Sunday 8 September 2024

The Ossan is taking care of everybody (Tribute to "Gentle Criminal" Koichi Yamadera and "La Brava" Yui Horie performance in MHA) v.03b

Somewhen in the future,

A secret shaolin monk has meditated for 1000 years. During his meditation he reached Nirvana but got stuck and couldn’t find his way back into his body. But one day a tourist uncle was looking for a place to pee, and he stumbled upon a secret door that leads into the cave. He saw the monk and woke him up, his body was preserved somehow because he wasn’t dead yet but also he wasn’t there to do anything, so his body just collected dust that protected it from free radicals.

The uncle shook his body and suddenly his soul (who had acquired a decent job in heaven and adopted an office worker lifestyle surrounded by beautiful co-workers of heavenly fairies) got zoomed back into the body. With extreme disappointment, astonishment, and anguish he jumped here and there, berated the uncle, and tried to kill himself. Of course the uncle called the police and he got apprehended.

When the uncle went back to his home country he received a call from the Chinese police department. He was accused of smuggling and was forced to take the monk back into his house. He couldn’t believe what happened… he tried to explain everything but no use, the Chinese secret agent has hired ninjas to apprehend him and is now searching his house for secret documents that coincidentally had been missing at the same time as well.

Right during that time the ninja saw the picture he took with the monk and contacted her superior, the evidence is there and he couldn’t avoid it anymore. Threatened with hefty fines or extradition to China to be jailed, the uncle accepted the negotiation to take the monk back. He also had to provide lodging, food and drinks to the ninja while she was spying in his country (which was promised to be lasting for only 2 weeks).

Fast forward into the future, the monk has arrived at the country’s airport. The local spy noticed something weird with him and signalled the immigration department to keep him in the airport’s torture chamber at the basement. The monk was hung and tied, he was told to confess that he’s a smuggler, he didn’t understand a thing, even his Chinese was ancient and no one really could pinpoint where his accent was coming from. Then he was stripped, the spy saw that his crotch was smooth and believed had found what he was looking for. Because he didn’t want to touch some guy’s crotch he called upon the airport’s narc sniffer dog. The dog signalled that the guy is clear, but he specifically instructed him to bite his crotch, at first the dog was reluctant, but after he dropped a bacon and it sticked right there… the dog took the bite.

Meanwhile the uncle drove right into the airport to pick up the monk, he had to pay a fine since he parked at the wrong spot. When he went into a guard and explained who he is, the guard signalled 2 police that had been waiting there that this is the guy. They cuffed him and took him into the torture chamber together with the monk. In there the spy looked discombobulated, dumfounded, and a little betrayed. He had just realized that the monk really had no genitals, upon which he previously thought as a compartment for smuggling explosives.

At last with hard reluctance he released the both of them, but not before whipping each of them 3 times with a wire that he later burned away.

Back at home the uncle couldn’t entirely process what had happened, he showed where the guest room is, which was an empty closet, told him to wait in the living room and then he went in and locked himself in his room.

The next morning he woke up feeling refreshed, only to find that he had been sleeping for 3 days straight and now in the verge of being fired from his job. Turned out the ninja found the monk and fought him intensely before escaping by blowing up a sleeping gas into the house. The uncle worked at a research center at a huge company and his supervisor told him to take a temporary unpaid leave. He knew that since he just came back from a vacation, and now he’s suspended again, he’d only lost the job by the time everything’s done.

With frustration and tired body he came back into the house, he was too much in his emotional state he couldn’t do or say anything to the two, he just went into his room and locked it in.

1 week went by, he never went out of the house except to buy some food and taking out the trash. The monk who had all of the heavenly technology looked like he could get by with this “primitive” versions of tools. The ninja however always played hide and seek when she wanted to eat, or use the toilet, or do anything around the house. The monk just ignored her.

One day the uncle opened the door, both of them were looking, and signalled to one of them to came in. The ninja, now having no more food in the house felt violated but couldn’t say anything else. She took off her mask, her clothes and went into the room. He kicked her out and called the monk to came in. The monk refused, he is not like that he said. Enraged, the uncle went out and said it is not like that, and pulled the monk speedily into his room.

The monk had never experienced such terror in a long time. It seems that the uncle wanted to see his crotch since he was trying to open his pants. He was shouting for help, but this “monster” that had been meditating in his room and acquired new power and look apparently, overpowered him with sudden movements and now, after his consciousness slipped bumping his head on the wall, he couldn’t but to accept his fate.

The uncle laughed and proceeded to further taking off the monk’s clothings. He seemed to be taking pictures and jot down notes. “Interesting” he said and long story short the monk told him everything.

He was the most advanced monk in his class, he never looked at women, never drink, not even masturbating. Overtime he reached a level where his hormonal imbalances caused his genitalia to shrink and detached, just like that. The uncle couldn’t believe what he hears.

He told the monk to went away, this time he gave him some money and told him to take care of the house. This time he locked himself in for a full month.

After he had done with his research everyone was relieved, he got out took the three of them to eat and drink, and to the amusement park where everybody just lost and spent the most time to find their way out separated from each other.

Back at home the concoction began to shake and excreted bubbles, and more bubbles, and more bubbles. When the monk got home, followed by the uncle and the ninja. The three of them found that the biological concoction had produced little babies. The uncle was so happy and went to see the miniscule babies that he had made. He then made some other liquids and make them drink it. The next day they grew into normal size babies, there were 4 of them.

Together the 3 of them raised the baby and the uncle specifically instructed them to perform the discipline that the monk had before. 15 years later, the babies both men and women 2 of them each, lost their genitalia. And these are the first generation of what later would be known as the “Angel race”.

Soon after they lost their genitalia, they learned the ability to fly, heal people, walked on water, and to bless plants to grow into giant sizes. With the knowledge from their father, they researched to make their own babies, but they found that it is quite difficult to make these babies as disciplined as they are, so they shunned the babies into the wilderness with one guardian who Is one of the angel. There are some babies who later managed to become angels and later accepted back into the Angels’ group but those who failed remained wandering from places to places. These guys are known as the gypsies

The gypsies had some special powers but nothing significant, they could process plastic and turned it into energy, yes they could eat plastic and won’t had to worry about food cause there were plastics wherever they went.

Further about their tales, isn’t it written in the “fragments of zero” the book of the mirror?

Then back to the uncle, lets just say, he is working now due to some “connections” in heaven. While the ninja had become a legendary figure in the tale of the two worlds.


Edit: The discipline didn't only made the genitalia deattached but also all sexual circuits in the body. So this process made the successful practicioners pure asexuals

Thursday 18 July 2024

Border Patrol v.02

 Concept Idea:

In the future the CEO / Philanthropist Yi Long Ma started "Undoing Eden" a company that put chips into people's brain and help make "better" decisions for their lives. It turned out that because of this the world was split into halves of men and women. 

The women embraced on the idea, while men loathed it. So all women went on one side of the world and all the men went on the other side of the world. Between them is the "world government" whose tasked in keeping the border but that wasn't their main role. 

Back to "Undoing Eden", the chip enabled the women to make all the important decisions in their lives. Also when they were about to make mistakes, a drone came to pick them up. For example if they were roller skating and was about to push another women to the street where the logistic moving cars were... a drone would simply came and picked up the victim and put them back into the pedestrian walk. Every single decisions that the women were about to make and the consequences had already been calculated beforehand. They lived in absolute bliss where they do whatever the f they wanted with productive consequences. 

Men's side of the world looked more like pirate's island with taverns and boozes, steampunk buildings and tools in deserts and wastelands. Their entertainments were fighting robots and car racing, sometimes they also flew with air balloons and jumped with parachutes. They invented machines to do farming and fishing, all with optimal efficiencies. However those still requires them to do some work, while the women didn't have to worry about work at all. 

Since the world population were becoming lower and lower, the world government initiated the humanity succession project, where at the border there were special houses where selected richest and most beautiful people would be selected to passed on the genes. This incited turmoil on the inside of both sides, attacking and protesting on the world government who impeded on their "love" just because they were deemed short, poor, and ugly. 

After a lot of fighting and drama, the main protagonist and the men he lead successfully infiltrated the world border and abducted all the women they were in loved with online. However after a short while they realized that Yi Long Ma is the daddy of all women, and they just couldn't out daddy the "Daddy".

Saturday 1 June 2024

Virus (a commentary) v.02

In a world of no problems, the fruit of one's labor (I imagine) would be more about interaction / communication rather than survival. When the fruit of one's labor had the wrong header, the misleading label, such if consumed under the pretext of the said "purpose" would not yield the supposed meaning, then such fruit was a virus. 

That world supposedly are unexperienced for all of us, but an image of those fruits would be what we call art now.

Monday 19 February 2024

He could've reincarnated as a powerful prince but he chose vengeance v.10b

Earthquake! Earthquake!

Narrator: 9.5 richter scale earthquake permeated throughout Japan, destroyed houses, homes, and places where people put their heads down to sleep. 

Goddess: OMG!! not again, mayday mayday so many jobs coming in at once!

Alarm was blazing through the Heavenly office calling out angels and the trainee angels to help the human resource department. 

Goddess' assistant fairy godmother: Angels, today we are tasked with crazy amounts of job. Crazy amounts of souls coming out of Japan and we got at about 1 month of reincarnation all in one day!

Angel sussangnim: Ayshit its those Platelets again, how many times we had to tell them stop playing around while the earth rotation is at its fling

Angel oppanim: Hmph, indeed just wait when they came I'm going to smash them into becoming pulps and stuck them inbetween the holes they created

Goddess: (With kind and soft voice) Everybody please be quiet anytime now, the souls should be reaching us. By then we all should be ready to reincarnate them professionally. (*with red angry face) Understand that I'd not be dealing with none of those black company perverts they are all yours!

Yes my Goddess!

The Angels confirmed knowing well that the worse is only the option otherwise.  


Sasahime was an office worker who often got bullied for his name, everyone in the office relentlessly bullied him, firstly because of his name, then it is because of everything else about him. 

When the earthquake struck he was relieved since at the time he was being shoved into the toilet by some of his female superiors, and then, due to the incident, the superiors got hit on their head and died. Shocked at what happened he ran out few steps and fell sitting down on the floor. There was a part of his mind that was relieved, as if a huge burden had been lifted off. He started thinking about survival plans and other things he wished to do. But just as he was about to enjoy his long awaited peaceful life, one wounded female superior exerted her last breath to put an official company letter at his feet. 

The letter said that he was promoted as a company representative and expected to be responsible for the next project with the Americans. Due to his lack of performance in the past, his salary "generously" was not changed. 

Walking around the building he noticed that most of his colleagues were killed by the quake, but the company leader was alive still. Upon seeing Sasahime his face turned happy, unhinged with the lost lives of his employees, he embraced Sasahime and took him to the meeting room where the video call with the Americans were to take place. The moment the device rang, Sasahime fell to the floor due to massive dissapointment and hopelessness, and later died. 


Goddess: Sasahime, Sasahime, oh poor Sasahime...

Sasahime opened his eyes and were blinded with the light of the place

Sasahime: Ugh where am I? Why do I feel so light?

Goddess: You are at my office, the reincarnation assessment department

Sasahime: (hearing what seemed to be his eternal predicament, once again a massive sense of dissapointment and hopelessness came rushing in. He vomitted), no no no, even after I died I'm going to be an office worker? (The greenish excretion fell all over the semi pink colored floor)

Goddess: Oh Sasahime what happened?! don't worry let me take care of that

(The Goddess used her magic wand and the vomit flew back into Sasahime's mouth, and then rushed down to his stomach)

*Ugheg *Ugheg, what are you... hey (suddenly he felt a strange powerful sense of clarity) I feel good, and everything seems clear (a rush of euphoria followed and filled his mind with calm and peace)

Goddess: Since there's a lot more people waiting outside unfortunately I could not spend too much time with you, although I know that you had done well in your life, you've stood up against office injustice just like myself (*Fairy Godmother Coughed... sleep all day)  and I want to reward you with a good life in your next reincarnation

Sasahime: Reincarnation? oh am I going to go back there again? Please Goddess...

Goddess: Don't worry, you will not be taken to Earth again, we got a no same world policy in place so such would be against the law (*FairyGodmother Coughed... santa klaus) Shut Up Godmother remember your place!

FairyGodmother: Forgive me Ah my Goddess! (knelt with her face on the floor) 

Goddess: Anyway, Sasahime you and everyone else is going to be reincarnated into a medieval Isekai world where there's a pandemic situation happening. Since all of you died relatively in the same time, we need an excuse to reincarnate all of you at once. In this world there is a birth disease where a type of virus is causing all adult women it infected to give birth during the full moon, whether they had been inseminated or not. 

Now Sasahime... since you've endured so much I'll give you a special privilige to choose where you're going to be born

Sasahime: Where are my coworkers, where are they now?

FairyGodmother: They all had been sent ahead. I believe the location was Mura village. 

Goddess: Nice my assistant, now lets see... I could reincarnate you as the prince of the greatest kingdom of that world far away from the village, all the way to the other side of the planet. I think its a good place.

Sasahime: No, take me close to where they are

Both Goddess and Fairygodmother: WHAT?

Goddess: Why? dont you want to move away from that hell as far as possible?

Sasahime: No, 

FairyGodmother: Why? They've been nasty to you, in fact that hugely the reason why you died

Sasahime: Yes, that is why, take me to the village nearby and I'll grow to be an assassin and I'll avenge myself

Goddess and FairyGodmother (*headpalm)

FairyGodmother: Eh... Mr. Butman san, please think...

Goddess: *chuckled... what?

FairyGodmother: (surprised a bit at the question, but soon realized,) Yeah I know, his name is Sasahime Butman

Goddess: *Laughed loudly what is that name?

FairyGodmother: (*giggled) I guess her parents realized that his name is wrong but doubled down anyway

Goddess and FairyGodmother together: "But Man" (*proceeded to laugh uncontrollably)

Sasahime: I've had enough! (he jumped and took away the Goddess' magical wand). Reincarnate me to the Village next to Mura!

Sasahime's body suddenly lit up with rays of bright light, and the whole room changed color, blinking in multiple different lights. 

Goddess: No!

Now Sasahime was fading away

Goddess: You haven't chosen your special power yet...

FairyGodmother: He's gone

Goddess: Oh no, what should we do... Assistant, order a fairy protector for him, don't let him get consumed with vengeance, he's going to die pointlessly.

FairyGodmother: Alright Goddess...

Wednesday 18 October 2023

The Merman Prince

 One day Little Miru, Tsaramelk, and The First one (19 years old) went on an adventure to see the world outside of the enclosure. They encountered many animals and surprisingly other oasis as well, for Miru who has never been outside before this whole experience was awesome. 

During the height of the sun the three of them as well as other 12 merman militias were searching for a place to rest. There was a cave that appeared to be deep and cool inside, and true indeed as they stepped in it was an enormous space. Miru watched the dark greenish colored stones and the occassional yellow reflecting shots of sunrays. The further in they went the colder the air become, the First one and the other troops were looking at each other with excitement. "Have you guys seen this before?" "No I haven't", "How come such magnificent place and cool escaped the views of the older ones all these time?"

So they went deeper and deeper. 

A slight buzzing noise at the ceiling, the cold air were coupled with breezes of humidity. A small figure blasted through the ranks unnoticed. Faint but constant there were sounds of dripping water, and as they couldn't help but getting even more amazed the negligible buzzing became louder, and louder. 

First One: Hold on, what?

Troop 1: Hey, listen guys...

Tsaramelk: (*pinched eyes) its from the outside, they are... they are... 

Everyone: Bees!!!

Soon they were running further in searching for a good hiding spot, but too late the swarm of bees flew in so quickly they passed through them. They were buzzing and spinning everywhere and bumping themselves on the wall and on their bodies. 

Troop 2: Help! Help! Help!

First One: Miru!

Tsaramelk: He's with me! he's under my shirt!

Miru: Brother they don't seem to be stinging,

Tsaramelk confirmed his brother's remark and watched in perplexion as they were flying all over the place, chaotic but harmonious, violent but not harming, it feels almost as if they were crying. 

Troop 3: They, They... somehow I feel sadness

Troop 4: How weird

Miru looked around and started to follow one bee that is separated from the others, at the bottom where it flew there's a giant bee lying, its already dead. 

Miru watched in perplexion but soon the bee started to crash its body on his face, and then his body, such were as if it was pushing him back towards the entrance of the cave. 

Miru: (First One) I think they are trying to tell us to get out of this cave

Troop 5: Oh no!

First One: What is it?

Troop 5: Could this be

Troop 1: What brother?

Troop 2: Oh no!

Troop 5 and 2 together: The Basilisk's cave!

Right after they said that green mist started fuming from inside the cave, a loud shriek blasting through all of the cave, as if a soldier was blowing on a horn in a midst of an ambush.  

Miru: Ruuuuuuun!!!

Everyone was running as fast as they could, Tsaramelk picked Miru up and Miru, with his strengthening magic reinforced his brother's muscles so that they wouldn't tear even when he exerted a lot of power. So Tsaramelk with his excellent athleticism ran faster than the others, and faster and faster, until he managed to get outside and put Miru down and then went in again. 

Miru: Brother wait! what are you doing!... 

Saturday 16 July 2022

So I got fast Internet v.09

My country has always been without fast internet. But today for one reason or the other my parents could make for a fast internet. So I tried to play an RPG VR game:

Ok, I started in a field with modest armor and a sword, there are slimes everywhere. Let's just start by observing them... hmm there are different colors and different sizes and speed. Let's explore around more.

After walking for a while there seems to be a nearby village, let's visit the village. Hmmmm... there are some npc but I don't see other players. There are a restaurant, a silo, and just some houses. Let's explore more...

After walking for a while I saw a town, let's visit the town. Hmmmm... there are quite a lot of people in the town but they don't seem like players just npcs. There are item shops, weapon shops, a church, there was a university and also a palace. The people here uses giant birds as mounts, I guess there are carriages too. Hmmm there's fountain, let's try to drink from there. Oh, it refreshes hp and mp, but I'm at full hp and mp so it does nothing else I guess.

Ok, let's go back and find those slimes!

Hiaaah, Hiaaah, (*slashing some blue slimes)

Heeeaaah, ha! (*slashing some red slimes, and green slimes)

Wow, it seems like they have agro mechanism, now a lot of slimes are coming at me! Heeeeah!

(After slashing widely there appeared a beam coming out of the sword)

Wow! so this is a special move!, nice... heaaaaah!

(Using the special moves there were a lot of slimes killed, they almost couldn't touch me)


I kept on hacking and slashing killing slimes here and there, it seemed like the black slimes were the strongest or the toughest, but after some slashes I managed to kill them anyway. After a while I got a hang of it, and became more efficient in killing those slimes. Then there were less slimes left in the field. I went to find a serene place to sit for a bit.

"Phew, this game is pretty fun. But there seems to be little clue about more mechanism. How many experiences points I have got? What are the job classes? I guess I could find more info from the NPC... but there should be some basic clues somewhere at the beginning of the game right?"

Regardless of the thoughts I went even further away from the town or the villages and went deeper into the woods.

In the woods there's a spring and a floating celestial gate

"Wow what is this?" I jumped into the gate and got transported to another place.

This place seemed like an inside of an electronic device of some sort, there were cube like critters running around, a few came and attacked me. I tried to slash them here and there but they just came back at me being unaffected.

"Wow, this is dangerous!" I ran and jumped back to the celestial gate behind me and got transported back into the woods. I fell down inside the river

Swam back up to the ground I realized 2 of the cubes were following me all the way. They kept on attacking me and so I kept on trying to hit them back with my sword while I used my other hand to protect myself. Funnily apparently their attacks did nothing to me, after taking many of their attacks my character didn't seem to be hurting or were in trouble. However, my attacks did nothing to them as well.

After endless bouts without results, I decided to just stop and let them keep on scratching me while I concentrated on doing other things.

With these cubes following me I went deeper into the woods, the light was getting harder time to pass through but while the forest was a bit darker it also became colorful and interesting. Different kinds of trees and herbs, insects, little mammals and also treants, little ones. Of course those things attacked me when I got close, so I hacked and slashed and killed some of them. Compared to the ordinary slimes they were tougher, like the black slimes, no they were easier to kill a little bit, but they dealt higher damage. I must learn their attack patterns and move swiftly between the trees in order to keep myself alive.

The electric cubes got in the way sometimes because I needed to time my attacks and they interrupted. Other than that it was pretty easy to clear all of them in the end.

It seemed like one of them dropped a bow on the ground, an item drop. Later I found out that it was the treants that dropped such wooden item. I tried to use the bow and it was pretty hard, but after some practices I managed to get the hang of it, although I still think that I haven't really used it the way it was meant to.

These cubes started to got into my nerves, so I jumped back to the celestial gate and to that electronic realm. In there I ran around in circle as quickly as I could leaving those cubes and all of the other cubes behind. In the end I exit out of the gate, dove right into the river again, swam back to the ground, and it seemed like I those crazy cubes weren’t there anymore. Yes! Success!

I crawled up to the dry land, and as I lifted my face up… there was a huge black wolf staring at me menacingly, I was so surprised and before I got time to breathe instantly it pounced on me. I jumped back into the river, and dove deep into the water. I got a scratch on my back, but the wolf didn't get to catch me, it followed me into the river though. As I looked back it was gasping for air and swam slowly. Immidiately I swam upshore leaving him behind.

Now that the distance between me and him was pretty far, I jumped back to the land and ran to the pasture where the slimes were. When I got there I laid myself on the grass, panting, it’s funny how this game got me lose my breath but apparently it did.

When I finished recollecting myself, I went back to killing slimes, and then I decided to explore the town.

In the town I immediately went to an armor shop and checked out the items offered there. This particular shop focused on selling beginner / rookie items, they were not specializing in consumables or equipments like other armories do. With materials dropped from the slimes I could obtain enough money to buy some new equipments, a dagger, a bow, and a boot. I didn’t buy any new body armor and some other types of items that caught my eyes, but that would do it for now I thought to myself.

The town was busy but wasn’t very crowded, I saw more interesting buildings such as the library, the town hall, and of course The Guild Centre. I visited the guild and talked to the guild administrator. She was a cute girl with short yellow hair, her eyes were shining as I introduced myself. She assessed my stats and to my surprise I was still at level one.

“After killing all of those slimes I didn’t even up one level? That’s something new for a game…” Thought me to myself

“You are at level one” said the administrator with a sweet smile

“It’s rare to have quests offered for those under level 20 here, people would’ve solved the problem themselves without having to hire adventurers”

Hearing this I cringed at myself

“Oh but don’t worry, right outside the city you could find some slimes to fight. Killing 5 of them would take you to level 1, a bit more than that to level 2, and more to level 3 and so on.”

“Huh? Really? I asked her”

“Yes!” She raised her voice noticing my peaking concern

“Eventually it’s going to take a lot of time to level up only from killing slimes, after you reached level 5 you should be able to kill wolves deeper into the forest”


“Hey administrator!” Suddenly a loud voice heard while the door was opened with a bang

“Oh, it’s the ‘Mare’ party, I’ll talk to you later. What is your name new guy?”


“Talk to you later Bright, these guys usually needs special attention” She winked as she said it and left me alone.

I went out of the city again, this time putting my face down while thinking about the situation. “This is a problem”. I didn’t bother exploring other parts of the town now, I laid down on the meadow again while staring at the bright blue sky with beautiful white clouds artfully shaded, texturized, and programmed so that they would move gracefully.

I’ve killed so many slimes, I’m sure I should be about level 5 by now. Was it because of that crazy cubes’ attacks? That electric dimension seemed to be so suspicious; it gave me an impression like it was made for expert players. What kind of status effect had they put on me? Experience Halt? Something like that? Oh no…

At this point I decided to logged out of the game.

After having a meal I logged into the game again, it was so strange as I thought hours had passed, but in real life it only had been a couple of minutes. This game is hyper intense, I thought to myself.

So I went to the Guild again and tried to find a party, it was almost impossible since my level was stuck at level one. In the end there were some nice people willing to protect me as I tagged along their quest

They went pretty high up in the mountain and fought wolves, bears, and hostile bird monsters. I tried to be useful by shooting my arrows from a far, but it dealt no damage to any of the monsters. The party that I was with was quite good with their teamwork and they had no problem protecting me as they were finishing their objectives. At the end of the day I managed to contribute by using healing potions or curing potions for status debuffs.

At last we finished our quest, it was a dangerous quest but they cleared it smoothly, while carrying me in the process.

When we went back to the guild they shared some of their rewards with me but I refused, they kept on wanting to give it to me but I wasn’t feeling good about my performance so I left them early, didn’t bother to join their little celebration at the town’s tavern.

The guild administrator assessed me right after we finished and to everyone’s surprise I was still at level 1, that was something I forgot to mention. I inquired about what happened but nobody knew what was going on. They asked whether I could show them the celestial gate and I brought them to the river but the gate wasn’t there anymore. So at the end of the night I logged out and dragged the bothersome thoughts into the real life…

Only 5 minutes had passed.


After my dinner with family, I went straight into the VR again, 

Logged in, I found myself waking up in the inn while the morning was still dark. I went to the forest in order to find the celestial gate again. I kept on searching until the sun was up but couldn’t find anything. I also tried to kill some monsters along the way, slimes, insects, and wolves. 

Yes, now that I had fighting experience against strong monsters, I knew how to beat regular wolves even with my standard bow. I know how to keep my distance and misdirected the enemy, sometimes when I messed up I used the potions that I’ve stocked up before. Brought me to full health instantly

At last after sometime fighting I only got 1 potion left, the sun was shining bright and some people had started coming into the woods to level up or to gather materials, the NPCs. Before I went back into the town I checked out the materials that I’ve collected, bee stings and wings, slime jellies, giant caterpillar’s silks, giant caterpillar’s tusks, etc. The most valuable of all were wolf’s leathers and I was pretty content that I had 5 of them. 

There was a strange greyed out option when I browsed through the items’ descriptions, the caption was in strange letters, probably rune letters made as the in-game language. Somehow, I felt like I’ve seen similar letters before in another place so I started searching on other menus. Voila! There was such letters in my character’s profile, it was beside the stat point “Unique skill”. Oh I should’ve noticed that before, turned out my unique skill was “Alchemy”.

My eyes widened and a little smile appeared on my face. I went back on the items menu and started to laid them in front of me physically one by one. Having different items side by side, the strange rune started to lit and excitingly I started to grabbed on the glowing letters. 

“Essense Reaction” the phrase suddenly appeared before my eyes. An option tree gave me two branches; one said “Consumables” and the other said “Equipment”, I tried the first option “Consumables”, suddenly a bright light appeared and the materials, bee honey and slime jelly merged into a lesser healing potion. 

“WOW!” I was ecstatic. Turned out the potion had about 1/5 of the regular potion’s power. That’s not enough for in battle use but I could probably use it post battle to help save up some of the regular potions. “Nice” I said audibly “Now I could get more items in one trip!”

I tried the second option “Equipment”, then the honey and the jelly merged together into a glassy ball with a honey like color. Checked the description it said that those that used the amulet would attract more bees. And true, soon enough I was chased by an unusually aggressive gang of bees coming out of the woods. 

With haste I threw the amulet as far as possible and ran back into the town. 

The item shop owner was a big muscular man but with a lot of belly. Seeing the items I offered him, he laughed and said “Where did you get these old potions? Hahaha I haven’t seen one of this ever since my father showed me!”. I decided to not tell him, so he offered up to buy just one with a special price. “Choose any equipment in this store” he said. I thanked him and asked why, “For the sake of my nostalgia” he said laughingly and then he added “As long as the equipment is not that expensive” and then he laughed again. 

So I wasn’t really complaining as this was beyond my expectation before, so I ended up getting a light armor and bought some health potions and cure potions as well. When I was done and upon exiting the store I wondered, “(The fact that these NPCs were so alive, there’s no way that these guys were just some A.Is that had been trained with lifeless words and responses. If they were just artificial intelligence then the artificials were living beings)”, so I thought. 

Back at the tavern people were especially engaged, they talked to each other like in the middle of some kind of legislative council trying to pass down a law. 

“When he came I’d like him to heal my daughter”

“My mother has been ill with this black blood disease for years; he should heal my mother first!”

“Hey hey hey you guys acted as if he’s your servant trying to decide what he’s supposed to do, relax”

“Yeah! Don’t get into a stupid fight now!”

“He should heal my boy first I’ll fight anyone who said otherwise!”

“Your boy was born that way there’s nothing to heal for him!”

“What do you say!”

Fights started to break here and there while the waitresses were running to the back. 

Soon a tall man appeared from inside alongside him was a woman with an intimidating appearance.

 “SHUT UP!!!"

I immidiately covered my ears for the shout was so overwhelming. 

People fell on the floor rolling, some already run outside while covering their ears. Seeing that “Roar” inflicted actual damage, I checked out my health… it was zero. 

When I opened my eyes I was in the slime meadow again, the sky was full of stars. I just got respawned…


The next morning I head to the Guild to find a quest or a team, I also was curious about this “healer” that caused such commotion. The streets were unusually packed with people, they were all lining up to the direction of the church, but some of the lines also were centering around the city gate.

When I entered the guild it was almost empty. There’s only the guild administrator and even she looked like she was waiting to leave.

“Hi Nina”

“Oh Bright! Great I’ve been waiting… ehm ehm. What I can do for you today?”

“(How strange)” I thought to myself, “I wanted to see the quest announcement as usual, by the way why the Guild is empty and what’s happening outside?”

“Oh Bright you don’t know? Benedict, a High Bishop from the Capital is going to visit our church today, he could arrive anytime soon! You know, he could heal almost every disease! In fact I haven’t seen him unable to heal any disease ever!”

“Wow, what a great man”

“Hee Hee” She laughed with a smug look on her face, “Say Bright, don’t you think this is your lucky day?”

I immidiately know what she was talking about “Maybe, but there were so many people I probably wouldn’t had the chance…”

“Hee, hee” She made that smug laugh again, while cutting my sentence. So I looked at her with asking for explanation look on my face

“You know, I probably could help you out with that…”


“Shhhhhhh… quietly” then she approached to whisper, and I gave her my left ear

“This afternoon go to the fountain in front of the library…”

I looked at her for another assurance

“This afternoon, go alone, the fountain… front of library” She whispered loudly

“Ok Ok” I said

She gave me tips of her fingers and I touched them approximately with tips of mine (this is how the people in this game do a high five).

“Alright Bright I’m off now” She seemed to be in a hurry

“Alright thank you Nina!”

“Yes, don’t be late ok!” before I could answer she covered her mouth and shook his head, she was telling me to shut up. And then off she went.

I went back outside, and the people had gone mad;

They flocked to a parade of knights and some of them tried to jumped through the barrier prepared by the city. Such action activated lightning magic and zapped them lightly but enough to make them run back in pain.

Between the knights there were a cart pulled by two lionlike horses, a white cart carved and plated with golden ornaments. Inside there’s a man wearing a tall white hat, seems to be having a long white beard but the face looked like a person who doesn’t have wrinkles.

Everyone was shouting at him mostly saying “Help me Bishop!” or “Please Heal my Family!”, something like that.

When the parade entered the church gate the Bishop got off his cart. From there he approached the now closed gate and started to chant a song and spread some holy water to the crowd.

People started jumping around and trampled each other just so that they could be touched by the water. But the Bishop was quick on the take and with his brush that looked almost like a whip he spread more and more holy water into the whole crowd.

Then I saw miracles, trampled people got up like nothing happened, those who had serious injuries were healed, their broken bones, their open wounds, their skin conditions. Some bald people even grew hairs.

The people from the back shouted to those at the front to give ways and they all keep on moving forward and squeezed those at the front at the railing of the gates. The Bishop shouted with discontentment telling them to be orderly, and the guards started to hit and kicked the people into passivity. Some of them got serious injuries.

Funnily some people had been waiting for this moment, when almost all of the crowd were wounded, beaten, and injured, bloody laid down on the streets… they appeared from the back one by one, and then tens, twenties, at last hundrends of them. They carried with them sick people who were too weak or disabled to move and they went as far as they could towards the church gates.

The Bishop kept on healing those at the front and after some time those who were waiting at the back got enough space to move forward.

When it was afternoon the lines of people still hadn’t ended. Remembering my promise to Nina, I left the compelling scene and went for the fountain. There I saw Nina walking with another woman…

“Hi Bright! Sister this is Bright the one I told you about”

“Oh Hi Bright” The woman smiled awfully warm and stared closedly at me

“Oh, he really does look like a level one person”

“Right sister?”

She was a tall woman, a head taller than Nina and a little taller than me. Her dirty blonde hair complimented her tanned skin well. Her voice is rather strong and low but also interesting and joyful.

“Bright, this is my sister in law Jeun. She works at the capital at the grand church’s library and now she’s here with the Bishop to attend to some businesses” Said Nina with a friendly tone

“Nice to meet you” I said

“Hey hey is it true that you cannot level up? Nina said”

“Ah yes, it’s been since… I mean ever since I got here I’ve never reached a higher level”

“Wow that’s very interesting! Hey Nina let’s go inside the library and look into it a little more”

She didn’t even consider my opinion on this, but well of course I’d like to go

“Yes, Bright you’d like to know more right?”

“Yeah of course” I answered

And with that Jeun went straight towards the library gate walking swiftly.

“Let’s go Bright!” Nina and me had to ran a little bit to catch up and we ended up kept on running. Her walk was as fast as a regular person’s running.  


The Library seemed like a typical boring white building in RPGs, pretty big but negligible. There were hardly any people walking around the front garden, and there were some girls in their teens walking down the corridor reading books close to their faces. Two of them bumped into each other, they looked up, didn’t say anything and continues on walk reading as if they had this unwritten understanding about each others’ lack of social interests. A little sad but funny

Further into the building I was surprised at the grandness of lobby we entered into. From the ceiling to my head it was as if I was looking at the clouds, the tiles was ordered in such sophistication I couldn’t make up its pattern but yet it felt logical and eye opening, the eye of the soul that is. There were sounds of waterfall and it was a spring of water, pouring towards an artificial duct heading underground.

There was a huge tree, so huge that the tip almost touched the ceiling. The wind flowing freely into the room, sometimes it was blowing, I bet there were windows at the higher parts of the walls but I couldn’t see any. Blinding rays of the sun pierced through and towards the top, rendering the details of the ceiling dome unseen, from the way the light was shining I suspected mirrors were used schemefully.

“Bright, here!” Jeun called me from the receptionist’s desk, “Write your name and then touch this”.

I wrote my name and then touched a giant pearly ball Jeun was holding. The pearl glowed for a second and then dimmed back off.

Nina also did the same and the giant pearl glowed and dimmed back off the same way.

“Ok we’re ready” Then Jeun went to the wooden door that seemed like a gate with two knocking rings attached to their handles. She preceded to knock the left one twice, the right one twice, then the gate opened by itself.

Inside shelves and shelves of books filled a giant room. Some were very tall, a lot were average sizes, there were visible the second floor and it was encircling the whole room. The place smelled strange, the smell of a kind of paper but the kind that I never smelled before. In this room lights were shining everywhere like the lobby, and I was right! At the top of the pillars and on some giant shelves, carvings or statues were attached with mirrors, taking lights from the outside shining everywhere in the library making it almost shadowless from where I stood. Of course there were lots of shadows further inside, but oh how it was an amazing first impression.

Jeun suddenly appeared with a cape, I didn’t see her wearing it. She climbed on to the second floor and Nina followed her from behind, she looked at me and signalled, I immidiately followed…

Behind the shelves there were a big wooden desk and there were no one around the viscinity. We sat down and Jeun opened up a book in front of me…

“Is this the cube that were attacking you?” She pointed at a picture in the book and it was spot on, the page even had drawings of the electronic place.

“Yes!, this picture even got the place right. What is this place and the cube? Do you know what happened to me?”

“Wooow” She said excitingly. “This place had never been seen for a thousand years, you lucky outsiders! This is where the great goddess resides, the controller of the wind, water, and forest… Siren”

“Wooow!” Nina now also appeared spiritful. “The Siren that bestowed her blessing to this land and transformed it from a barren desert to a rich fertile land! The Goddess that used to reveal herself to answer prayers in her shrine!”

“Exactly! It was said that the Ancient Heroes were required to complete her tests before being allowed to wield their power. It was a dangerous test inside the labyrinth of the Goddess and they almost died during the test”

“Oh so this place, is this the labyrinth?” I asked

“Yes, oh what a foolish man! If it were me I would never went out from there, now the place is missing again you fool!”

“Hey! I didn’t know and I could probably die in there!”

“That’s none of my business!”


“Hey hey hey” Said Nina laughingly, “Don’t fight! And be quiet we are at the library after all”

Both of us sat down while covering our mouths…

“So what happened to me? You haven’t answered what is that cube?”

“It said here that the cube is an experience fiend, if you got hit by it your experiences would be sapped and you’d became a weaker version of you”

“Oh no”

“Hey you’re a new person right? You came from the outside world and this body is new, right?” Jeun asked

“Yes, when it happened I wasn’t even a day in this realm”

“Come let me assess your level”

“I’ve looked into it, what do you mean Sister?” Nina asked

Jeun didn’t answer but walked quickly towards the first floor and went back up to the other side of the room on the side’s second floor.

Here there’s a chest that looked slim but long, it was a metal chest but I couldn’t make up what kind of metal that is. Jeun put a key into a key hole on its side and opened it. Inside was a staff, and I could see Nina gawked at the mere appearance of the item

“The Staff of Insight” Nina mumbled

Jeun lifted the staff higher than her head, she chanted something and then the tip of the staff glowed. She put the glowing part at the top of her nose in between her closed eyes, the glow got brighter. She opened her eyes and looked at me… 

She ritually placed back the staff into the chest and locked it. Her expression immediately changed and her eyes widened as wide as they could be

“Bright… you’re level minus 5555”

“HUUUH!” “WHHHAAAT!” Nina and I was audibly surprised.

Everyone was stunned for a bit and then Jeun said

“How come? Bright, what happened?”

“Like I said, I went in the Jungle and above the river there’s this portal or gate…” I retold them everything again and it felt like telling the story to new people since they were listening to it so intensely.

“What were the cubes like? Was it exactly like this? What were the colors?” Nina asked

“It was glowing white” I replied

“Did it really not hurt at all? What kind of sensation you felt when they attacked?” Jeun asked while having the book about the cubes opened right in front of her

“Like someone tapped my body that’s it”

“Did you felt weaker?” Nina asked

“No, not at all. While they attacked I even managed to kill some monsters, well weak monsters”

They continued on asking me questions until they started to talk between each other about the legends, the Gods, and some details about creatures and powers.

Somehow the conversation went on a different topic between them and Nina started to asked Jeun

“Jeun I always wanted to use the staff of insight”

“No, the staff is not to be used by a non-librarian”

“Oh” She looked disappointed for a second.

“What about the staff?” I asked

“The staff was made with the gem of the planet’s vein, and through magic it could tap into the planet’s own flow of magic, or information, or anything, basically you could become a part of the planet itself”


“But it’s dangerous” Nina said… “If you could not control it you could become lost and could not be yourself again”

“You’d die basically” Jeun added

“Oh” this was very interesting, I thought. “So why the librarians?”

“The librarians, one of their tasks is to uncover the knowledge of the universe, sometimes to know about some specific issues or to make an elemental material for study we had to use the staff. Therefore, we were trained to do so safely”

From here Jeun’s eyes wandered for a moment and she leaned back on her chair

“I guess, I could help guide you with the staff if our minds were connected Nina”

“Really? You don’t mind Jeun?”

“Yeah, there might be cases where a librarian would do this, if the person knew a location the librarian didn’t know about, or a memory that the librarians wanted to access, even to augment elemental affinities to treat the planet itself… but, I must do this for a reason Nina. You are a healer, aren’t you?”

“I’m a fighter but I specialize in supporting skills including some healings”

“Fine, Let us connect our minds and tried to heal Bright out of his status ailments”

“Oh Right!” I said

“Oh Right!” Nina also said the same thing, “Yay! That’s smart Sister, you’re so cool for doing this”

“Ah, I’m just doing this out of curiosity” she said with a satisfied smile on her face.


Jeun cleared all the books on the table and he called Nina…

“Sit on the table Nina”

“Oh ok, like this?”

“Right, oops I forgot the staff. Bright could you help and give the staff to Nina?”

So I went and took the staff from the chest, it was heavy, and I think this gem Jeun was talking about was inside the staff from tip to tip due to the heaviness and it’s like the staff was actually hollow and there’s something inside that’s moving when I picked it up, also because I didn’t see any gems attached on the outside. My interface picked up some status out of the staff though, and it said “Staff of Insight – small” and the interface also popped out an option button to “Disassemble”. Of course I didn’t and handed the staff over to Nina

“Right, now I’m going to put my hands on your back ok and let’s try to breathe in the same rhytm”

So they sat for a while in that position, slowly closing their eyes and breathed the same way. Not long after I started to see a string of smoke starting to appear and curled around Jeun’s right hand, it was heading towards Nina’s neck and curled around her head until it kind of stayed there floating and spinning around. Then there were two of them, then another two from Jeun’s left hand, and now both persons’ head starting to become like a tree where strings of smoke swirling around and dancing like birds playing around the branches of a couple of trees.

Suddenly Nina started shouting

“Hey! I can hear you!” with a loud voice…“Oh… oh sorry…” she said again while Jeun was just sitting there smiling making expressions on her face.

Seems like this linking had worked and now they were talking among each other inside their own minds.

After some time, Nina picked up the staff and opened her eyes. I was utterly surprised as her pupils were whiter than the whites of her eyes.



The sun's color has darkened and now it's time for the High Bishop to go. The people have been healed and now they are lining in front of the fence for the parting prayer. 

Benedict: Lift your hands in the air... let's pray

Father in heaven, thank you for today, thank you for your blessings thank you for your protection thank you for your rejuvination. Your servant is parting with your children, sons and daughters... please keep them safe, forgive our sins, forgive our iniquity, our stupidity, our retardation... forgive us retarded people and show us your mercy, please show us that we don't need to be at church to be peaceful, we don't need the bishops to heal each other, and we certainly didn't need to hurt each other in front of your presense like a drunken ogre. 

O father, your servant is leaving the city, as our heart worry of this town's well being your servant believe in you. My stupid brain couldn't comprehend why is this magnificent city is not a shithole filled with rats and sick people still hitting each each other while in pain, your servant also could only leave this city under your only protection oh lord. 

Blessed be the major, the doctor association, and the guild. Blessed be all of the hard working people of the city, and their family. Specially blessed be the library, give the people the privilige of a hint of desire to actually go there and pick up some books occassionally (some people started mumbling...) and stop them from torturing their innocent children for entertainment (silence again). 

With that oh father, watch our lifted hands from the sky and bring down upon us your presence, your prosperity, and your strength, again forgive our sins and drive evil away for us. Keep us connected under your wide wings safe and snug. In your name we pray...

(Together:) Yosha!


"Father Father!"

"I haven't even put my hands down yet... what!"

"The Library... the Library!"

"What?" (There were no further answers needed, the pale face of the man told a lot), "Bring the horses now!"

"Yes Father!"


“Dispel” she chanted, with the voice that echoed around the library. Her face shone bright like an explosion of light but nothing happened to me, instead Nina collapsed down on the table.

The staff flew higher to the air and shook, it stayed after a bit and right there a celestial gate just like the one I saw on the river appeared and opened up like a giant eye but vertical.

Jeun shocked with what happened tried to examine Nina quickly,

“This doesn’t suppose to happen!” She shouted

Inside I saw the glowing white cubes floating about left and right, then they noticed the celestial gate, then they saw me… I felt like, then they started to head towards us in a visibly aggressive gesture I was dreadfully familiar with.

“Jeun run!” I shouted while jumping and climbing on the celestial gate

“Take Nina and run!”

Jeun saw what I was doing, blocking the celestial gate while the cubes were attacking me from the inside. She immidiately realized what happened and pulled Nina on her back. Just when she started to walked down the stairs…

“Who dare to open the gate!”

A massive female like creature with fish scales around her body started to descent from above. Simultaneously the air started to spin, creating a mini storm inside the library that took out almost all the books off of their shelves. (On the outside it looked like a swirling dark clouds dancing with thunders striking multiple times at the building)

“Oh my Goddess!” Jeun looked at her in shock and disbelief.

“Jeun! Run!” I shouted at her again, hanging on the gate as strong as I could while the cubes were attacking me vigorously. I was tickled vigorously. The main concentration I had was to keep my body from being blown away by the wind.

The creature lifted her hand and made a gesture, the gate was closed and then vanished.

I dropped down the ground, but I picked myself up and started to run towards Jeun to help carry Nina together.

The creature watched closely and started to point at Nina… “That Girl!” she said this with such terrifying voice we couldn’t help but to froze in place.

“She, opened the Gate”

“We didn’t mean to my Goddess, we were trying to cast a dispel on him and suddenly it came to this” Jeun tried to answer with a loud but humble voice

“Hmmmm” She watched with such a displeasant look on her expression.

“Die!” Then she lifted up her hand again and started to make some kind of writings on the air.

Seeing this Jeun’s face turned even more pale and she jumped at us and pulled us down laying on the ground.

An explosion of water filled the place and filled it to the brim. The building then exploded followed with a huge burst of water, scattered everything around the air and towards the outside. The chamber was totally destroyed.

Jeun was holding on to the both of us strongly not willing to let us go. I also grabbed Nina strongly hugging her with one arm and the other arm was around Jeun’s waist. Seemed like she casted a protective spell around us. Such powerful explosion would’ve, at least, dealt us injuries if not death, but we came out like we’ve been playing underwater of a water entertainment park ride.

“Bright! Take Nina and Run, I’ll face her!”

“No Jeun we go!”

“She’ll catch all of us easily idiot!” After saying this she uttered a spell and a wind magic blew both of us towards the entrance gate of the library.

“AAAAAAAAAA!” Siren made Jeun float to the sky and she seemed like being choked on the neck by magic

“WHAT HAPPENED!? WHAT is this?!” Benedict’s guard appeared at the front gate. Soon Benedict himself ran in and saw the disastrous scene

“Oh my Goddess!!” He fell kneeling on the floor.

“She’s going to kill us, she got Jeun already”

“No! what is this, why is the Goddess angry? Why is she here!?”

“Nina!” One of the guard showed extreme concern when he saw Nina laid motionless on the floor.

“These people are hopeless” I thought to myself seeing them not doing anything but staying there in place like it’s safe there.

Quickly I grabbed Nina and ran as far as I could. My plan is to get a safe place for her body and then back to safe Jeun.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” The guard got angry and tried to stop me.

“Nardel, stay here with me!” Benedict stood while making a sign with his hand. “The wind of Sylphid” Then a huge magical circle appeared in front of him while a concentrated swirling wind formed a shape of a pair of wings. The wings flew and snatched Jeun from Siren right before she was about to ripped her neck off of her body.

Siren watched with grim furious coldness at Benedict when he did this. Before Jeun’s body was delivered Siren casted a water explosion right at the center of them, if it weren’t for the guards’ double magical barriers, their bodies would’ve scattered all over the place. Still the barriers were destroyed and their bodies flung towards the walls.

I observed Nina’s body and noticed a text box appeared “Human Corpse”, and options “Mummy” “Preserve”, “Cremate”. I was sad with the kind of sadness I couldn’t describe, with anger and tear I shook her body and observed all over trying to find something wrong with the status. I noticed with the option “Mummy” some items in my bag were glowing, with the option “Preserve” other items were glowing. I remembered Nina said that failing to use the staff will make you lose yourself or something like that, “Indeed this is a weird way of losing one’s life”. I pondered intensely while still in a hurry, I ran back in order to save Jeun somehow, somewhere at the back of my mind, I was still hopeful about Nina. 


Benedict stationed the two guards near him, activating the healing apparition. When around the apparition their wounds would be quickly healed, but the healing won't continue outside. 

Siren saw Nina and with terrifying move blasted forward. Benedict couldn't do a thing but to cast protection upon both of them. Consumed with anger, I jumped straight at Siren with fist, somehow Siren did nothing to respond, I punched her face and predictably did nothing to her. So I thought but Benedict saw something.

Benedict: Hei! keep doing that!

So I kept on jumping and punching, jumping and punching. Siren caught me and squeezed me to death. 

Clear blue skies here I am again at the meadow. 

I ran as fast as I could, the townspeople had evacuated outside the gates, seeing me running they tried to stop me but the guards said no. So I went back straight towards the library. 

Benedict appeared to cast a lot of protection and healing magic everywhere, however Siren still flung them around like they were toys. Strangely such is above expectation and Nina's body is still fine as well. 

Benedict: Hei! how did you do it, we couldn't do it?

Me: What do you mean?

Siren blasted forward at the sight of me and this is the first time I was terrified like this. She picked me up and as she about to shout into my face I punched her. 

Clear blue skies I'm back at the meadow. 

This time Benedict appeared to manage to form a formation, and there are more knights came to help. 

I saw 2 knights were bing tossed around, but from a long range Benedict kept on healing them. 

Benedict: Hei! Punch Her!

Something seems to be working when I punched her so I ran swiftly, this time covertly as she was focusing on a knight. As I reached her feet and was about to jump, Benedict casted a light magic that made her daze, I punched her face repeatedly but nothing seems to happen, she's too strong. 

Benedict: Yes! Again!

When I landed back to the ground I understood, underneath her several rare item appeared, I knew this because the names appeared to me; Siren's feather, Siren's powder, Siren's threads, and copies. One of the knight used telekinesis and gave these items to Benedict. Then I realized that Benedict used some of these items to increase his power. 

Benedict: This is amazi... 

suddenly I'm back at the meadow again. 


It appear that Siren had became frustrated at Benedict for she couldn't get to Nina at all now. When I was back I saw Benedict is now floating with electric sparks around him. 

Benedict: Goddess! Please consider us your followers, spare us from your anger

Siren lifted her hands again and casted even greater flood magic. Benedict quickly picked up Nina and floated onto the water, the guards were washed with the water, this time Jeun is around to protect everyone. 

Me: You're fine!

Jeun: Yes, now stay there I'm going to throw you forward. 

She picked me up like a baloon and started to chant agility buffs toward myself. She threw me at Siren, and this time she appeared concerned and tried to block. Sire feathers, and an very rare Item Siren's tears appeared. 

Benedict: Siren's tears!

Siren changed the weather again, the clouds gathered up in the sky forming a vortex, massive rain began to drop and thunderous noises everywhere. A tornado appear admist all of us and now we were really being punched into the walls. Before I died, I saw Nina was being picked up. 

Cloudy sky, I'm not at the meadow surprisingly. 

An Angelic figure came down from the sky and as result all of our wounds were healed. 

Angel: Benedict is that you? Wow didn't expect that its you yourself summoned me

Benedict: Oh thank God Cupid, please, please I can't anymore. 

Benedict passed out

Siren flew higher now face to face with the angel, with Nina in hand. 

Cupid: You're a realm God, I wouldn't do anything to you, but I'm summoned so that nobody is hurt.

Siren: SHUT UP

An incredible fight broke up in the sky, holy magic and weather magic wielded like weapons and buffs. This is a fight of pure elemental beings and it really looked amazing. 

The telekinesis Knight stood up and took a siren feather, he lifted his hand and snatched Nina away from Siren. 

Jeun: Nina! oh no Nina!

Cupid seemed to be frustrated already, he summoned what appears to be a shining gate in the sky and opened it, from within a loud sound of war trumpet was heard and outpours an army of baby angels. The babies hugged Siren rendering her unable to cast. She screamed eerily towards the sky and the eye like gate was opened, now the glowing cubes were out and each of them "man to man" against the baby angel, it was as if watching a TV Show's glitter effect but in 4 dimension, it was greatness. 

I saw Benedict's staff was also called "staff of insight"

I looked at Nina spontaneously, and I noticed at my peripheral a blink of notice that dissapeared instantly. I examined the staff again, and then Nina, here it goes again. I looked and there's an item on the floor called Angel's dust, but it or they were too small and too few to be seen and were dissipating. 

Oh, I taught. Heaven's luck. 

Me: Jeun!!

Jeun: Yes

Me: I may be able to try something on Nina! Throw me at the Angel

Jeun: What are you going to do

Me: Punch, 

Jeun: What?

Me: Yes...