not using the handle but from it's right side, unexpectedly, and closed it back again. 

The room was very dark but shone with some kind of dim blue colored rays of lights. He walked into a bar in the corner and sat right at the edge. The bald black bartender didn't seem to notice as he was concentrating to make a drink just now. He looked around the room, there were some people sitting scattered around the place. The stage was empty, and the sound of music was out of a jukebox apparently flashing in sync with the beat of the drums. A lady with full make ups, but smudged, was smoking on one side of the room, a couple was kissing passionately, and a drunk man with a fedora hat was sleeping on a table. 

There was no one on the side of the bar but sometimes the waitress came to pick up some drinks. 

The bald black bartender came to him and put a bottle of beer with two shot glasses of something else. "She's late" uttered the bartender to the bug user. 

"Oh but she's here then"

"She just came in, it's not until midnight she would be done"

"Ah, I see..."

The outside of where the place is looked deserted. Dust was everywhere, not a lot of people appeared to walk around, and there were a lot of abandoned objects lying around on the streets. Just as the sun was about to set, gangs with bikes appeared into the viscinity, carrying guns and rifles and started shooting at another. 

The loud banging noise permeated into the club but everyone just continues on like it was anything but of a concern. A woman walked out in a waitress uniform carrying a mop on her hand. 

"Oh at last!"

"Sorry Marguerite I was late, thank you for staying by"

"It's ok It's ok, as long as you'd cover for me next time"


Marguirite whispered as she walked into the other room, "He's here..."

The bug user glanced at her from the darkness of his side wasn't clear whether he was smiling or just watching. She watched as he kept on looking at her and at last she decided to walk over...

Now the light changed from all blue to some oranges, and the unpainted wall was visible more than before. Some people made graffiti with dark colors, most of them were signatures, but the largest were some a caligraphy of foreign letters put together perplexingly striking, also brave, bold, with a picture of a stick figure and an arrow accross his heart. 

The bug user and the waitress was talking for a while until the bald bartender put out some drinks for her to take away. The bug user stayed there all night just sitting there while staring at the ceiling.  

Sometime before the end of the waitress' shift, the bartender walked into the stage and started to sang a song, he asked people who were there to came up and sing. After a drunk guy collapsed while singing a sad song happily, he asked the bug user to the stage. He refused by lifting his hand, but the bartender made a scary face. Feeling compelled he walked into the stage as the bartender went down to the jukebox. 

"What do you want to sing?"

"... Wind of the Axiom"

The bartender smirked and said "Are you sure about that"

"... I don't know any other songs"

Laughing the bartender walked inside instead, and alone he pulled out half destroyed piano. 

"... Alright" he clapped to clean his palms. He sat on a chair and started playing

"Wait a minute... you're playing it wrong"


"... hey I mean "

"Just sing the damn song!"

The bug user started to sang the song badly while the bartender was having the time of his life. 


It was a shining midnight as the moon was full and was relatively closer in the sky compared to other seasons. The lights from the city also helped while not festive, but still significant. 

The bug user was sitting on the rooftop with the waitress inside his arms. They were sitting by the end of the roof, leaning on the thick barbed fences spanning 3 times their heights into the air. The wind was blowing but the air was warm instead, the smell of smoke and dust dominated the air but for those who lived there it was just the smell of air. 

"Will you be gone again?" she asked

"Why are you still asking me that?"

"I'm sorry..."

He exhaled and looked away to the other end of the horizon. 

She looked sad but then snapped out of it immidiately and leaned deeper into his right shoulder. She kissed his chin and said

"It's a great night today" and then smiled. He couldn't help but smile as well, with dimples on his cheek he chuckled a bit

"Yeah it is" Then they talked for hours and hours until dawn. 


As the Dawn was breaking the wind started to blew from the opposite direction. This air is fresh and chill, and not as dusty. They were enjoying each other's company without feeling sleepy at all, when the first break of dawn appeared on the other side of the building in front of them, the waitress stood up and walked towards it. The bug user watched and after a while realized how amazing she was. 

The wind was blowing towards him and she turned and looked at him with the sun quickly shining brighter and brighter behind her. Quickly he grabbed a camera out of his pocket, spun the gear for a bit and twisted the lever, took a picture of her. He peaked out of the camera for a bit and then decided to spent all the films on that moment. 

Realizing this she looked embarassed and laughed away from the camera while lifting up her hands. But shortly after she cheered up and starting to make multiple poses that not even the camera was required to burn the images into the bug user's mind.

The city was starting to make more noises and it was time for them to say goodbye. After a kiss, the waitress went down the stairs and the bug user stayed on the rooftop. He kept on staring into the emptiness of space for a long while.


The Church Elite Bodyguard

The Church Elite Bodyguards are graduates of a state supervised school where they trained armies, security guards, and assasins. Not only they are top graduates but they are the top graduates who went through a secret training to be the Church's Elite

Between them there are many specialties, martial arts being one but even that had further branches. Because of the few number of these special "assets" often times countries performed joined exam in order to graduate their own Elite. Since the church was an international organization and the trainings were done in secret, they found ways to keep on doing these exams whenever they needed them. 

An exam in particular had caused controversy within the organization itself, it involves culturing multiple gangs of apelike monsters to be the challenge of the candidates. The candidates went into the jungle bare hands, no weapons, and the examiners were to taunt the band of monsters to attack. Survivors were deemed worthy but those who didn't make it suffered severe consequences. Many requested the event to be displayed for the Church to review, but a faction prevented it, knowing well that they wanted graduates who prevailed by using the other candidates as stepping stones or sacrificial tools. Some countries who had lost their best "assets" complained for compensations, but the obscureness gave them lack evidence, while the known witnesses were bullied and being drugged until they ended up appearing insane in front of the Church elders' council. 


Because of his Injury, Wolfenstein was expelled from the special forces and the church alltogether. He and his country fought for his case but the country ended up withdrawing all of their charges, during the trial his mouth was bubbling and he couldn't control the volumes of his voices. 

After wandering around in the wild, eating wild fruits, roots, and animals, he started to watch local cattle racing festivals and invoked an idea. In the next village he visited he became an acrobatic street performer. His acrobats were so well done some other showmen asked if they could form a group and do multiple performances. They ended up being able to rent main venues or village squares for 2 or 3 days shows from one location to another. 

Wolfenstein started to became different after he started a fighting show. He suggested a show where he would fight and kill wild animals bare hands, inside he's still longing to prove his worth and exposed the church and the betrayals of some of their members. This show in particular drew amazing number of crowds, even from faraway places. They ended up settling in a small town and became a performance organization. This however drew him apart from his new friends, being obsessive and rude he's now just a business partner to most. 


The youngest sister's family were separated during a raid of enchanted apelike beasts. Her village was destroyed and she couldn't find the rest of her families nor their bodies. A travelling merchant picked her up in his journey but decided to left her by herself in the streets after leaving her with some food. At this point she's not talking to anyone. 

Wolfenstein passed out in the street gutter in the middle of the night, the youngest sister was surprised to see him and thought it was somebody she knew. She searched him but dissapointed to see that he wasn't... at that very moment she broke into tears. Wolfenstein thought that she was a thief at first, knowing that nothing was taken he went back to sleep. The tired younger sister slept on her face, right by his side until the morning comes.


A council of Generals from neighboring small countries were conferencing in order to determine defense policies. 

General A: Ok so C and D are not going to dispute over the river territories anymore would the two parties agree?

General C: Hai

General D: Aye

General A: would the forum witness

All representatives saluted and confirmed with their own signature phrase

General B: Thank you General A. The next concern may or may not be a big issue, such is what to be decided in this forum. It is about our border to the jungle, as we all know the tribes have not been hostile towards us lately thanks to the country E who routed them out mercilessly.

Our country is considering further advances on the grounds of:

1. They still pose a security threat 

2. They are cannibals who ate their children

3. My civilians, and I suppose yours as well, are vengeful for what they've done towards our women, children, families, farmers, not mentioning the countless produces that had lost from their advances over the time.

Thank you.

General A: Let's commence

General E: I had little to add to the concerns, they have to be eliminated

General D: My countries had no voice in this for our territories experienced little encounters with them

General C: You should, these cannibals are eating their own babies

General D: hhhhh....

General A: We too had no previous significant dispute against them but I agree that such barbaric customs are a threat

General D: Why is that 

General A: The civilians... see, their leaders might not be hostile towards the outsiders if being left alone, but their people often visits the outside now considering our free trade policy. They would look at our children and noticed their unfortunate circumstances.

General D: hmmmm, whether conscious or not that is a hit on their own politics

General A: The options are few, to acknowledge one's barbarism or to demonstrate one's superiority

General C: Pah, those people superior to us? Have they no eyes? although not that I'm opposing cleaning up the world for once. 

General B: Tch, General C these people had no sense of proportion. Or, their leaders would say anything to keep themselves in power

General D: I could understand that. So to rationalize their worthiness they might allude to the fact that their God, the Forest Spirit, the giant snake

General E: Pupu 

General D: Yes...

General C: *chukle pupu... 

General D: Is greater than us and might want to do something crazy

General C: pupupu... *chuckle, here pupupupu

(some guys were laughing)

General D: I wonder whether we are still in good terms here

General C: Hey hey... who's raising the tension here

General B: Alright alright, General D that was funny, its our sense of humor

General A: I think my country would support any policies you'd have against them, and you?

General D: Tch... what about the children

General B: What do you mean

General D: both of us here are if being called to war, at our state now, we would have to eradicate everyone

General C: Think about it, does anyone here would want to host these barbaric kids after the raid? 

General E: So you are going to wipe them clean?

General C: It is the right thing to do

General D: Even so there might be some one or two deserters and even then there still would be real dangers

General C: Children raised in vengeance, have we forgotten our own history?

General A: I wouldn't be so quick to use that reason my friend. Some people are not without reason, even the barbaric are those who could live in intelligence. That's also our history

General B: To say we would spare women and children in such battlefield, I think we are rushing it. 

General C: It is not about, intelligence, barbarism, morality, or anything like that. It is that what we are trying to do is for the safety of our business (*cough), our country. Given there were deserters or orphans that were not being taken care of after the attack, let alone free trade, free movement would had to risk real amounts of lives. It would had been better if we let things the way they are. 

General E: Friends, our country suffers the most out of their irrational madness, they used some plants and mixed them with poison and then drink it. They've done it since they were young so they developed resistance to the severity of the brew. Such brew would drive them mad as if they were demons. They eat their own children, not that there were lack of food to forage or hunt, but to keep their hierarchies. Whatever the consequences are to my border I'd rather cleanse the place from such culture. They don't belong in this world

General A: ....

General B:... you know what my friend, I agree 

General E: and if we were not to kill the children, suppose we'd spare those who had no recollection of their way of life, either or, I'd organize an attack sooner or later regardless, I think that would be the minimum of what's acceptable

General C: It is nice to know that we are not the only ones who couldn't wait to do something about it. 

General A: hhhh... Okhay, so lets have this policy: All would be attacking on their own policies, at minimum my country would cover the river escape, I assume yours would be covering the mountains

General B: That's what we're good at but considering the stake of our position I'd request for some reinforcements

General D: We have the mountain carts with the flying giant bird to supply your troops if needed

General B: Might want to use that only for emergencies but thank you very much

General D: We could talk about the details later

General B: sure

General D: and I'd be attacking from the air, however I wouldn't be taking orders from anyone please use our lightning feather (a type of bird) to communicate more frequently

General C: We, would cover the Southern forest towards their Main encampment

General E: And our troops likewise from the South East towards their Main encampment

General A: both of you are going to lead the attacks, I'll offer supplies and mercenaries. However, regarding the wiping off of their people, including women and children, it is such of each of us' own policies at the time.

General E: we should have a training session

General A: Right,

General B: It seems that the church is building diplomatic relations to our territories, maybe we could ask the Cardinal to allow us to access to the island

General C: The Island?

General D: It was the limited access Island where the church kept their prisoners

General C: Are you saying we would conduct our war formation training there?

General B: well, killing the prisoners that are as good as dead would only help the church wouldn't it?

General C: Hahahaa I couldn't believe it

General B: What do you mean? (Standing up)

General C: Hei keep your composure General (standing up as well) we were just talking

General A: *Blasts the roof with magic. I think our meeting should be continued tommorow, lets now enjoy this beautiful evening

(Bright Starry Sky at night, the chilling wind came blasting through the roof. The meeting was adjourned, and each went back to their own guest house. It could've been a short night for them all, but it seems that they'd have a considerable time in this beautiful beach resort with the families of their own).